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Colon Cancer Caused by Western Diet

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Do you think it's really meat that causes colon cancer or is it the way meat in

western societies is raised & processed? Do you know of any studies on the rate

of colon cancer in people who eat grass-fed, hormone-free beef, nitrite-free

bacon, free-range chicken, dairy products made from raw milk, etc.?

Personally, I'm very concerned about this because my mother died at 58 of colon

cancer. My gut feeling is that meat in & of itself isn't bad, it's the

unnatural ways we raise & prepare it that's harmful (coupled with all the other

toxins we get from produce, processed food, air, water, cosmetics, household

cleaners, etc.).


> Colon Cancer Caused by Western Diet


> A so-called Western diet eaten by the majority of Americans and many

> Europeans is loaded with meat, fat and processed foods. It also lacks

> complex carbohydrates. Put these facts together and you have a perfect

> recipe for developing colon...


> http://www.naturalnews.com/025974.html


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, you may be more correct than wrong and while meat has its detractors

what about the 'other' parts of the Western Diet that may have a more causative

relationship with disease? What about the Carbohydrate madness that

westerners dive into with abandon and by Carbs, I do not mean a slice of bread

but I do mean the sweets and perhaps the bread, but the bread with whatever is

being put inside these days.

No, cancer, even Colon Cancer is too complex to be blamed on one thing and

before the day is over we will hear about The China Study and perhaps some other

anti-meat program. Just remember, not everyone that eats meat gets cancer just

as not everyone consuming charcoal-burned meat gets it. Even the much talked

about Polyp is not the guaranteed lead-in to cancer and there are some that

believe polyps have no relationship to cancer. I say some. Causative

relationship? Maybe, but there's always more to the story than a simple

answer.........but we will continue to go for the simple answer.

Joe C.

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 70% of all colon cancer can be prevented with vitamin D . This is the biggest

lack of all nutrients.

, you may be more correct than wrong and while meat has its detractors

what about the 'other' parts of the Western Diet that may have a more causative

relationship with disease? What about the Carbohydrate madness that westerners

dive into with abandon and by Carbs, I do not mean a slice of bread but I do

mean the sweets and perhaps the bread, but the bread with whatever is being put

inside these days.

No, cancer, even Colon Cancer is too complex to be blamed on one thing and

before the day is over we will hear about The China Study and perhaps some other

anti-meat program. Just remember, not everyone that eats meat gets cancer just

as not everyone consuming charcoal-burned meat gets it. Even the much talked

about Polyp is not the guaranteed lead-in to cancer and there are some that

believe polyps have no relationship to cancer. I say some. Causative

relationship? Maybe, but there's always more to the story than a simple

answer...... ...but we will continue to go for the simple answer.

Joe C.

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I've read a lot lately about vitamin D being a cure/prevention for many things.

Besides direct sunlight (which is difficult to get working 8+ hours/day inside

an office building), what is the best way to get enough? And what IS enough? I

understand that you can have too much vitamin D.


> , you may be more correct than wrong and while meat has its detractors

what about the 'other' parts of the Western Diet that may have a more causative

relationship with disease? What about the Carbohydrate madness that westerners

dive into with abandon and by Carbs, I do not mean a slice of bread but I do

mean the sweets and perhaps the bread, but the bread with whatever is being put

inside these days.

> No, cancer, even Colon Cancer is too complex to be blamed on one thing and

before the day is over we will hear about The China Study and perhaps some other

anti-meat program. Just remember, not everyone that eats meat gets cancer just

as not everyone consuming charcoal-burned meat gets it. Even the much talked

about Polyp is not the guaranteed lead-in to cancer and there are some that

believe polyps have no relationship to cancer. I say some. Causative

relationship? Maybe, but there's always more to the story than a simple

answer...... ...but we will continue to go for the simple answer.

> Joe C.


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Dr. Fuhrman is a great resource for this and other questions for a

healthy diet. He claims to have the most medically successful diet on

the planet.

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