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Strange pain

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From: " lookin4funnhouston " <lookin4funnhouston@...>

>I have had a radiating pain in my back, seems to be around right

> shoulder blade area. It feels like someone stabbed me and the next

> day, the area is still sore like a pulled muscle. It is quite

> disconcerting! Does anyone know what could cause this? Last night

> before bed, I was burping and felt a burning sensation in my chest. I

> have never had any digestive problems. I am even taking a digestive

> enzyme right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated as my sleep

> pattern is being disturbed.

That pain is in the classic gall bladder area; you may have a stone lodged.

The best digestive aid would be Hydrochloric acid as that triggers the gall

bladder to release bile.

Anything with betaine (beet source) is also excellent for the GB.

You might want to find some phosphoric acid drops as well (do a websearch)

as this facilitates the eroding of gall stones. Drink lots of apple juice.

Find the Curezone forums on the web, and you will discover about a million

different ways to cleanse the GB and remove stones.

Good luck, good comfort!


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I agree. This is a pretty common symptom for gall bladde issues - generally




Re: strange pain

Dear lookin,

This sounds like referred pain from the gall bladder.

Do a liver cleanse and see if the pain goes away.

If you need the recipe, I can post it.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

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I agree with everyone else. It sounds typical of gallblader issues. I

have had my gallbladder removed and still do liver cleansing to keep the

bile flowing. This problem is one of the most annoying pains one can

have because it feels like heartburn after almost every meal and the

radiating pain to the back and shoulder blade really makes you feel

tired during any physical movement. I do a liver cleanse every couple

of months to keep the bile thin and to push out the sediment that grow

into stones.

Please don't rush out and have your gall bladder removed at the first

sign of a surgeon telling you you need to have the gall bladder

removed. Try what you can to keep it and join some support groups

like gallstones and go to www.curezone.com

and learn about saving the gallbladder and flushing gall stones.

Radiating pain under the lower right ribs, radiating pain to the right

shoulder blade and mid back, burping, sweating, nausea, unable to feel

comfortable are classic symptoms of a gallstone attack You can mix 1

tbps of epsom salts in a glass of warm water and drink it to help relax

the bile ducts to help with the pain. (mix the epsom mixture with juice

to help it go down)

G Murray

P.S. Mine was removed after a very long wait and pressure from DRs and

the surgeon and before I knew what I know now about liver and

gallbladder health.

lookin4funnhouston wrote:

>I have had a radiating pain in my back, seems to be around right

>shoulder blade area. It feels like someone stabbed me and the next

>day, the area is still sore like a pulled muscle. It is quite

>disconcerting! Does anyone know what could cause this? Last night

>before bed, I was burping and felt a burning sensation in my chest. I

>have never had any digestive problems. I am even taking a digestive

>enzyme right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated as my sleep

>pattern is being disturbed.



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I agree with everyone else. It sounds typical of gallblader issues. I

have had my gallbladder removed and still do liver cleansing to keep the

bile flowing. This problem is one of the most annoying pains one can

have because it feels like heartburn after almost every meal and the

radiating pain to the back and shoulder blade really makes you feel

tired during any physical movement. I do a liver cleanse every couple

of months to keep the bile thin and to push out the sediment that grow

into stones.

Please don't rush out and have your gall bladder removed at the first

sign of a surgeon telling you you need to have the gall bladder

removed. Try what you can to keep it and join some support groups

like gallstones and go to www.curezone.com

and learn about saving the gallbladder and flushing gall stones.

Radiating pain under the lower right ribs, radiating pain to the right

shoulder blade and mid back, burping, sweating, nausea, unable to feel

comfortable are classic symptoms of a gallstone attack You can mix 1

tbps of epsom salts in a glass of warm water and drink it to help relax

the bile ducts to help with the pain. (mix the epsom mixture with juice

to help it go down)

G Murray

P.S. Mine was removed after a very long wait and pressure from DRs and

the surgeon and before I knew what I know now about liver and

gallbladder health.

lookin4funnhouston wrote:

>I have had a radiating pain in my back, seems to be around right

>shoulder blade area. It feels like someone stabbed me and the next

>day, the area is still sore like a pulled muscle. It is quite

>disconcerting! Does anyone know what could cause this? Last night

>before bed, I was burping and felt a burning sensation in my chest. I

>have never had any digestive problems. I am even taking a digestive

>enzyme right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated as my sleep

>pattern is being disturbed.



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  • 2 years later...


