Guest guest Posted May 15, 2009 Report Share Posted May 15, 2009 Jim you wrote : > Yes the people you quote all say that a vegan, if not completely fruititarian diet are the best, but... jim here I posted a short list of naturalist but the greatest naturalists. You wrote : Our teeth, digestive systems, and muscle tissue are not those of vegans or fruititarians. Rather, these systems are all omnivorous systems. As a matter of fact, we have the same basic muscle structure as rats, monkeys, pigs, and bears this not actually the truth, we were led to believe this by our authorities, the same ones who take care of the interests of the meats,dairies and modified food industries. In one sentence :the same authorities that promoted junk food in our school and universities and in charge of the nutritional education of our doctors and so called " dieteticians " . Should we trust them ? Anyone following theirs nutritional recommendations will get sick.. Do doctors are healthier than patients : No...they even died younger. Do doctors are happier than patients ? Not even.. SO Let s review the facts, raw facts :I will do only two column two ease the reading ; one for great ape and one for humans; Eyes ; Look Forward Look Forward the angle of vision is restrain ideal for gathering NOT for hunting Skin: Millions of pores Millions of pores We can breath and absorb micro nutrient trough our skin. Incisor teeth : Well developed Well developed Dental Formula : / Top and bottom other animals have different formulas Tongue : smooth / smooth Hands and Feet : 2 hands and feet / 2 hands and feet . Nails : flat/flat NO : Claws or hoots here Posture ; upright / upright . Not on four. Stomach : With duodenum / With duodenum. Intestinal Canal : 12 times length of body / 12 times length of body CARNIVORE Typically 3 times length of body Colon : Convoluted / Convoluted CARNIVOROUS : smooth Mammary Glands : on chest/ on chest CARNIVORE : Teats on abdomen Placenta : Discoidal / Discoidal CARNIVORE :Zonary placenta ================================================================= this is why we can't process large amount of animal protein. If you put rocket fuel in your porshe you will blow the engine :-) ================================================================= I am sorry to hear that you had a bad experience as a frugivor but we are not in fact programed to process apple sprayed with chemical 21 times !! A lot of people had this unfortunate experiences so I always recommend organic food and pure water. our closest family member, the gorilla eat some animal protein, it is true, less than 6 % for sure.he ws displaced from original habitat and pushed more and more by men toward the moumtains. Gorilla ate violence and are not prone to kill. Gorilla like Koko who had the intelligence of an 8 years old child with a vocabulary of 2000 words taught us a lot about family ties, love and compassion... Watching the video posted by on hunting perseverance i realize why our ancestors developed their anatomy as gatherer smarter than coyotes and other carnivores. You have to be pretty desperate and hungry to run for hours just to feed yourself. Who really want to run for 8 hours risking is life to catch an animal that will putrefied in few hours and bring lethal sickness ? I rather grab a fruit or collect some herbs and with time invent farming ! i don't need claws to do the job but tools. ===================================================================== Spirituality :It is curious to think that ancient Chinese Taoists or early Buddhist ( including lord Buddha) where vegetarians and as Socrate warned us of the dangers of meat consumption. we can find the same warning in Genesis. We did'nt listen and as Socrate told us our town are filled with lawyers and doctors :=) The ancients where rights.. At the age of information how many of us , knows that they can catch tuberculosis, Leukemia or non Hodgkin lymphoma from a glass of milk pasteurized or not ? All of the major plagues in human history came from animals by contact or by consumption.Think about all the last pandemics and epidemics.. i see few readers jumping but I have the evidences... :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 I disagree about your interpretation and will return to anatomy to illustrate my point . You wrote : First.....binocular stereoscopic vision is a tendency of carnivores, not herbivores. Eyes First....I was referring to the difference in peripheral vision as an example . The difference between a carnivorous with a more developed wild angle vision and our more limited angle . Another difference is night vision more accurate for carnivorous and essential for hunting. Binocular stereoscopic vision is a tendency not specific for carnivorous, as human we needs also to have a good depth perception, and to judge distances nicely. The human ability in stereoscopic vision is closely related to their fine manipulation skills and their ability to grab very small objects, seeds or berries. We had this ability way before the invention of the axe or any weapon.therefore we were gatherer before we were hunter.. Second... You said. human skin is set for temperature function . you cant limit our greatest organ as this sole function.Our skin with its pores have multiple function including but not