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Moss: Rife Revisited?

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Cancer Decisions® - Rife Revisited?


From: subscribe@...(Cancer Decisions News Staff)

Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009, 10:16am (CDT+5)

#398 :  Free Weekly Newsletter by Ralph W. Moss, PhD. July 5, 2009


Will scientists someday be able to 'dial up' an electromagnetic

treatment for some people's cancer? Possibly, according to scientists at

eight laboratories in five countries, who published an interesting

article recently in the Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research


To read this week's newsletter, please click here.

(Or visit http://www.cancerdecisions.com and click on the title link on

the top, right-hand side of the page under " Featured Articles " .)

To check out Ralph's latest Current Topic report, Cancer, Enzymes and

Trophoblasts: The Legacy of Beard, DSc. (click here)

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The problem with Rife is we don't know exactly how and why it works.  Restoring

this! Supporting that! Balancing ions in some way!......, etc.


What we do know is that all cell membranes have charge differences inside and

outside of the membrane. That this is called polarity. This sets up electron



Oxygen does not enter cells very easily if there are negative ions or negative

polarity inside the cell.


No brainer here it would seem. Oxygen is negatively charged, similar charges

repel, opposites attract.


Oxygen enters cells faster, easier if there are more abundant possitively

charged ions.


So, my theory is that rife moves electrons and anions out of the cell, leaving

heavier possitive ions inside the cell. Possitive ions attract oxygen through

the membrane and restore normal glucose metabolism and cell devision. Higher ph

results from less CO2 and less lactic acid,(bi products of bad glucose



Now it might be a toll against organisms that prefer higher acidity and lower



However, without testing and knowing exactly what Rife's mechanism of action is,

we don't know how to augment it, to improve it's efficacy.


  Furthermore, it's not that easy to afford, ship, assemble and use correctly. 

Now, I am not knocking Rife, just wondering if we can achieve that same type of

therapy using heavy metalic salts, oxygen donors, etc.

There are so many theories on how Rife works that I personally feel

uncomfortable recommending it to persons battling cancer.


I like interventions that don't break me and I can institute immediately.





Cancer Decisions® - Rife Revisited?

http://www.cancerde cisions.com/ content/view/ 218/2/lang, english/

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