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Re: Thank you, list

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Dear , (excuse my schoolenglish)

Just today I finished a video from a man who was diagnosed july 2008 with

inoperable rectal cancer and metastised in lungs, lymfnudes and liver .

First he got chemo (irinitocan , xeloda and Avastin) but this caused even

more tumors. All seemed to be lost. November 2008 he stopped with the

Avastin and the Irinitocan but continued with the Xeloda) 2 december 2008

he went to dr. Gorter for hyperthermia and dendritic celtherapy and

supported this with a vegatarian diet and certain supplements (the Gerson

diet , more or less) . In january 2009 he stopped with the Xeloda. 18th of

march a scan showed his tumors in his lungs were necrotised, in his liver

3 metastases disappeared and the other three shrinked more then 50%. His

rectal tumor shrinked from 7 cm. to 2 cm. In may a new scan showed his

lymfnudes were clean, no cancer. And confirmed all the other form march

18th scan, all was even bettter then the scan at that day. His

tumormarkers lowered to normal values already in january 2009 and stayed

normal till today. .

He stopped in may 2009 with the hyperthermia and dendritic celtherapy

because they wanted to see if in a regular hospital might it now possible

to do an operation.

August 2009 in a dutch hospital they removed surgically the rest of his

rectal tumor (1 cm. and necrotised) . 20 th. of october they removed 60%

of his liver. The 2 tumors in his liver were inactive. First they wanted

to remove this with RFA but decided at the last moment to remove it


The doctor told him after the operation: As far as we seen now you are


in three weeks I will publish the video at my website but if you

like I can bring you in contact with that man or dr. Gorter directly.

With kindly regards, Kees Braam

P.S. today I will publish ( english subtitled) a video of a woman with a

relapse of far metastised breast cancer (bones. liver) who came in

complete remission by dendritic celtherapy and hyperthermia.

> I want to thank everyone both on and off the list who contacted me

> and offered their best wishes. I will try to answer everyone's

> questions as we go. I was asked why I did not mention that I am

> using pau d'arco when I am always recommending it. It is true that I

> am not using it at this time. It stops mitosis, but that is not what

> I am trying to accomplish right now. The main active component is

> very soluble in DMSO. I made a big superconcentrated batch in a

> pressure cooker and I'll probably use it in the near future, but I

> wanted to try certain other things first.


> Mark asked about iodine and bicarb. Iodine has many practical uses

> in preventing cancer and sometimes in cancer treatment, but it

> retards healing and can cause wounds to dehisce. Squamous cell

> cancers tend to bleed and that is the last thing I need right now.


> Bicarb has its uses. It can be great for alkalinizing the urine and

> there is very good evidence that it can help prevent metastasis. On

> the other hand it will inhibit the uptake of any cancer agents that

> are weakly acidic. I am familiar with thousands of anticancer

> compounds and I can't think of a single one that is not a two-edged

> sword. Sometimes that second edge is a matter of proper dosage,

> sometimes it depends on the type of cancer, other compounds being

> used with it, the intended mechanism of action, etc. I sometimes use

> bicarb to neutralize bromopyruvate prior to injection.


> Thanks again for the support. I hope to meet everyone someday -- on

> THIS side of the great divide..!!





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Hey ,

If there's anyone who can outwit this it is you. I have no doubt whatsoever

about this, and am pretty sure that neither do you...

Sending you good energy from across the ocean. Have a safe and successful

journey and treatment in China.

You have a few days to polish up on your chinese..

See you soon,


[ ] Thank you, list

I want to thank everyone both on and off the list who contacted me

and offered their best wishes. I will try to answer everyone's

questions as we go. I was asked why I did not mention that I am

using pau d'arco when I am always recommending it. It is true that I

am not using it at this time. It stops mitosis, but that is not what

I am trying to accomplish right now. The main active component is

very soluble in DMSO. I made a big superconcentrated batch in a

pressure cooker and I'll probably use it in the near future, but I

wanted to try certain other things first.

Mark asked about iodine and bicarb. Iodine has many practical uses

in preventing cancer and sometimes in cancer treatment, but it

retards healing and can cause wounds to dehisce. Squamous cell

cancers tend to bleed and that is the last thing I need right now.

Bicarb has its uses. It can be great for alkalinizing the urine and

there is very good evidence that it can help prevent metastasis. On

the other hand it will inhibit the uptake of any cancer agents that

are weakly acidic. I am familiar with thousands of anticancer

compounds and I can't think of a single one that is not a two-edged

sword. Sometimes that second edge is a matter of proper dosage,

sometimes it depends on the type of cancer, other compounds being

used with it, the intended mechanism of action, etc. I sometimes use

bicarb to neutralize bromopyruvate prior to injection.

Thanks again for the support. I hope to meet everyone someday -- on

THIS side of the great divide..!!

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Oh , I don't know you but it seems like you know so much, almost too


Please let me introduce you to a one edge sword and that is magnesium

chloride......sure you can drown in a bucket of it like water but.....unless

your kidneys are in their last days there really is no down side.....and you

should thrust your levels to the maximum......the way bicarbonate works

varies.....first if you are acid it will help correct that quickly...so will a

raw food diet....the way Simoncini uses it its like a fire extinquisher...spray

the tumor or paint the tunors with bicarbonate and they tend to

dissolve.....third very important thing is if a person is actually deficient in

bicarbonate meaning if kidneys and pancreas are not producing enough thats a

nightmare in physiology.....and don't forget it brings up CO2 levels and thus O2

levels........and iodine.....I can think of much worse to say about O2 but would

you stop breathing? And last I looked iodine helped healing of wounds not the

opposite though it does need to be used with care for some types do burn.

If you care to talk I am open to that you dont have to fly down here to Brazil

for that.


From: VGammill

Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 2:15 AM

Subject: [ ] Thank you, list

I want to thank everyone both on and off the list who contacted me

and offered their best wishes. I will try to answer everyone's

questions as we go. I was asked why I did not mention that I am

using pau d'arco when I am always recommending it. It is true that I

am not using it at this time. It stops mitosis, but that is not what

I am trying to accomplish right now. The main active component is

very soluble in DMSO. I made a big superconcentrated batch in a

pressure cooker and I'll probably use it in the near future, but I

wanted to try certain other things first.

Mark asked about iodine and bicarb. Iodine has many practical uses

in preventing cancer and sometimes in cancer treatment, but it

retards healing and can cause wounds to dehisce. Squamous cell

cancers tend to bleed and that is the last thing I need right now.

Bicarb has its uses. It can be great for alkalinizing the urine and

there is very good evidence that it can help prevent metastasis. On

the other hand it will inhibit the uptake of any cancer agents that

are weakly acidic. I am familiar with thousands of anticancer

compounds and I can't think of a single one that is not a two-edged

sword. Sometimes that second edge is a matter of proper dosage,

sometimes it depends on the type of cancer, other compounds being

used with it, the intended mechanism of action, etc. I sometimes use

bicarb to neutralize bromopyruvate prior to injection.

Thanks again for the support. I hope to meet everyone someday -- on

THIS side of the great divide..!!

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