Guest guest Posted July 25, 2009 Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 What EVERY man (and his wife) should know about prostate cancer Read more:\ ate-cancer.html#ixzz0MGwFvtVD From Britain's three top experts on prostate cancer, the definitive guide to treating a disease that claims 10,000 lives every year. A diagnosis of prostate cancer, the most common cancer affecting men in the UK, can be a devastating blow. More than 10,000 men every year die from this disease, and nearly 35,000 men are diagnosed with it. But a bad situation can be made worse by the bewildering choice of treatments available after the diagnosis has been made. According to The Prostate Cancer Charity, men with the disease are less likely to receive clear information about their choices than other cancer patients. Guidance: Not all prostate cancer treatments are suitable for everyone. It's important to discuss them with someone skilled Jewell from the charity says information is key. 'Not all treatments are suitable for everyone. It is particularly important that men are made aware of the potential side effects of each treatment option and that they have someone skilled to discuss them with.' The charity is campaigning for all men to have access to a named clinical nurse specialist. Here, with the help of the country's leading experts - Dr Stuttaford, vice-president of Prostate UK, Professor Neal, professor of surgical oncology at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, and Professor Kirby, director of The Prostate Centre in London and Chairman of Prostate UK - we provide a guide to all the treatment options. IF YOU HAVE EARLY STAGE LOCALISED PROSTATE CANCER ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE Here, the patient receives no treatment, but doctors keep a close eye in case the cancer starts to become more aggressive. WHAT IT INVOLVES: Attending a special clinic every three to six months to have your Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels checked and other tests carried out. A PSA test looks for a protein often found in increased amounts in the blood when a man is suffering from prostate cancer. 'A low PSA score is deemed between 3 and 10, but doctors also watch for a significant increase in a short period of time. If it starts at 2 but doubles in three months, this would send out warning signals,' says Professor Neal. A patient may also have a repeat biopsy, when tissue is removed from the prostate and examined under the microscope. PROS: No need for invasive treatment or surgery. In many cases, men can live with slow-growing prostate cancer for their entire lives. CONS: 'It is possible for a cancer to suddenly become very aggressive and this may not be picked up immediately,' says Dr Stuttaford. Furthermore, there is some debate about the accuracy of the PSA test because you can have an elevated PSA and not have cancer. SUITABLE FOR: Prostate cancer is classified in three grades, depending on the Gleason score; this measures the aggressiveness of the cancer from a tissue sample. A score of 6 and under is the least aggressive cancer; a score of 7 indicates a middle-ranking cancer; the most aggressive tumours score over 8. Active surveillance is suitable for men who have been diagnosed with Gleason 6 or lower and who have a low PSA score - 10 or under. 'Active surveillance is particularly useful for men with low-risk prostate cancer who are more elderly. It is not generally recommended for younger men with this disease below the age of 60 because they have potentially longer life spans when the cancer can become a problem,' says Professor Neal. EXTERNAL BEAM RADIOTHERAPY (EBRT) The most common treatment for prostate cancer in the UK. WHAT IT INVOLVES: A high dose of radiation is directed on to the diseased prostate using a computer-aided external beam. 'This makes it more accurately focused so the cancer is targeted and destroyed, but the surrounding healthy tissue is unharmed,' says Dr Stuttaford. It can usually be done at a hospital out-patient department and a patient will need to attend at least 32 times over six weeks. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is a newer form of this radiotherapy and has promising results. It sends out concentric beams of radiation, like an onion skin, focusing the highest dose in the middle of the tumour and the lowest dose at the edge of the prostate. It is available in most of the major NHS centres. PROS: Can cure the cancer; less invasive than surgery, so lower risk of urinary incontinence after treatment. CONS: 'Side effects are short-term bladder and bowel irritation and in the case of 1 in 20 men, these can persist,' says Professor Neal. 