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W.. thanks for your reply....Ians otho specialist has an excellent reputation. Ian is in so much pain he cant wait for it to be fixed. Hes waiting for an MRI so the surgeon knows exactly whats what.

Love Jan

Re: [ ] Sophie - Back


I have never had back surgery, but I used to have problems with my back frequently. We have only one group of neurosurgeons in our town and I could not stand the one that had been with the group the longest. I used to work at the hospital as a ward secretary on the neuro unit and he was a pompous jerk. Anyway, an orthopedic surgeon was suggested to me. For me, the problem was not a disk. I think it had something to with two vertebrae turning a slightly different way than they should have. This was several years ago, so I might be wrong. Anyway, the ortho told me that the only permanent solution would be to fuse those two vertabrae, but that before we rushed into surgery there were some options that might help (maybe even for years). I opted for physical therapy. After just a few weeks of physical therapy, my back was better. I still have problems off and on but not enough to consider surgery at this point. However, having said all that, if the physical therapy had not offered adequate relief, I would have had surgery and I would have gone with the ortho doc as he specialized in back surgery and came highly recommended. I appreciated the fact that he was not at all willing to rush into surgery, but if it became necessary, I would have felt confident in having him do it. If you know any nurses at your local hospital that work on the unit his patients go to, you might ask their opinion.

Give Ian my best. A painful back is incredibly miserable.


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  • 1 month later...
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sorry I got confused. I was thinking you had already had one liver transplant. Anyway, even facing one must be very scary. I am sure the not knowing is rough. I imagine it must be like your life is spent on hold or just waiting. I can imagine that it might take longer to get a liver with blood type O since anyone can receive type O. You will be in my prayers to stay as healthy as possible until a liver becomes available for you.


[ ] Re: W

Hi , It's not be heading into a second transplant - Jerry and Patti are.My Meld numbers have held fairly stable since I was listed last spring so it may be awhile. I mentioned the O+ blood because it's considered universal - obviously not for those with a negative factor. The clinic said that I certainly could be longer on the list because the donor has to match, and there are many O+ out there. So my blood type which they love to collect will likely slow the process for me. And if I don't go more that two-three weeks with out infections, I wait even longer . Que, sera,sera. :o)Amy

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Carole K,

I guess you could tell by my posts today that I am pretty fed up with the pass me around game! My rheumy is truly wonderful face to face but she is so busy that it's kind of hard get to her between visits. Unlike my GI, she gives me the impression that she does think AIH is (or can be) a big deal, as well as lupus and the clotting disorder I have. I had faxed both my rheumy and my GI doc my labs from March 16th, which was the first time my liver enzymes were more than just very slightly elevated since starting prednisone. The AST was 68 and the ALT was 96. I never heard from my GI or rheumy in response to the labs on Mar 16th. I had my pcp fax my labs from Apr 11th to my rheumy. I really didn't expect to hear anything from her so I was shocked when the nurse called today. The enzymes were higher this time than in March and my total protein was also a little low. I am assuming that since my rheumy wanted to fax the labs to my GI, she thinks the latest labs at least warrant my GI's opinion. I might be totally wrong but I think the GI will say the elevated liver enzymes are nothing to worry about and that may be totally correct - maybe AIH really is not a big deal and I'm just worrying needlessly!

However, my feelings of not totally trusting my GI's opinion are obviously causing me stress, which is not helping anything! If for no other reason than to help me stop worrying so much about the level of my stupid liver enzymes, I think seeing a hepatologist is warranted.

I guess I'm getting an attitude about all this as well! I'd like to order all my doctors to get together in one room and lock them in there until they all come to an agreement on what's going on with my stupid body and what should be done - such as how often labs are needed and what labs; medications and dose; so on and so forth! Obviously that's not going to happen, but I can still dream!


