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navarro urine test

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I've been reading the instructions on the Navarro urine tests. I'm wondering do

I need to contact the people in the Philippines first or do I follow the

instructions here and send my money order the to US address along with a copy of

it to the Philippines to get m y test done. Also, the phone number 212-741-2790,

is this in the Philippines?

Also, I went to my family Dr. yesterday with lots of questions. He's been

brushing off everything that I've wanted all along. Yesterday was different,

he's wanting to order a PET scan for me. He said that this was more accurate for

cancer. Is this true and is this the safest test to have? They had wanted to do

a CT scan but I had asked for the PET scan not really knowing except for what

I've been reading. Also, is there any type of radiation material injected during

this test? I don't like the thoughts of this. I think I read where they inject a

solution of glucose along with a radiation material. Does anyone know? Wouldn't

this make the cancer grow?

Please email me privately on this.


Don't forget to send your friends to my web site:


Be well!


Author, " Cure Your Cancer " and " Cancer-Free "

E-mail: cancer-free@...

Now, here are the instructions for getting the Navarro Urine Cancer Test

from Dr. Navarro's lab in The Philippines:

HCG Urine Immunoassay

A safe, cost-effective, non-invasive, accurate screening for Cancer

Developed in the late 1930's by the renowned oncologist, the late Dr.

D. Navarro, the test detects the presence of HCG in urine. It indicates the

presence of cancer cells even before signs or symptoms develop. Dr.

Navarro found HCG to be elevated in all types of cancers.

The test is based on a theory proposed by Dr. Beard and other

researchers who contend that cancer is related to a misplaced trophoblast cell


becomes malignant in a manner similar to pregnancy in that they both secrete

HCG. As a consequence, a measure of the amount of HCG found in the blood or

urine is also a measure of the degree of malignancy. The higher the number,

the greater the severity of the cancer.

Urine, as opposed to blood or serum, is the preferred specimen for the test.

In 1980, Papapetrou and co-authors reported the correctness of the urine

specimen to be used in HCG Immunoassay. In 32 proven cancer cases, the

immunoassay test gave 31 positive results using urine while only 12 positive


were reported using blood. HCG has been found to undergo glycosylation in

the liver as it travels in the hepatic circulation. Thus, the HCG molecule

cannot be detected. The molecule does not undergo this process in the kidney

and therefore the molecule remains intact in the urine.

The test detects the presence of brain cancer as early as 29 months before

symptoms appear; 27 months for fibrosarcoma of the abdomen; 24 months for skin

cancer; 12 months for cancer of the bones (metastasis from breast cancer

extirpated 2 years earlier).

Currently, many cancer patients take advantage of the diagnostic accuracy of

this test as an indicator of the effectiveness of their specific mode of

therapy. Patients follow a simple direction for preparing a dry extract from

the urine sample. The powdery extract is mailed to the Navarro Medical Clinic

where the HCG testing is performed.

For further information, contact the following organizations

Navarro Medical Clinic

Dr. Efren Navarro

3553 Sining Street

Morningside Terrace

Santa Mesa, Manila


011-(632) 714-7442


Mrs. Erlinda Saurez

631 Peregrine Drive

Palatine, Illinois 60067

(847) 359-3634

[Evening calls appreciated]

Directions for Urine Sample Preparation

(1) From an early morning urine, take 50 cc (1.7 oz.) and add 200 cc (7 oz.)

of acetone (can be purchased from hardware store or pharmacy) and 5 cc (.2

oz) of alcohol, either rubbing or ethyl. Stir and mix well.

(2) Let it stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours until sediment is formed.

Throw off about half of the urine-acetone mixture without losing any

sediment. Filter the remainder through a coffee filter or laboratory filter


(3) When filtration is over, dry the filter with its sediment. Fold and

wrap in aluminum foil. Send by First Class mail to the Navarro Medical Clinic

(address listed above) including a Xerox copy of the money order or cashier's

check with the patient's name, address, sex, age and a brief clinical history

and/or diagnosis.

(4) PRECAUTION: No sexual contact for 12 days for female patients before

collecting the urine sample. For males, no sexual contact for 18-24 hours

before collecting the urine sample. DO NOT SEND URINE IF THE PATIENT IS


Send the $50 (money order or cashier's check) to:

Erlinda N. Saurez

631 Peregrine Drive

Palatine, IL 60067-7005 USA

Please allow 4-6 weeks for test result delivery when mailing from USA,

Canada or Europe.

The HCG Immunity Link

By Ruth Sackman

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