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RE: Candida and Cancer was Blood Type Diet

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Mike wrote:

>Thank you Janice, Just the information I was looking for. My Dr two years did

ordered a test not from smokey mountain but from Alletess medical labs.. But I

believe he also mentioned he uses smokey mountain. He went into detail about the

leaky gut as well, so we were on the right track....I will call him to order

these test again.... You gave me a ton of great information...best to you,Mike


Great Mike, glad the info was useful. Be certain that it is " Great

Smokies Lab " that he is referring to. It probably is, but just be

certain to get the name correct. They are famous world wide for the

work they do in gut health, there are likely to be others with similiar

name riding their coattails.

And yes, those tests are expensive. *However* something I never knew

until I was " inside " is that lab tests are a huge profit center for

docs. I never knew that every time I walked in a doctor's office (when

I used to walk into the doctor's offices) and they handed me the little

cup to pee into even tho perhaps I was there because my finger

hurt.......that is a product they are " selling " and making handsome

profit from. By the time they double the cost of Great Smokies tests,

which are already expensive, it is quite costly. They just bill

insurance and nobody ever seems to care. Maybe one reason so many of

us, including myself, cannot afford so called health insurance.

I never padded the cost of the test, since I don't take insurance and

the people I work with are having to pay out of pocket I have always

worked to help them keep their costs down as much as possible. I only

charge for my time, re: consulting/counseling, and found that having the

results of the tests really saved my clients a lot of time and money as

we could go straight to the heart of the problem.

Great Smokies will have a menu of options so you can pick and chose what

tests you want run on your samples. Of course it is cheaper to get the

whole package done at the same time - digestion, pathogen, and

parasite. Or these can all be ordered as separate tests.

Like I said I have not ordered tests from them in a while, but if you

want me to check I will see if I am still in their system and what they

are charging for the tests these days. But if you have insurance that

will cover the costs, just as easy to get it from your doc, since he can

prescribe the meds for you, if you decide to go that route, and I cannot.

Oh, and GS also can do liver function/detox test, it is a salvia test if

I recall correctly. That might be of interest as well.

Warmly, Janice

PS What alternative treatments did your doc have?

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