Guest guest Posted June 13, 2009 Report Share Posted June 13, 2009 Jim, You have nothing to apologize for. I find your posts funny and enjoyable. I'm just so sorry that you are in so much pain, and I have nothing to suggest. I am allergic to cottage cheese, so Budwig was tough for me. I switched to yogurt, but still had trouble with it. All my love. ar -- Arlyn Grant arlynsg@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 13, 2009 Report Share Posted June 13, 2009 Hi Jim, I'm sorry that you're so much worse. It's thoughtful of you to apologize. It's also a good release of emotions which is healthy for anyone. So, although we are all saying that it isn't necessary, I will also say, 'Thank you.' I hope that I can offer something that might help you. I'm not suggesting that these ideas will make eating pain-free, but it may be less painful so that you can get some cancer-fighting nutrition into your system and become stronger. You mentioned that " mets in the menasis " could be causing pain, but I can't figure out what 'menasis' refers to. I wonder if your gall bladder is involved. If the gall bladder is not working correctly, it can cause pain when trying to digest foods, especially oil or fats. That would explain why the FOCC would cause you more pain than usual. Although as mentioned, it could be allergy or sensitivity to the cheese. Whatever the underlying problem might be, below are some suggestions. I don't know whether you would consider doing an enema, but Dr. Budwig gave a flax oil enema with about two cups of oil [no cc] at room temp that the patient held in for a few minutes. This allowed the oil to go into various parts of the body through the blood vessels in the rectum. It would be best to empty the rectum with a warm water enema first if needed. For enema instructions, click here. Below is some information from Dr. Budwig's writings for you to consider. She explained the following regarding foods for those with digestive problems. She wrote: " In liver and gall bladder disease we first only gave (ground) flaxseeds, for several days besides the regular diet. Only after a few days did we begin with the actual Oil/Protein Diet, for instance with 1 tablespoon quark (or CC) mixed with 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil. We then gradually increased the amount depending on the severity of the case and on tolerance. " I'm not suggesting that you consume the FOCC if you prefer not to, I included this statement so that you can see that she began with only flax seeds and later only a very small amount of oil and CC for those with digestive problems. The flax seeds alone can help fight cancer. In her last book in 1999, Cancer - The Problem and the Solution, she listed the following foods for the very ill who have trouble digesting. 1] Oatmeal 'soup' with freshly ground flax seeds, 3x/day or as often as needed. [start with a small amount of seeds] 2] Freshly pressed carrot juice at mid-morning. 3] Herbal or green warm teas 3x a day, sweetened only with a little honey. Oatmeal recipes #157 and #162 from Dr. Budwig's cookbook: 1 cup [8 ounces or 250c] water 3 tblsp natural oat flakes 3 tblsp freshly ground flaxseeds [use fewer seeds to start] " Put oats into cold water and bring to a boil. Add ground flax seeds and bring to quick boil, then let stand for 10 minutes to let it swell. Pass the whole mass through a sieve. This gruel is very healthy...and can be combined with a little milk. It is also valuable for regulating digestion. " Vary this recipe by adding pure orange, grape, blueberry or cherry juices. ------------------------------ Jim, besides the information above, I would suggest using Essiac tea, the original high-quality tea, which by itself is said to strongly work against cancer. Many people in the FlaxSeedOil2 group believe it helped them. Also, you might want to read about the gall bladder. Maybe your gall bladder contains stones that are blocking the bile needed for digestion. You could review this website. Warm soups are sometimes easier to digest because the heat does some of the softening and 'digesting' for you. Homemade soups that are full of fresh vegetables would be a good addition to the above information. They are recommended by Dr. Budwig as part of her diet. I make an easy one that takes only a few minutes of preparation time and is full of healthful foods. For one or two servings, I start by bringing to boil two or three cups of water. I add 2 or 3 Tbs. brown rice, millet or quinoa and let it boil for about 10 or 15 minutes, then I add cancer-fighting vegetables such as broccoli [chopped] and grated carrots [when grated they cook faster], diced yellow onion and the