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I know what you are feeling. Been there with this stupid AIH, and

years ago with all of my reproductive problems. Finally told the

docs then to " get it together - I don't want to hear 6 months from

now the line 'if we had only caught it sooner' from you! " That

seemed to motivate them a little. As did my telling them they should

all invest in Tampax, because I could make them richer with my sales

alone! :) It is an awful cycle we get stuck in. Here we have some

of the best medical practices in the world, with wonderful

discoveries and inventions made all the time. Yet it seems the more

they know, the more it takes to figure things out. You know what I

mean? Then you have the insurance/HMO battle to contend with, all

the while not really having the strength and stamina to fight it.

Then my personal favorite - the bills come in with what our share we

owe is. And they wonder why we get frustrated and depressed - I am

not so sure it is necessarily living with chronic disease that

depresses us. It's all that other crap we get with it.

I don't blame you at all for having attitude. You just get sick and

tired of being sick and tired. And it seems as if they really aren't

paying attention to what you are saying after a while. Like we are

boring them or something. Maybe it is just their way of being

frustrated with what is going on with us too. After all, most of the

docs are men, and we all know how well they deal with their

emotions! ;)

I hope you get into a hep soon, I think it will give you some answers

and peace of mind you so desperately deserve. Let us know how it



Carole K

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Not really, I learned it when my oldest called my youngest it one

day, she's the one whos speaks it. :)



> Carole..... loco idioto?.....boy not only are you opinionated but


> speak spanish too!


> love jerry

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  • 6 months later...


I'm so sorry to have worried you so much. I can call my doctor's answering service but from past experience, I will just get the doctor on call who does not know me and will just tell me to go to the ER if I am concerned. I am taking a potassium supplement of 10 mEq a day but I have had times in the past that my potassium has been low even with the supplement. One time in Nov 02, it was low enough that they kept me in the hospital overnight just because of my potassium.

I will go ahead and call my doctor's answering service and if they tell me to go to the ER, I guess I will. I really had forgotten that low potassium is really not something to play around with. I also know that even when it was low enough to require admitting me to the hospital, I had none of the classic symptoms - no cramps, irregular heartbeat, etc. I will post again after I talk to the docs.


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Carole and all,

I have an appt with my internal med doc tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. I just couldn't stand the thoughts of leaving the house today so I didn't call my doc to set up the appt til 4 p.m. (after my husband called and fussed at me for not calling sooner). I know, I know - I'm being really stupid. I am just soooo friggin' tired that the thought of having to get dressed and go anywhere is overwhelming! However, I will be at the doctor's at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. I'm sure he'll chew my butt, too!

As far as the lasix, he prescribed it as two to four 20 mg tablets daily and told me to take more or less according to the level of fluid retention.

I'm sure the vampires will want my blood. I'll let you guys know what I find out after the appt.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
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It is so good to hear from you again. Sorry for such a problematic visit to Mayo. I haved moved from Montana to Atlanta to be closer to family and my doctor. Really hope this posting is a sign of many more postings from you to come.

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so glad to hear you are back in Atlanta! You are not that far from me. I live in Athens, Alabama (20 miles west of Huntsville), so you are about 4 hours away. My niece lives in Atlanta, but I can't remember where. She is a licensed massage therapist and works with a chiropractor.

Hope all is well with you.

Re: [ ] W

It is so good to hear from you again. Sorry for such a problematic visit to Mayo. I haved moved from Montana to Atlanta to be closer to family and my doctor. Really hope this posting is a sign of many more postings from you to come.

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  • 4 years later...

What would be the best and cheapest way to get a food allergy test?


> Jim,


> Have you ever thought of doing a food allergy test to see if you

can eat all these raw foods? I know for me, I am severely allergic to

onions and garlic and that was in all my juices and foods. It

literally burned my whole digestive tract. I have been doing this

since 1993 and hurt myself eating all raw because of the food

allergies. Once I identified the foods my body reacts to, I tweaked

my meals and bingo, I started having energy etc.


> Just a thought!


> Johanne



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