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Essiac Tea

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Freeze what you cannot use in three days. Freeze it is three day size small

jars. And take on out every three days. Anyting live will spoil in just a few

days. If it was not spoiling soon you would know it was dead to start with. Do

not freeze in plastic, unless you don't mind ingesting plastic.


-----Original Message-----

Dear Group

I' m having problems with my essiac tea. It is lasting about a week and

then it is spoiling in the refrigerator. For the price, it seems it should last

more than week. Does anyone in this group use essiac tea regularly and can they

give me any hints.

thanks in advance


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I had no discernable symptons or responses due to drinking of essiac tea.

Those locally who drink it brewed, just do it and hope for the best. Two

are in remission with cancer but this is only one of the protocals they use.

I have never heard of anyone who used it alone and can say that's what did

it for them. Like so many others, I am using any and all assets at my



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  • 1 year later...
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I just found the name of the maker on my package of Essiac. It's

made by Creator's Blessings and says that Creator's Blessings is a

division of 's Club Inc. 2022 24th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN

55406. Telephone number is 612-375-9079. Hope this helps. Maybe

you could call and see where there is a local store carrying it???


> Yes I want to know where to get it as well...I'm ready to clean

> myself out! :-)


> ~Amy~

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sealevelheaded <sealevelheaded@...> wrote:

I just found the name of the maker on my package of Essiac. It's

made by Creator's Blessings and says that Creator's Blessings is a

division of 's Club Inc. 2022 24th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN

55406. Telephone number is 612-375-9079. Hope this helps. Maybe

you could call and see where there is a local store carrying it???


> Yes I want to know where to get it as well...I'm ready to clean

> myself out! :-)


> ~Amy~

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Good luck!

> > Yes I want to know where to get it as well...I'm ready to clean

> > myself out! :-)

> >

> > ~Amy~




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  • 1 year later...


You wrote;

" Has anyone ever heard of Essiac Tea? "

Yes, many on this list have heard of Essiac Tea.

" My husband keeps wanting to use this instead of our usual black tea. "

IMHO Essiac wouldn't make a very great tasting KT. And while Essiac

maybe great for people I don't think that it would be good for SCOBY.

However I used to brew KT for a friend and at bottling time, I would

bottle a two to one ratio of KT and Essiac Tea. He did very well on it.

And it didn't seem to alter the flavor too much.

" I like this new message board!

Sabina "

Thank You, we may be new to , but this mailing list has recently

moved (and are still in the process of moving) to from another

server, it is the original kombucha mailing list on the web, and has

been in existence since 1995.

Luv, Sprite :)

" When you drink the water, remember the spring. "

 Chinese proverb

Check out my Kombucha Information page, it has links to all kinds of KT

info and more:

<A HREF= " http://www.geocities.com/ladyfangs.geo/Page5.html " >Sprite's

Kombucha Page</A>

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Yes, Sabina, I have heard of Essiac. I have the ingredients for it and


Sabina Gardner <guins53@...> wrote:Has anyone ever heard of Essiac Tea? It

was formulated in Canada, for

combating cancer.

My husband keeps wanting to use this instead of our usual black tea.

I like this new message board!


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could you share the ingredients with the rest of us (or me, at


huehue (all around nice guy)

> Yes, Sabina, I have heard of Essiac. I have the ingredients for it and


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I'm sorry, I didn't ask this question correctly.

We've been making KT for quite a few years. We go between using green

(gunpowder)tea and black tea.

My father reciently had been diagnosed with cancer so I have been

doing research.

I came across this Essiac Tea....and have purchased some in bulk.

My question is, brewing the KT using Essiac tea instead of our usual

green or black tea... would it work??

Thank you for all your help already.


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I was lucky enough to find some old notes about my KT, and noted that

about 4 years ago when my friends husband was diagnosed with lung

cancer, I started making KT for him. Then found Essiac tea and made that

for him telling him to drink both, when he started to sometimes forget

to drink the Essiac, I started mixing it with the KT at bottling time

(example: in a 12ounce bottle I would put 8 ounces KT and 4 ounces

Essiac) then, according to my notes, I started brewing the KT for him

with 2 quarts of my regular tea, (I was using Tetley at the time) and 1

quart pre-made Essiac Tea. His tumor started to shrink and within a year

the doctor said that the tumor was gone and at that time said he was

virtually cancer free. I must point out that he had been drinking this

in conjunction with the treatments he was getting from his doctor

(radiation therapy and chemo). Even tho I begged and pleaded, he stopped

drinking it when they stopped his treatments. Well, 1 year later the

cancer returned. Again I begged and pleaded for them (him and hs wife)

to get him back on the KT with Essiac, but they would not, and he died a

year later of cancer. Even tho there is no way to prove how much the

KT/Essiac had to do with his success, In my heart, I sincerely believe

if he had continued with the KT/Essiac he would be here still.