'In a third of patients, surgery is still needed and when surgery has to be performed after EBRT, it's likely the patient will suffer from incontinence.' Rates of sexual dysfunction after EBRT are similar to surgery - 40 per cent. SUITABLE FOR: Menwho have localised prostate cancer (low, medium or high risk) and who don't want to have the prostate removed; patients where the cancer has spread outside the prostate. RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY This is the most common surgery for treating prostate cancer and involves removing the entire prostate gland and some surrounding tissue. WHAT IT INVOLVES: The prostate is removed under general anaesthetic, usually by making an incision about 6-8 inches long in the lower abdomen. The whole operation takes 2-4 hours. PROS: Aims to remove the cancer completely, so a complete cure is possible. Gives more than 90 per cent chance of enjoying a further 10 years of high-quality life after surgery. 'It's important to ask the surgeon how many procedures they have carried out and what their personal results are, particularly for rates of incontinence,' says Professor Neal. A centre should be doing 80-100 a year. Under NHS patient choice, men can request to travel to a centre that has more experience Professor Kirby adds: 'Surgery as a first-line treatment means you can still have radiotherapy if needed later. The converse is not true: you can't normally operate on a prostate that has been treated with any form of radiation because of scarring.' CONS: Average blood loss is 1 litre and 20 per cent of men need transfusions. A catheter will need to be fitted for up to three weeks. Around 50 per cent of men suffer erection problems; nervesparing surgery can reduce the risk . SUITABLE FOR: Men whose cancer has not spread beyond the gland and are relatively fit and healthy. Better results for men who have a PSA score under 15. Can be suitable for men who have locally advanced prostate cancer. KEYHOLE RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY The gland is removed through small holes (around 1cm) in the abdomen. WHAT IT INVOLVES: A tiny camera mounted on flexible tube is inserted into the abdomen so the surgeon can see it on a screen. The prostate, which can range from the size of a walnut to an orange, is cut away and sealed in a plastic bag, which is then pulled through one of the stretched holes. A machine called the Da Vinci robot is now being used to improve accuracy (at St 's Hospital in South London and The Royal Marsden Hospital). PROS: Patients can leave hospital and resume normal life after a few days. Blood transfusion rates are reduced to just 1 per cent. CONS: Same risk of bladder problems as open surgery, similar risk of some form of impotence and urinary leakage. 'But the risk of incontinence is remarkably reduced if a surgeon does a lot of these operations,' says Professor Neal. SUITABLE FOR: Fit men with cancer that has not spread beyond the prostate and those who have a low PSA below 15. BRACHYTHERAPY Tiny radioactive seeds implanted in the prostate emit radiation in the surrounding tissue, destroying cancer. WHAT IT INVOLVES: With a low dose, or permanent brachytherapy, around 100 radioactive seeds are inserted into the prostate gland via needles using a general anaesthetic or epidural. The seeds give off radiation at a low dose rate over a period of several weeks or months before becoming ineffective. They are never removed. With high dose or temporary brachytherapy, radioactive wires are placed in the prostate via catheters - again, usually with the patient under general anaesthetic. The catheters and wires are removed after a specific dose has been administered. PROS: 'This is more convenient to the patient than giving radiation therapy because it only involves two hospital trips,' says Professor Neal. Side effects and cure rates are the same as for EBRT. CONS: Can cause long-term problems including difficulty passing urine and getting and maintaining an erection. SUITABLE FOR: Men who have small growing cancers. HIGH INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND New treatment using ultrasound energy to heat and destroy cancer cells. 'HIFU is still under evaluation and we don't know how effective this is at curing cancer,' says Professor Neal. Offered in only two of three centres on the NHS, including the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust and the Guy's and St ' NHS Foundation Hospital, but available in the private sector. WHAT IT INVOLVES: Under general anaesthetic, a probe is inserted into the rectum; this emits high frequency sound waves on to the prostate. A balloon, also inserted via the rectum, is filled with cooling water to protect the tissue of the rectum from burning. PROS: Sexual potency is maintained as the whole prostate is not removed and the nerve supply is left intact. CONS: May miss cancerous cells elsewhere in the prostate. Catheter needed for up to ten days to let the prostate heal. 