limited to, protection, sensation, temperature regulation,communication.synthesis of vitamin D, protection of vitamin B folates, absorption of UV. In addition, medicine vitamin or minerals can be administered through the skin. Third .. you wrote : " Flat nails...these are helpful in manual dexterity. Manual dexterity is important in the manufacture of hunting tools. " Tools and weapons came later in human evolution so i don't see any relation. we created tool because we had the ability. Fourth ... you said " chimps and gorillas being knuckle walkers.' here we start to go in evolutionist speculation. Both stand and walk on two feet . Humans are able to keep their weight over their feet while walking because their femurs converge toward the knees forming a carrying angle of approximately 9 degrees with the tibia . The difference between men and gorilla is a mere 9 degrees. Bipedality is just one point more that we have with gorilla. Fifth ...Upright posture also frees up the hands to be able to climb trees for security and to collect food. Big fruits and medium size are mostly in trees :-) Mike, here a link with one of the best article I ever read on the subject; it is excellent and bring interesting points like PH and enzyme, stomach capacity and so on. We are not omnivore as you will see: By the way I think that man early in history had discovered how to trap fish . So I eat small fish and raw eggs that were so easy to catch without weapons for millions of years..way before weapons and fire. What do you think ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 17, 2009 Report Share Posted May 17, 2009 I have nothing astounding to add to this arguement except to say that I am also a vegetarian anthropologist. Well, at least my degree was in anthropology, and that doesn't really count for much in the real world. What I can tell you is that evolution is amazing and a great deal of fun to study. But it is all theory, which is why we can manipulate the information any way we want. The TRUTH is that we are all different and recognize the need for a balanced diet - but what diet is the right diet for each of us? I cured myself of many diseases when I stopped eating meat. But I still got cancer, so there is still something wrong. My cancer might be because of an environmental situation, or a genetic situation, that makes diet not very useful against it. Who really knows? No one here, that's for sure. Someone who is a strong believer in meat eating, is going to manipulate evolution theory and diet theory to support their claims. And the same for the vegetarians. And goodness knows I've seen a lot of the raw food gurus manipulate information to serve their agenda as well. Who do you trust? Yourself. But understand that what you deam the truth is only the truth for YOU. There is no one truth for everyone. Now, I'm off to try to figure out how I can afford the supplements I need to not get cancer again, while having been laid-off and having no income coming in. THAT's scary. ar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 17, 2009 Report Share Posted May 17, 2009 Mike Golden, you do write with such authority. I am saving everything you write in a special file... when I publish your book I'll split the proceeds with you. Your diet is especially interesting and I'm tempted to follow it just on your example. But I have one more question, would you mind listing the supplements that you take also? My biggest worry is this: I read here and there about all these things that are good for you... alpha lipoic acid, hyalauronic acid, silymarin, msm, etc... I have a whole shelf of supplements that I have bought on the recommendation of these web sites that mention some disorder or deficiency that I can identify with. The question I have is one nobody has yet addressed: If we do take all these supplements, with or without the daily multivitamin, can this be handled by one's liver? All these things have to go through the stomach, then finally the liver to filter... I can imagine the poor thing just giving up with this assault of things it isn't used to processing. Even Suzanne Sommers of bio-identical hormone fame takes about 60 different supplements daily. So does Perricone, author of The Wrinkle Cure, etc. Is this really healthy? Mike... your comments? Marji **************A strong credit score is 700 or above. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps! (\ & hmpgID=115 & bcd=Maystrongfooter51709NO115) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 18, 2009 Report Share Posted May 18, 2009 > We used to line up and she would > squirt a vile tasting cod liver oil based multiple into or mouths then > give each of us a gumball as a reward. My mum tried this with me once. The smell of the cod liver oil bothered me so bad, I told her it would make me sick if she gave it to me. She said that was nonsense. She gave it to me anyway-whereupon I promptly threw up on her. Poor mum! I occasionally (couple of times a week) take a Sutherlandia OPC > capsule. We have a lot of it left since my wife refused to continue > taking it. If it is not too personal, would you say why your wife stopped taking it? I hear it is a very good supplement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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