spice, turmeric, plus some tomato paste and already cooked kidney or black beans. Let it all boil gently for about 8-10 more minutes. Dish it up and add some sea salt and fresh squeezed lemon juice for more flavor. If digestion of this soup is painful, try putting it in the blender after it's made so that it is pureed. BTW, turmeric spice is a strong cancer fighter. You can also add fresh parsley which is highly nutritious. By starting off with some of these ideas, you may be able to quickly build some strength and healthful nutrition. The flax oil also can boost the mood by calming the nervous system. Wishing you better days ahead, " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote: > > I've been going down fast in the last two months. I can't eat, in fact I don't want to eat because it hurts so bad after I eat. Supplements hurt worse than normal food. > > I got a CT scan. It showed no mets to liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, stomach, or intestines. It did show a possible tumor in the left adrenal gland. It did show multiple mets in the menasis (sp?). The doctor said that this is probably what is causing the pain in the guts because it is cutting off the blood supply to the guts. > > I am so afraid. ANd I have no idea what to do. My whole battle plan that worked for a year is now useless because I can't get any food or supplements down. > > I would gladly try straight Budwig for awhile, but FO/CC hurts the worst of any food I eat. I am in agony after eating it. I am so sorry, (Budwig moderator) for picking fights with you in the past over supplements / no supplements regarding Budwig. But for some reason, the FO/CC hurts really bad after eating it for me -- probably a rare allergic reaction of some kind. > > Please forgive me, all, for any arguments I have caused or propogated in this newsgroup over the last year. > I need all of your love, help, and support more than ever. Without it, I'm sure I only have a couple of months, if that. Please help, if you can. > I am going to cross-post this in the oleander newsgroup. I hope you don't mind. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 13, 2009 Report Share Posted June 13, 2009 Hello jrrjim, Was it perhaps the " mesentary " where you may have mets? Mike Saturday, June 13, 2009, 10:53:15 AM, you wrote: j> I got a CT scan. It showed no mets to liver, kidneys, spleen, j> lungs, stomach, or intestines. It did show a possible tumor in the j> left adrenal gland. It did show multiple mets in the menasis j> (sp?). The doctor said that this is probably what is causing the j> pain in the guts because it is cutting off the blood supply to the guts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 13, 2009 Report Share Posted June 13, 2009 Jan, Â Jim can't take LDN. He posted this a few weeks ago. It conflicts with the Vicodin he is on. Â Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 13, 2009 Report Share Posted June 13, 2009 Dear Jim, Â My heart is heavy with the news of your recurrence. I can not imagine the fear and suffering you are going thru. I have thought about you all day long and re-read your message to the group. I was at work today so couldn't respond any sooner. Â had some good points---excellent actually---and these are some of the same things I was thinking today. Juicing organic green vegetables with some carrot and green apple and ginger. Colonics certainly!! Â I had the thought of hopping on a plane and coming to see you. I have a leftover plane ticket worth $175 that I am willing to donate to you if you need to fly anywhere. It is with Southwest Airlines. Please let me know if you could use this. It flys the lower 50 states. Â I actually had to go to bed and curl up in a little ball thinking about you. I took a " nap " at work, but was instead thinking the whole time about you. You are well loved on this site. You have been an inspiration to all of us and your hard questions blazed the path for many of us who are facing similiar serious cancer diagnosis. Â As I told you before, you have fought this battle courageously. Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to turn fear into action. No one has shown us a better example then you, Jim. Â We love you and support you in anyway we can. Our hearts go out to you, your wife and your children. Â God Bless you, Â Dorr Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2009 Report Share Posted June 14, 2009 Jim, My sentiments are the same as 's and others. I sent you a private e mail. I didn't mention the enemas, but that is a good idea. You can use many things besides flax oil in the form of enema to get nutrients. The place where I get my enema equipment is Optimal Health Network. I think they are in Wisconsin. They have a forum as well as e can answer your questions. I do hope that you have someone (can't remember if you are married) that can assist with some of these ideas in getting well. from Seattle > > Dear Jim, > Â > My heart is heavy with the news of your recurrence. I can not imagine the fear and suffering you are going thru. I have thought about you all day long and re-read your message to the group. I was at work today so couldn't respond any sooner. > Â > had some good points---excellent actually---and these are some of the same things I was thinking today. Juicing organic green vegetables with some carrot and green apple and ginger. Colonics certainly!! > Â > I had the thought of hopping on a plane and coming to see you. I have a leftover plane ticket worth $175 that I am willing to donate to you if you need to fly anywhere. It is with Southwest Airlines. Please let me know if you could use this. It flys the lower 50 states. > Â > I actually had to go to bed and curl up in a little ball thinking about you. I took a " nap " at work, but was instead thinking the whole time about you. You are well loved on this site. You have been an inspiration to all of us and your hard questions blazed the path for many of us who are facing similiar serious cancer diagnosis. > Â > As I told you before, you have fought this battle courageously. Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to turn fear into action. No one has shown us a better example then you, Jim. > Â > We love you and support you in anyway we can. Our hearts go out to you, your wife and your children. > Â > God Bless you, > Â > Dorr > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2009 Report Share Posted June 14, 2009 I cannot take LDN while on any opiate-based pain medications. > > > From: jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@...> > Subject: [ ] Help, please > > Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 11:53 AM > > > > > > > > > I've been going down fast in the last two months. I can't eat, in fact I don't want to eat because it hurts so bad after I eat. Supplements hurt worse than normal food. > > I got a CT scan. It showed no mets to liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, stomach, or intestines. It did show a possible tumor in the left adrenal gland. It did show multiple mets in the menasis (sp?). The doctor said that this is probably what is causing the pain in the guts because it is cutting off the blood supply to the guts. > > I am so afraid. ANd I have no idea what to do. My whole battle plan that worked for a year is now useless because I can't get any food or supplements down. > > I would gladly try straight Budwig for awhile, but FO/CC hurts the worst of any food I eat. I am in agony after eating it. I am so sorry, (Budwig moderator) for picking fights with you in the past over supplements / no supplements regarding Budwig. But for some reason, the FO/CC hurts really bad after eating it for me -- probably a rare allergic reaction of some kind. > > Please forgive me, all, for any arguments I have caused or propogated in this newsgroup over the last year. > > I need all of your love, help, and support more than ever. Without it, I'm sure I only have a couple of months, if that. Please help, if you can. > > I am going to cross-post this in the oleander newsgroup. I hope you don't mind. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2009 Report Share Posted June 14, 2009 Yes, mesantary. Thanks Mike > > > > j> I got a CT scan. It showed no mets to liver, kidneys, spleen, > j> lungs, stomach, or intestines. It did show a possible tumor in the > j> left adrenal gland. It did show multiple mets in the menasis > j> (sp?). The doctor said that this is probably what is causing the > j> pain in the guts because it is cutting off the blood supply to the guts. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2009 Report Share Posted June 14, 2009 The naturopaths do not want to do colon therapy on me because I have an illeostomy and they are afraid the high pressure of the high colonics might cause damage. > > HI JIM, > WHERE DO YOU LIVE? MAY BE I CAN HELP YOU FIND AN ALTERNATIVE CANCER CLINIC IN THE US AROUND YOUR AREA. I HAVE LEARNED THAT ALL DISEASES COME FROM THE COLON AND IF YOU DO 15 COLONICS IN 1 MONTH AND YOU DETOXIFY ALL OF THE ORGANS AND GET OXYGEN THERAPY AND IV THERAPY AND CHANGE YOUR DIET, YOU'LL HAVE A GOOD CHANCE TO GET CURED > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2009 Report Share Posted June 14, 2009 Dear Jim, I am so sorry and I am praying that you are able to turn this back around and feel better once again. May you be led to