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Thanks to chaos theory is possible to prevent cancer from our birth

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Dear all,

I never though that my passion for chaos theory lead me to know one of the most

important genious of last century.

He is a doctor, Stagnaro, 76 years old, with a great experience and 50

years of research alone, he applied chaos theory (very interesting the

application of fractal dimension) to medicine, biology and diagnosstic of

deseases. What he discovered is extremely important for the health of everybody,

so I decided to write a book together to disseminate the meaning of chaos

theory, and mostly his research connected very much with causal interpretation

of quantum by Bohm.

So he explain the importance of his creation:

" 20.09.2008 - Importance of Knowing Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics.

Notoriously, from the epistemiological viewpoint, a physical-semeiotic theory

for being accepted from world-wide medical class must necessarily be more valid,

giving a larger number of information than the previous one, that, among others

considerations, has exceeded many controls in the course of the time (1-10). In

following, some among the main reasons that justify the necessity and the

usefullness of the acquaintance of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics by doctors,

are illustrated (11-21).

1) Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics allows doctors to bedside recognize in one

second Oncological Terrain, even " latent " or " residual " (1), otherwise

difficult to be diagnosed, conditio sine qua non of the malignant tumors, both

solid and liquid. The acquaintance of this predisposition to malignancy,

genetically directed and transmitted generally by the mother, renders the

selection of the subjects with oncological terrain possible and, moreover, it

facilitates bedside recognizing the real location of their risk, estimated in a

" quantitative " way, base of cancer primary prevention, in " all " individuals

predisposed to this pathology. Fortunately, the individuals can nowadais be

selected and enlisted in a rational way, avoiding useless and expensive

examinations in about 65 % of all cases, always conduct partially and not

adequately, ending in enormous expenses for the SSN, and causing serious and

avoidable worries for those who are free from oncological terrain, and obtaining

very poor results (2).


Interestingly, since November 2007, I have applied Quantum Biophysical

Semeiotics in the study of biological systems (11-21).

On the contrary, slow or rapid appearing of regular, and predictable microvessel

fluctuations shows a typical pathological disorder, chronic and respectively

acute. In a 52-year-long clinical experience this original evaluation proved to

be a usefull and reliable tool in bed-side diagnosis, prevention, therapeutic

monitoring and research. "

to know much more in detail visit his website:

http://www.semeioticabiofisica.it (available in english version too)

Kind regards,


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