Luv, Sprite :)

" When you drink the water, remember the spring. "

 Chinese proverb

Check out my Kombucha Information page, it has links to all kinds of KT

info and more:

<A HREF= " http://www.geocities.com/ladyfangs.geo/Page5.html " >Sprite's

Kombucha Page</A>

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  • 2 years later...


> Hello, I have follocular carcinoma, a type of thyroid cancer, have

any of you ever heard of or used essiac tea for cancer or other issues?

How would it work with this diet? Also can you use the tea while

> nursing? I have heard that you can't because it it too strong.

> Thank you, Sherry

Hi Sherry. Welcome to our group! Essiac tea would work okay with this

diet for sure, but I do not know whether you can have it while

breastfeedling. You could call the manufacturer and ask about it.

I believe the very best cancer treatment is done by an Orthomolecular

Physician, many of which use intravenous Vitamin C. I just bought a

book on Vitamin C and Cancer that has many case studies of all types of

cancer, which have been cured. It is important that they start out

with smaller amounts and gradually increase it, and also that you do

not go off vitamin C too soon after the treatments. Also see our

Cancer folder which contains some articles about cancer and the candida

connection, and other therapies that have cured cancer.

I've known cancer patients that have tried Essiac Tea, but either they

were too far gone or had other issues, particularly a very poor diet,

because it didn't help them. See if you can find an Orthomolecular

Physician in your area. If not, tell me what city you live in and I

will try to help you.

The best to you, Bee


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  • 1 year later...

If you are going to use Essiac tea make sure you use the one with only 4

ingredients with the sheep sorrel and you make it yourself. It is best

to make it yourself because it is better for you. I was told by a

Master herbalist that the premade was not as good as the fresh made.

Also Essiac is easy to go bad so only make a 4th of it at a time.


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Part of this is incorrect. The eight-herb essiac has proven

effective for many people over the past several decades. I agree

with brewing your own and not making very much at a time, though.

At 09:15 AM 12/5/2007, you wrote:

>If you are going to use Essiac tea make sure you use the one with only 4

>ingredients with the sheep sorrel and you make it yourself. It is best

>to make it yourself because it is better for you. I was told by a

>Master herbalist that the premade was not as good as the fresh made.

>Also Essiac is easy to go bad so only make a 4th of it at a time.



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Just a thought here. The one person that I personally know that did the

4 herb Essiac tea died (breast cancer.)

I know two people that used Flor-Essence Essiac Tea and both

were cured of their cancers. (Terminal lung cancer and Lymphoma)


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  • 6 months later...
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What kind of cancer do you have and what kind of essiac tea are you using?

Thanks, Robyn

I have been using Essiac Tea for almost 4 months. I have been using the Zapper

along with the tea. By the time I had my surgery my 2 tumors, 2.7cm and 1.6cm,

shrunk to 1 @ 1cm x 1cm x 2 cm. I have second thoughts about my surgery all the

time. I also realize the information I got before were from Dr using machines.

My byopsy report showed 2 tumors in Feb. In June only one tumor in final path.

report. I am only one patient. With this information everyone still needs to

make their own choices.



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  • 1 year later...

From: robert-blau@...

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:02 PM

searching-alternatives , SymphonicHealth , oleandersoup , cures for cancer , cures for cancer2 , , cancer_alternatives , cancervictory

Subject: [cures for cancer] All about Essiac

The history, the recipe, how to use . . .

Essiac Tea is a Cancer Cure Big Pharma Does Not Want You to Know About

A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe?

This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in

Canada during the early 1920's. For over 50 years, a humble nurse, Rene

Caisse (pronounced Reen Case...


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  • 7 months later...
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I don't know if you could brew KT with that, as the herbs are rather potent ones

for detox, especially the turkey rhubarb . But prepared correctly you actually

simmer this tea, refridgerate , & then take in small doses for cancer.

From: mum_says_8_is_enough <mandyhambidge@...>

Subject: essiac tea

kombucha tea

Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 7:56 AM


hi all

just wondering if i could use essiac tea to make a brew?

i have some i got a while ago for mum but she didnt like it so its been stuck in

the back of the cupboard collecting dust and it seems such a shame tolet it go

to waste



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Hello Mandy,

I have been lurking, and was moved to answer your question about essiac tea. I

don't recognize many of the names, but would like to take an OT moment to say

hello to Bev, Margret and Marge. It's watersprite :) It has been a long while:)

To answer your question Mandy, yes you can. When a dear friend's husband was

diagnosed with lung cancer, I was leary about it too. So at first I made him

both KT and essiac. He too didn't like the essiac, so I started to bottle them

together, two-thirds finished KT and one-third essiac. Then I started to brew it

together. In a gallon batch I replaced one quart of sweet tea with one quart

essiac tea. He liked it that way. He was receiving radiation therapy, however it

wasn't until after he started drinking the essiac KT, that they started to

remark that the growth was shrinking. Now I am not saying this was a cure,or

that the essiac KT had anything to do with his remission. I'm just saying what

happened.His doctors continued to be pleased by the rate that his growth was

shrinking and He was declared cancer free within six months. After a couple of

months he stopped drinking the tea. A year later the cancer returned. I was not

brewing at the time, but I did try to get them to start brewing it. But they

wouldn't. Sadly to say he passed away several months later. I can't help but

wonder what would have happened if he continued to drink essiac KT, or if he had

resumed drinking it. Regretably we'll never know.

