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IPT (said to be low dose potentiated selective chemo)

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Hello folks.

If one is considering IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy), ((which is said

to be a low dose potentiated chemotherapy, generally with more selectivity

towards cancer cells)), then here is some information.

Towards the bottom of this e-mail is a short list of some of the IPT

clinics in the continental US which can be called by phone to ask about their

results with specific cancers, and to see if any current/former patients would

be willing to talk with a prospective patient, what adjunct therapies they

utilize, etc.

peace and healing,

Glen from Illinois, USA






<< Practitioners of IPT use the fact that cancer cells require large

amounts of glucose against them. Physicians treat patients with cancers with


using the same chemotherapy drugs that orthodox practitioners use, but in

much lower doses. Doses that are only 10-15 percent as much as the standard

dose. These lower doses typically don’t cause the loss of hair, severe

nausea and total exhaustion that the orthodox doses do. How do practitioners

get away with these lower doses? By using insulin to reduce blood sugar and

make the cancers more susceptible to the drugs. Here’s how it works. >>


Cure Research Foundation:


Cancer Tutor: (http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/IPT.html)

IPTQ: (http://www.iptq.com) (see list of

practitioners around the world)

IPT for Cancer:


IPT PRACTITIONER SEARCH: (list all doctors by location)





So far, only one " official " study has been done on IPT, as far as I know:

Successful IPT-like Clinical Trial with breast cancer



IPT - American Cancer Society article




Why You Should Stay Away from Insulin Potentiation Therapy

by Baratz, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D.


(Please Note: Some to many of the articles at the QuackWatch website have

a reputation, with some to many people in the " alternative health

community " , for being overly biased against alternative medicine. I hope I


that clearly and correctly.)


(for message board postings regarding IPT at the American Cancer Society's


+ " Insulin Potentiation Therapy " site:cancer.org

+IPT - " Insulin Potentiation Therapy " site:cancer.org


If you are considering IPT, you may want to call some clinics, and ask

about results they've seen with IPT and adjunct therapies. In the continental

US, some clinics you may want to contact may include the following:

(Please see the above listed " IPT Practitioner Search " for more doctors and

contact information.)

Arizona: Dr. Lodi, MD:


(Note: For video testimonials of patients of Dr. Lodi MD, enter

" Lodi " into the www . youtube . com website search engine.)

California: Dr. Les Breitman, MD & Dr. Juergen Winkler, MD:


Illinois: Dr. Ayre, MD & Dr. Ather Malik, DO:


Michigan: Dr. Kabisch, DO:

(http://www.naturalmedical.org) *

* (This above website does not seem to be currently working. Please see

the above listed " IPTQ " and " IPT for Cancer " websites for contact


New York: Dr. Szulc, MD:


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Guest guest

Hello folks.

I want to add one more interesting-looking IPT clinic to the list (which I

included in the bottom of the last e-mail):

IPT Practitioner:

Arizona: Dr. , DO: _http://www.euro-med.us_


(Note: This above clinic also uses the interesting-sounding Lentz Therapy.)



peace and healing,

Glen from Illinois, USA

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