'Because this treatment is experimental, you need to balance the short-term benefits against the lack of long-term data,' says Professor Kirby. SUITABLE FOR: Men with low-risk prostate cancer unhappy with just active surveillance. IF YOUR CANCER HAS SPREAD BUT NOT WIDELY CONFORMAL RADIOTHERAPY External radiotherapy where beams of radiation are made to ' conform' more closely to the shape of the prostate, so the treatment is more accurate. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is a newer type of this 'conformal' radiotherapy and can deliver different doses of radiation. The total dose is the same as for conventional radiotherapy, but the dose is altered throughout the prostate so it is stronger in the middle of the tumour. WHAT IT INVOLVES: 32 treatment sessions lasting a few minutes over a six-week period. Often accompanied by hormone treatment - see below. PROS: Focused beam can target the cancer more accurately and a higher dose can be used on the actual cancer. CONS: 'It can cause delayed side effects such as impotence and incontinence caused by scarring,' says Dr Stuttaford. There can also be some rectal bleeding. SUITABLE FOR: Men of any age with localised cancer, and for a small number who have locally advanced prostate cancer, but not those who suffer from bowel problems, including IBS. CRYOTHERAPY The prostate gland is frozen, which destroys it, 'leaving a shell'. WHAT IT INVOLVES: Under general anaesthetic or an epidural, special probes that deliver freezing argon gas are inserted into the prostate. A warm catheter is put in the urethra to prevent it also freezing. PROS: Less invasive than surgery and may be useful for some patients. CONS: 'It's quite a tricky procedure,' says Professor Neal. 'If you don't protect the rectum, you can get a hole between the bladder and the rectum (fistula). It might also not completely eradicate the cancer.' SUITABLE FOR: Patients whose cancer has returned after radiation therapy; other men may select this as primary treatment, but its effectiveness is still uncertain. IF YOU HAVE ADVANCED CANCER RADIOTHERAPY RADIATION therapy is used to help alleviate the symptoms of advanced prostate cancer and make the patient more comfortable. WHAT IT INVOLVES: There are several techniques, including External Beam Radiotherapy (see above), which is focused on particular areas, for example where there are secondary tumours in the spine. Treatment can be a single session or over three to four weeks. PROS: Can offer quick relief from symptoms. CONS: It is not a cure. Patients may experience some bleeding in the urine and a burning sensation on passing urine. BEST FOR: Men with advanced prostate cancer experiencing a lot of discomfort from secondaries and pain in the spine. HORMONE TREATMENT This is the first choice of treatment when cancer has spread to other parts of the body. This treatment controls levels of testosterone, the male hormone that can fuel prostate cancer cell growth. WHAT IT INVOLVES: There are two types, medical hormone therapy (tablets or injections), and surgical therapy (removal of the testicles). The two main types of drug used are GnRH analogues or LHRH analogues, which stop the testicles producing testosterone, and antiandrogens such as Casodex, which block the action of testosterone on cancer cells. Injections can be given every three to six months. Tablets must be taken daily. PROS: Can reduce symptoms and prolong life. CONS: Loss of energy, sexual potency and weakening of the bone, which can lead to fractures. 'Men may suffer from growth of the breasts and loss of body hair,' says Dr Stuttaford. Injections may also cause feminisation of the male brain, meaning that it reduces male impulses and thought processes, but pills rarely do. 'When I had prostate cancer, I was one of the first people to have Casodex before it was widely prescribed,' says Dr Stuttaford. 'From the start, I took the larger, more effective dose that is now standard, and I would recommend it. 'Some of the physical aspects of feminisation have obvious disadvantages, but I am still intellectually masculine and I'm still alive 11 years after my diagnosis of a highly malignant tumour.' SUITABLE FOR: Men with advanced prostate cancer. CHEMOTHERAPY Treatment with drugs - similar to those proved effective against advanced breast cancer - to kill or suppress cancer cells. WHAT IT INVOLVES: Drugs are taken in tablet form, by injections or via a drip. Cycles of chemotherapy are usually interspaced with drug-free periods while the body recovers. PROS: 'There is a possibility of remission and slowing of the spread of the disease, providing it is used at the first signs of hormone treatment failure,' says Dr Stuttaford. CONS: It's not a cure. The drugs can also damage healthy cells and cause hair loss, nausea, loss of appetite and diarrhoea. SUITABLE FOR: Men with advanced cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, particularly if hormone therapy hasn't worked. Enlarge Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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