Well this is my first post to the list with a computer. I hope I am doing this


Luv & Hugs,

Sprite :)


> hi all

> just wondering if i could use essiac tea to make a brew?

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hi Sprite

thankyou so much, i actually got the essiac for my mum who has now advanced lung

cancer (diagnosed 07), chemo and radiation both done but sadly no change

anyway how much loose tea and sugar would i use per gallon? and roughly how long

brewing time

thanks again


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hi Sprite

thankyou so much, i actually got the essiac for my mum who has now advanced lung

cancer (diagnosed 07), chemo and radiation both done but sadly no change

anyway how much loose tea and sugar would i use per gallon? and roughly how long

brewing time

thanks again


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As for the KT, I was using Bev's recipe from her website.I was using tetley tea


And for the essiac tea, I used a premixed blend that I bought at a local health

food store. It was a 4 ounce bag with a blend of Organic burdock root,Organic

Sheep Sorrel,Slippery Elm bark,and Organic Turkey Rhubarb.

It was Camas Prairie Tea, Rene Caisse's Original formula. It was put out by

Trout Lake Farm Co. Trout Lake, Washington. The directions for a gallon said to

use a gallon of fresh spring or distilled water and all 4 ounces. The directions

for a quart called for one quart of fresh spring or distilled water and 4 level

tablespoons (1 ounce) of the herbal tea blend.

The directions were:

1. Bring water to a boil, stir in tea, and cover.

2.Simmer for 10 minutes,remove from heat and stir.

3.Cover and refrigerate for 12 hours.

4.Stir,cover,bring back to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove from heat.

5.Strain through a fine mesh strainer. Funnel into clean amber glass bottles and


Now at this point it says to tighten caps after cooling and refrigerate.

I used quart bottles. So I refrigerated three, and used one to make the essiac

KT. At the time my brew time was 7 days. The essiac tea said it was good for

three weeks so I used the last qusrt on the third week so it worked out fine for

me. I just had to remember to take the quart out of the fridge on brew day so it

would get to room temp by the time I was ready to add it to the brew.

He was drinking 8 ounces a day.

I hope this helps you. Luckily I saved a bag so I still had the original

directions. :)

If you decide to do this, keep us posted. Inquiring minds want to know.

Luv & Hugs,

Sprite :)

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Hi Sprite

i actually have some kombucha brewing at moment

i have the loose essiac tea so what ill do is give it a couple of days and make

up say a litre and add it to the kombucha if ever that becomes ready and

hopefully mum will give it a try if not ill drink it as i quite liked the essiac

could you point me in the direction of Bevs site please

thanks mandy


> Mandy:

> As for the KT, I was using Bev's recipe from her website.I was using tetley

tea bags.

> And for the essiac tea, I used a premixed blend that I bought at a local

health food store. It was a 4 ounce bag with a blend of Organic burdock

root,Organic Sheep Sorrel,Slippery Elm bark,and Organic Turkey Rhubarb.

> It was Camas Prairie Tea, Rene Caisse's Original formula. It was put out by

Trout Lake Farm Co. Trout Lake, Washington. The directions for a gallon said to

use a gallon of fresh spring or distilled water and all 4 ounces. The directions

for a quart called for one quart of fresh spring or distilled water and 4 level

tablespoons (1 ounce) of the herbal tea blend.

> The directions were:

> 1. Bring water to a boil, stir in tea, and cover.

> 2.Simmer for 10 minutes,remove from heat and stir.

> 3.Cover and refrigerate for 12 hours.

> 4.Stir,cover,bring back to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

> Remove from heat.

> 5.Strain through a fine mesh strainer. Funnel into clean amber glass bottles

and cap.

> Now at this point it says to tighten caps after cooling and refrigerate.

> I used quart bottles. So I refrigerated three, and used one to make the essiac

KT. At the time my brew time was 7 days. The essiac tea said it was good for

three weeks so I used the last qusrt on the third week so it worked out fine for

me. I just had to remember to take the quart out of the fridge on brew day so it

would get to room temp by the time I was ready to add it to the brew.

> He was drinking 8 ounces a day.


> I hope this helps you. Luckily I saved a bag so I still had the original

directions. :)


> If you decide to do this, keep us posted. Inquiring minds want to know.

> Luv & Hugs,

> Sprite :)


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