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Options for advanced breast cancer mets?

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Hello folks.

In the recent thread titled, " rife machine help " , ThresaAguayo28 posted the

below request for help.

I'm concerned that their request may have been unintentionally overlooked

by folks who would have otherwise normally replied.

Can we offer any ideas to this person and their friend?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

ThresaAguayo28 wrote:

<< She is considering doing Gerson now. I don't know what to tell her,

because the Dr's are trying to push more radiation on her for the ulcer and

they also want her to do chemo. What should be done in her situation? A lot of

really tough decisions to be made….any adive? >>

(Above snippet is a snippet of the snippet below.)

<< She has the BRCA 1 gene which started out as breast cancer 2 years ago

(age 27). She has a mastectomy but no chemo or radiation. About 6 months ago

the cancer returned on her clavicle, lymph, lung, and spine. She started

doing the program, and did very well at first but for some reason that

I never understood she switched to another program (can't remember the

name) that involved IVC and tons of supplements including Essiac pills

(instead of tea). She met someone that had used IVC and was in remission, so


may be why she made the switch. The tumor on her clavicle got huge (size of

softball). About 2 months ago she had a scan and found spots on her brain

and liver. She opted to do radiation for the brain and very large tumor on

her clavicle. She finished with the radiation treatments about 2 weeks ago

and the large tumor on her clavicle is much smaller and may even be gone


She is in so much pain that she is taking patches and some other pain

meds. The pain is in her hip (which was clean on the last scan). She went to

the hospital on Monday because she was throwing up blood. After an upper GI

and biopsy she has found out that it is now in her stomach and there is an

ulcer on the new spot in her stomach which is causing the bleeding. She is

all for doing alternatives, but is scared and doesn't know what to try now

because she doesn't feel like she has time since the cancer is so wide

spread and because she is in so much pain. She is considering doing Gerson now.

I don't know what to tell her, because the Dr's are trying to push more

radiation on her for the ulcer and they also want her to do chemo. What should

be done in her situation? A lot of really tough decisions to be made….any


FYI my understanding is that the BRCA gene makes her very sensitive to

radiation and cellular damage, because she lacks the gene for her cells to

repair properly when damaged. So my thinking is the radiation has done way

more harm to her than good, but I am no expert. I am just a friend that is

trying to help. >>

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