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Need a working brain on this decision.

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I'm trying to work out what to do next, but I think my brain is either

rebelling because there is arithmetic involved, or is rebelling full stop.

I'm coming to the end of a bottle of Cayce/Hoxsey mix from Apothecaryco via

Magnascent. Both DH and I feel things " happening " to our suspect sites. I

am wondering whether to just order more from the US, or look at some

products available here in Australia.

To date: DH had a Squamous Cell Carcinoma on his back, treated with Cansema

paste containing DMSO. This came off successfully. The paste has been

reapplied from time to time on small areas which come up on the periphery of

the original scar. It has only ever itched, and the paste was reapplied the

other day on small bumps on the periphery after noticable itching, possibly

brought about by the Hoxsey mix causing changes? Or could it be coming from

something further down? Brother of DH some years back informed siblings

that his advisors wanted him to let them know they should be investigated,

as he had polyps on his intestines, which are routinely burnt off as they

reappear. DH's investigation inconclusive, " could not be visualised " - he

wasn't going back for more of the same!

Self: calcification seen on R breast some years ago on mammogram. Free

mammogram in mobile van is available, so no health fund rebate for private

mammogram. Private one reported on calcification, " free " one will only

report on actual cancer visualised. I no longer go for mammograms. Thermal

imaging a couple of years ago indicated heat on both breasts, more so on the

right. Nothing found on GP palpation; only alternative offered to mammos

acceptable to me is vastly expensive and in any case if they found something

I wouldn't be going for slash and burn, so might as well treat as

preventative, I feel, " just in case " . Stabbing sensations felt from time to

time increased lately since Cayce/Hoxey mix, and on right a new spot

" stabbed " closer to an area of lipoma under right arm.

Because of my confidence in Cansema, I have for some time felt inclined to

try that topically, using extra DMSO to penetrate to any tissue sensitive to

it. My reading indicates that if it " finds " something, I could be in for

some pain. In the meantime, I have been taking Magnascent for two or three

months (more energy now) and the Cayce/Hoxey mix which contains very strong

fluid extracts of Poke root, Burdock root, Stillingia root, Yellow Dock

root, and Wild Cherry bark as well as energized iodine, which I take anyway

in the form of 2% magnascent iodine. I have also done some weeks of

Paragone antiparasitic herbs, as has DH. I mean shortly to continue taking

a discontinued kidney herbal cleanse liquid (PPC herbs herbal Fluid Plex

containing parsley leaf, gravel root, Hydrangea root, Hydrangea arborescens,

Marshmallow root, bearberry leaf, ginger root, golden rod herb and

glycerol), followed by liver cleanse herbal liquid (same brand Liverplex

containing dandelion root, turmeric, gravel root, mullein leaf, black

walnut, marshmallow root, Liquorice and wild yam roots, St 's thistle

and skullcap leaf.) Also I propose then getting appropriate follow-up

rebuilding products from a local naturopath.

To support the topical cansema, I want to take something appropriate

internally. These are the ones I have been looking at:

http://www.magnascent.com/Products.htm very strong fluid extracts of Poke

root, Burdock root, Stillingia root, Yellow Dock root, and Wild Cherry bark,

AND includes our " Energized Iodine " by Apothecaryco 8 US fl oz (237

ml)http://www.apothecaryco.com/ (This is the one I have now and have

nearly finished. ($US50) Approx 95 doses of half a teaspoonful (5 ml)

This is a liquid I had in mind obtaining before I got the above mix:

http://store.bevanpotter.com/830.html Graviola, Andrographis paniculata,

Pau D arco, Neem, Chaparral, Aloe Vera. It's $88 Aus for 100 grams - a

small bottle. I can't believe my arithmetic on the dose for an animal my

size. (570 drops per day, 11 tablesp???) 3 drops of Tonic for every pound

of body weight, or roughly 6 drops per kilogram - daily, more than the

bottle holds. I already take Aloe Vera, and I have Pau d'Arco herb in the


http://store.bevanpotter.com/825.html Chaparral, Graviola, Rhubarb,

Burdock , Buckthorn, Red Clover, Purple Lapacho, Zinc Glutomate, Aloe Vera.

($99 Aus for 100 g). This one is suggested if the other one doesn't do the

job. I can't believe my arithmetic on the dose for an animal my size. one

drop daily of Tonic III per pound of body weight, or roughly one-third the

dosage level of Tonic I. ( I have Red Clover and Burdock root loose at home)


Centreforce Herbal Capsules Ingredients: Graviola, Rhubarb, Paw D arco,

Sweet Annie, Beetroot, Guava, Rosehip, Chaparral, Sheep Sorrel, Zinc

Glutomate. 60 for $88; dose 1 capsule twice a day for an animal the size of

a human. I only have two of the above ingredients in my kitchen.

Is anyone familiar with the various herbs mentioned to the point of knowing

whether their efficacy is likely to be greater than the mix I'm taking and

so worth the much higher price? Are they likely to do the job so quickly

that one won't need more bottles of it? Can anyone see what I am missing?

Also, I have a couple of bottles of Noni Juice from an age back that I think

I had better use up.

I'm simply not likely to take the reams of stuff in the archived volunteer

writeups. Anyway, I am hoping that I am coming in pretty early on this one.

My brain will only cope with so much protocol. I also have some Breuss

herbal tea that I prepare occasionally. Also, a mix of my own of a variety

of herbs.

I have an FIR sauna. I take Himalayan brine in my water. I use coconut oil.

I mean to get more colloidal minerals. I make and forget to take colloidal


Tell me what I need to know!! Thanks -


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