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Ban deadly hydrogenated oils and the toxin aspartame

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If you can post this anywhere, message boards, website - please do...

but at least go sign the petition!

Thanks! 20 second process!


American Health Reform Petition Online

To Collect Ten Million Signatures To Ban Chemical Foods


The petition can be signed online at


Do you care about your health, the health of your children, grandchildren,

your family and even your friends, then get involved in doing something about


Author/columnist Lawrence Dewey and Greta Nuernberger Ferebee, a

Florida housewife have joined forces to collect at least ten million signatures


send to

Washington Senators and Representatives to force the FDA to ban chemical

additives and enstein foods from the food supply.

Ferebee started this initiative out of concern for not only her own health,

but the health of children, family, friends and all Americans. Greta comes by

her activism naturally. Her father, a prominent MD, spent years actively

fighting global pollution.

Ferebee says, " My husband's diabetic diagnosis came 10 days after my MS

diagnosis and I believe that both our illnesses were as a result of

ingesting the

same sugar free coffee drink. "

Ferebee was mailing Petitions to friends and family and standing out in

front of groceries stores collecting signatures before contacting Dewey for


Dewey has now joined forces with Ferebee in a nationwide Petition campaign

to send signatures to politicians in Washington. Dewey is lending his

support and is calling upon his readers nationwide to get involved in this


Ferebee and Dewey has setup the DoWeCare.org website. You can read about

the petition campaign at _http://www.dowecare.org_ (http://www.dowecare.org/)

The petition can be signed online at



People signing the petition must list their address, city,state, etc. to be

able to sign the petition, but none of this will display online. People

signing the petition online can select to display their signing anonymous and


their state will show.

Dewey was the first journalist to raise the warning flag to consumers

concerning the deadly health effects of hydrogenated oils in 1996 and also of


deadly toxin aspartame. With the help of over 400 plus mothers nationwide in

2000 in a letter writing campaign to Senators and the FDA, they forced the

mandatory labeling requirement of trans-fatty acids on food products that began

in 2004.

Dewey's articles on both are the most comprehensive and extensive articles

on the net about hydrogenated oils and the deadly toxin aspartame. His

articles explains what these deadly toxins in our food supply are, when they


being used, and the deadly health effects they cause from coronary heart

disease, to diabetes type II, to cancer and autoimmune diseases.

You can read more about deadly hydrogenated oils and the toxin aspartame on

Mr. Dewey's website at:

Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers


Aspartame - Sweetness or Death?


Provided are numerous references and links to research studies from Harvard

Medical Research, The Helsinky Institute and other reputable research centers

around the world. His article has been read by over 34 million readers

worldwide since 1996 and is continuously being updated.

A new documentary is in final production entitled, " Corporate InGREEDients " .

Dewey appears in the documentary and also worked with Director,

Burton of Sir Rebel Films on the documentary. Dewey was a consultant on the

documentary. The documentary will expose not only the facts and truth


how deadly hydrogenated oils are to the human body, and other toxic additives

and chemicals added to the food supply, but the greed of corporate profits by

the food industry at the expense of human health. Leading researchers were

interviewed who will disclose in detail how hydrogenated oils and other

chemical additives cause a host of diseases in the human body. Dewey says of


film, " if this doesn't wakeup people of the toxins they are putting in their

bodies which are slowly killing them - then nothing will -we have generations

of " Crisco Kids " that are slowly dieing from these toxic foods. "

You can find out more about this documentary slated to be released in

mid-2009, at _http://www.sirrebelfilms.com_ (http://www.sirrebelfilms.com/) and

which will hopefully be selected for the 2010 Sundance Film Festival.

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