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The Iodine Connection: Media Presentation in the NY Tri-State Area on 9/11

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I will be giving a media presentation on Iodine: The Perfect Storm Theory in

Ridgewood, N.J., next Thursday, the 11th. The organization is CARE, The

Cancer Awareness Research Exchange. Much new information will be covered

including compelling evidence for how breast, thyroid and prostate cancers may


connected to the man-made iodine deficiency created since the 1970s.

Learn specific ways to stop bromide dominance from blocking iodine. Learn

how to arrest and prevent fibrocystic breast disease from progressing to more

serious breast conditions. Learn about the brain-breast-thyroid connection

reported by the Iodine Investigation Project participants.

Find out what the exploding Grass Roots Iodine Movement has learned from

their first-hand experiences with the Iodine Companion Nutrients.

Finally, see before and after slides of iodine patients and learn how to get

tested for iodine deficiency. Email the event director,

_harveykunz@..._ (mailto:harveykunz@...) for more information.

Lynne Farrow

_www.breastcancerchoices.org_ (http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/)

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