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My tumors haven't grown but nor have they shrunk

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Well, there is good news that the tumors haven't grown according to

preliminary medical reports; however, none of the four tumors have

shrunk. So, basically I am not getting better, but I am simply in

a " holding pattern. " To say I am disappointed would be an

understatement. Just as Jim McElroy is worried about his condition,

so am I worried about mine.

I do have great hope in the ozone. Because of our bad snow storms

here in December and early January, my ozone protocol got delayed due

to the hang-ups in the delivery services. I also had the wrong

regulator and oxygen tank and had to order this from Texas, which

took forever, due to backlogs from the snow storms. So, I haven't

technically even gotten into the ozone yet as I have now FINALLY

gotten almost everything I need, though I am still missing a few

parts for the ozone nebulizer and the ozone sauna, but I can make it

work I hope.

I will be flying out of state this coming week-end to have a pic line

put in for ozone treatments and possibly sodium bi-carbonate. My

alternative M.D. is starting I.V. mistletoe next week.

I am disappointed that none of the tumors have shrunk, but the news

could have been worse. I remember back in 1994/95 when my tumors GREW

30% on chemo, then completely disappeared after switching to Taxol

and going on a thousand different herbs ( I had intially been very

careful not to " let " the herbs interfere with the chemo). I went for

broke. It took only six weeks for the tumors to disappear. They were


So, I am going to bascially go back to what I did in 1994/95 since

that seemed to work. I am going to focus on more of the Yew tea

('s Anti-Cancer Tea), raw foods, sprouting, wheatgrass and now

include up to a gallon of a combination carrot juice daily. In the

books and protocol of Young and Cousens, they tell you to avoid

carrots and beets initially. Seems that since I was the one who

mostly got myself cured before, I should let ME BE THE EXPERT ON MY

OWN BODY. The carrot juice has sugar and phytoestrogens yes, but if

it worked before, why not know. The carrot juice is the one thing I

have not done this time around. I had 24 ounces this evening plus 4

ounces of wheatgrass.

I am going to keep doing the infrared lamp sauna. I just got my ozone

steam sauna finally put together and started using that today even

though I can't find the long cord for the ozone connection and hope

it doesn't kill me by breathing too much ozone (I am putting a towel

around my neck to prevent me from inhaling too much into my nostrils

and leaving the back door open in my studio clinic, (it is freezing

outside!). Figuring out the mechanics and workings of the ozone and

has been a bit daunting, but I am now working with a naturopath out-

of-state who will guide me in the use of ozone. I decided against

self-injection I.V. ozone with butterfly needles as there can be some

complications from collapsed veins and missing the vein, which could

pool the blood under the skin next to the vein. With a pic line, the

ozone can be injected into the port, using a regulator which controls

the amount of the ozone at 1cc per minute for a maxium of 60cc per


Though I don't want to lose any more weight, it may be unavoidable as

I am beginning a 60 day cleanse program, which incorporates 3-4 books

on body and organ cleansing. I have heard you shouldn't eat too much

protein as cancer feeds on that as well, and so the nuts and avocados

have to be kept to a minimum, the only things that are really

fattening raw foods.

I will be hitting it hard for the next

60 days. I am cancelling all engagements and making no plans except

now to save my life. No visitors or guests, no dinner parties, no

going out to eat, etc. FULLTIME hiking, working out in the gym, sauna

therapy (infrared lamp and steam sauna), 100% raw foods, 28 day

cleanse from a combination of the " Complete Cancer Cleanse, " Dr.

O. Young's " Sick and Tired, " Dr. Schulze (www.herbdoc.com) and

Dr. (http://www.drfostersessentials.com/store/index.php). It

is my understanding that Dr. had her protocol first before Dr.

Schulze and he " borrowed " her ideas, but then Dr.

was the master herbalist of all. I have committed to doing 100% raw

foods for one year.

I know that in 1994/95 I was unrelenting in my approach. I have to

get harder edged about this and allow NOTHING to interfere with my

protocol. I am bracing for another snow storm(s) and arranged my work

schedule so that I will have 4 1/2 days off instead of 3 1/2. I just

know that sometimes it takes a while for cancer to respond. Though it

is an ominous sign that everything I have thrown at it hasn't reduced

the tumors, at least they haven't grown. But now the crucial

discipline is a matter of life-and-death.

Good luck to all out there who's tumors haven't shrunk. Change what

you are doing, mix up the cancer, throw it off, delete some of the

weaker items in your protocol, add more intense ones that

specifically shrink tumors like bloodroot, chapparral, cat's claw.


I also haven't gotten my prescription for my LDN and called my

alternative M.D. and read her the riot act. She is out-of-town on

vacation until the end of the month. When I left her a message

yesterday, she got right back to me and is having her nurse

practitioner prescribe it to me tomorrow and is also injecting me

with I.V. mistletoe.



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I know a man that drank carrot juice along with parsley, spinach or any type of


He had colon cancer. He's 78 years old now and going strong! This was over 25

years ago. So yes, the carrot juice does work. He doesn't eat any meats, uses

lots of herbs along with the juices.

I love your attitude!


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