the exact path of what to do for your healing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2009 Report Share Posted June 14, 2009 - if there are mets in mesentery, I would ask if these tumors can be quickly ablated with gamma knife.... karla - In , " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote: > > Yes, mesantary. Thanks Mike > > > > > > > > > > j> I got a CT scan. It showed no mets to liver, kidneys, spleen, > > j> lungs, stomach, or intestines. It did show a possible tumor in the > > j> left adrenal gland. It did show multiple mets in the menasis > > j> (sp?). The doctor said that this is probably what is causing the > > j> pain in the guts because it is cutting off the blood supply to the guts. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 Hi Jim, I'm new to the group and not familiar with your current diet plan. How is your veggie intake? Can you take and keep down smoothies? While i'm not a big fan of colonics (a bit extreme for the system), I am a HUGE FAN of detoxing one's system. first of all, the green smoothies I twice daily make are not the most flavorful, but the nutritional density/profile is high. you can use these sites: and are good sources to look up the details of the ingredients you put in your smoothies. The green smoothies are characterized as having high antioxidants, high anti-inflammatory ratings, high nutrient density, and help super hydrate your system naturally flushing out your system and flooding it with rich nutrients to nourish the body. What isn't used will just be flushed out of your system. I choose at least 3 different types of dark greens and include a few other colors (orange, red, yellow) veggies to throw into the mix. here we go: 3-4 large collards leaves 2-3 large swiss chard leaves 10-12 sprigs of italian parsley kale 2 large carrots 1/3 root of beet, leaves/stems of beets (5-6 stems); 16oz water 16oz cup ice 1 large banana 1/2 med. lemon the idea is to put together as much as one would eat for a meal if the ingredients were to be cooked/prepared to eat whole. THAT is the common-sense approach i take to determine quantity required to create my smoothies. I tend to put higher ratio of greens to other ingredients in general since they have higher nutrient value per the sites referenced above. put water and carrots/parsley in first and blend to pulp,, then add chopped veggies one at a time and blend til smoothe. i add the lemon and follow up w/banana last AFTER the cup of ice. the above typically makes about 48oz of smoothie (more or less). might not taste great... but i prefer function over form (taste) when it comes to my concoctions. if this is all you ingest over the next 10 days as a meal replacement (basically a liquid diet), your body will begin to absorb the nutrients of these smoothies and push out all the crap in your system (toxins, drugs, etc) leaving your system more ready to take in the " good stuff. " the idea in my understanding /layterms is to follow the principals of " we become what we consume " and " what goes in, must come out (or manifest) " following these principals, the objective is to innundate your system with nothing but " natural, live, fresh nourishment for your body. " while doing this, I do not take in any prepackaged/processed foods, i minimize (or even avoid) carbs and meats. but if you don't want to be so militant about the carbs and meats during the detox period, just make sure your sources are " clean and natural " - no processed foods; no gluten; no sugars; no fruits; minimal to no white carbs (breads, pastas, rice)... beans, lentils are good sources for carbs and protein during this short session. not to say this is the cure - cuz i can't legally nor statistically back that... BUT this has a lot of upside to it. the key is to be consistent with it over the short 10day period. at the very least, i minimize my carb/meat intake... and again, it doesn't have to be super restrictive... but at the same time, there has to be some standard or regimen to stick to. IF you've never tried this, giving this a fair try over the next 10 days (at LEAST) will provide benefits you can find out firsthand. if done consistently.. you're gonna have some major BM -that's a good thing- to rid yourself of the bulk of the toxins in your system. just my 2cents... good luck, i wish you well! Kelvin On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 9:22 AM, jrrjim <jim> wrote: > The naturopaths do not want to do colon therapy on me because I have an > illeostomy and they are afraid the high pressure of the high colonics might > cause damage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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