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Meat intake not linked to postmenopausal breast cancer

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1. It might be worth emphasising that the findings of this latest study,

automatically dubbed 'biased' on this forum,

only apply to postmenopausal women.

The researchers are not implying, as the media reports seem to do, that

their findings apply across the noard.

2. > [Moderator's comment: Though this study did not report an association

> between meat and risk of breast cancer, diets that help to overcome

> cancer rarely include meat. Click here for some of the reasons:

> http://www.cancertutor.com/faq/faq_meat.html ]

To our esteemed moderator... could you perhaps link to a list of reaons that

is scientifically sound and properly referenced?

On that site it says:

" Meat also uses up the two critical enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, which

are critical to allowing the immune system to kill cancer cells, though more

potent enzymes have now been found. Vegetable proteins do not use up those


a.. " Pancreatin enzymes can be destroyed by contact with acids. Many

popular cosmetics that contain acids are a special concern for skin cancer.

Also, a diet comprised mostly of refined foods and meats may result in an

acidic body chemistry that depletes these enzymes. Cancer cells metabolize

foods very inefficiently and generate acidic wastes. This extra acidity can

further compound an already bad environment for pancreatin enzymes. The

excess acidity also enables the cancer to spread by using acid dissolved

normal cells as its food source. I think this strongly acidic environment,

especially local to the cancer, is the primary reason that cancer does not

normally heal on its own. "

Site no longer exists. "

Dr , who has adapted the Kelley Program to successfully

treat pancreatic cancer in patients who have no receive chemo is probably

our leading expert on pancreatic enzymes and cancer. His website states:

" The prescribed diets are quite variable, and can range from nearly

vegetarian to diets requiring red meat 2-3 times a day. Each patient

receives individualized dietary recommendations. All the diets, however,

require that the patient consume primarily organic foods, and avoid

synthetic and refined foods such as white flour and white sugar. "

This is in line with Kelley's original " prtescription " for beating cancer -

some individuals need meat, some don't.

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