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Getting closer to how to deal with cancer

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Just more of the same " cancer industry talk " that we have heard for over 40

years. More *needed* studies, hundreds of thousands of dollars, five, ten

or more years and we will have the info we need. The reason this type of

article is released is so people will continue to be spurred-on to empty

their pockets for " the cure " , " the cause " , " the race " , etc. It's the

proverbial " dangling of the carrot " and we continue to bite.

Need more money + Need more Years of Research = Promised Cure. Right? Not!

If we don't learn from the past, we are destined to repeat it.

Most cancers are not genetic; however, if they can " prove " (by their

standards, of course) that cancers are genetic then it puts more money in

their pockets and conveniently gives conventional medicine total control

since there will be absolutely nothing a person can do for

themselves....only drugs will work! It takes the responsibility for one's

health off of their shoulders so they can now blame " genetics. "

Dr A. Weinberg of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of

the world's leading cancer researchers and discoverer of the so-called

oncogene (cancer-causing gene), reversed his previous conclusions after

discovering that " fewer than one DNA base in a million appears to have been

miscopied " . It's not enough of a defect! His exact words: " Something was

very wrong. The notion that a cancer developed through the successive

activation of a series of oncogenes had lost its link to reality. " He called

the genetic discoveries made thus far " sterile " .6 The prime cause of cancer

is therefore not genetic. This was announced in 1998. Did you hear about it?

Probably not.

More recent. In 2005, the heads of the world's largest cancer research

center in Houston, Texas, announced that cancer's prime cause is not

genetic. Dr. Mendelsohn, president of M.D. Cancer Center,

stated: " Any claims that this [genetic research] is going to be the key to

curing cancer are not appropriate. " * However, the positive side to this

announcement is that even if cancer apparently " runs in your family, " there

is real hope, since cancer has nothing to do with genes. (*Berger E. Cancer:

looking beyond mutations. Houston Chronicle. June 27, 2005:1.)

Have things really changed in just four short years (especially from an

industry who has been " on the watch " for over 40 years) or have they

purposefully waited to bring this up again, hoping no one would remember

these quotes? Could we possibly be going backwards while being made to

believe, through the media and medical/drug marketing, that we are going

forward? OR, are we being made to think this costly and timely research

will finally get us on top....only to realize much later (40 more years??)

that we have been upside down all along.


We HOPE, we PRAY, we RUN, we WALK, we SELL.....we do anything and everything

for a CURE for a disease that soon will touch 1 in 2 people during their

lifetime; yet, even the industry itself tells us that most current treatment

(again, treatment that we are told is innovative and hi-tech) is palliative.

What no one seems to be able to do is to HOLD ACCOUNTABLE this " industry "

that has collected billions of dollars under the promise of finding a cure.

How long must we continue to bang our head against a wall that is taking us

no where?

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm tired of reading and hearing about

promises that are basically dead-end streets. I'm tired of pink ribbons,

races, walks, etc. I'm tired of people who know nothing about what they

speak insinuating that alternative and natural medicine is nothing more than

quackery and that conventional cancer treatment is a " walk in the park. "

I'm tired of egotistical doctors, organizations and societies stealing

money, not being truthful and not being held accountable. I'm tired of THE

TRUTH being made to look like A LIE by a profession that has turned its back

on the oath " first...to do no harm. " But most of all I'm tired of the

belief system that says all people die because of the CANCER and not because

of the TOXIC TREATMENT.....thus not holding this industry REPONSIBLE &

ACCOUNTABLE for its LAB RAT practices on every cancer patient that seeks

help from them.

Some things to think about.

Be Well


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is

violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. --Arthur

Schopenhauer--German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

-----Original Message-----

Getting closer:


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