> I get this strange pain about every 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes it

happens a week after the last one. I apologize ahead of time if this

is too much information for you. Anyway, the pain is around my anus

but internal. Usually to the left or right. 9.9 out of 10 times it

happens at night and it's so bad that I wake up. Sometimes it passes

within 5 minutes, sometimes it lasts 30 minutes. I usually get up

when it happens since sitting feels better than lying down and I try

to occupy myself with emails, internet, etc. Has anybody experienced

pain like this, or, Bee, do you know what this might be from? The

first time it happened was in 2003 about 1 week after my

hysterectomy. Every since then I have been getting this pain. Just

curious what it might be. I asked my OBGYN here but she didn't know.

==>I have gotten that kind of pain prior to curing candida, which was

caused by 2 things, i.e. cysts in the ovary area or bowel problems

(constipation). Cysts in the ovary area cause the pain to radiate to

the anus/rectum. But there could be other causes as well.

Distracting yourself from the pain is good, and also take a hot Epsom

salt bath, in addition to the diet, supplements, improving digestion,

etc. The fats, omega-3, vitamins A, D, & E are needed so the body

doesn't create cysts.


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Hi a,

I used to get a pain like that BEFORE I realized I have a dairy

allergy. Once I stopped eating dairy (this was 22 years ago---I was

15 at the time) the pain went away completely. Now if I get it, I

know that there was dairy " hidden " in something I ate. But of course

now that I'm cooking every morsel that goes in my mouth all by myself

(thanks, BEE!), it's really easy to steer clear. Maybe this has

something to do with your pain? Just thought I'd share... Hope you're

feeling better!!! Jill


> Hi All,




> I get this strange pain about every 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes it

happens a

> week after the last one. I apologize ahead of time if this is too


> information for you. Anyway, the pain is around my anus but


> Usually to the left or right. 9.9 out of 10 times it happens at

night and

> it's so bad that I wake up. Sometimes it passes within 5 minutes,


> it lasts 30 minutes. I usually get up when it happens since sitting


> better than lying down and I try to occupy myself with emails,


> etc. Has anybody experienced pain like this, or, Bee, do you know

what this

> might be from? The first time it happened was in 2003 about 1 week

after my

> hysterectomy. Every since then I have been getting this pain. Just


> what it might be. I asked my OBGYN here but she didn't know.




> Thanks,


> a





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==>I have gotten that kind of pain prior to curing candida, which was

>caused by 2 things, i.e. cysts in the ovary area or bowel problems

>(constipation). Cysts in the ovary area cause the pain to radiate to

>the anus/rectum. But there could be other causes as well.

>Distracting yourself from the pain is good, and also take a hot Epsom

>salt bath, in addition to the diet, supplements, improving digestion,

>etc. The fats, omega-3, vitamins A, D, & E are needed so the body

>doesn't create cysts.


Thanks Bee - it's nice to have a possible explanation. It usually happens

between 11 PM and 2 AM, after I have gone to sleep, so I don't think I would

want to take a bath at this point. At least it doesn't happen very often.


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Hi a,

I have something similar but in my case it goes away pretty quickly if I drink

some water.

So I always take some water with me when I go to bed because it almost always

happens during the night.

I link it drinking to much green or black tea and not enough water.

Just my 2 cents.

All the best,


(a lurking newbie who has already learnt a lottttt:))))


> Hi All,




> I get this strange pain about every 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes it

happens a

> week after the last one. I apologize ahead of time if this is too


> information for you. Anyway, the pain is around my anus but


> Usually to the left or right. 9.9 out of 10 times it happens at

night and

> it's so bad that I wake up. Sometimes it passes within 5 minutes,


> it lasts 30 minutes. I usually get up when it happens since sitting


> better than lying down and I try to occupy myself with emails,


> etc. Has anybody experienced pain like this, or, Bee, do you know

what this

> might be from? The first time it happened was in 2003 about 1 week

after my

> hysterectomy. Every since then I have been getting this pain. Just


> what it might be. I asked my OBGYN here but she didn't know.




> Thanks,


> a





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> Hi All,




> I get this strange pain about every 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes it happens a

> week after the last one.

Hi a,

I have gotten that exact same pain and every time I have gotten it, it

is when I am sleeping too.

I suffer from constipation really bad so this is what I attribute it to.


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>Hi a,

>I have gotten that exact same pain and every time I have gotten it, it

>is when I am sleeping too.

>I suffer from constipation really bad so this is what I attribute it to.


That's interesting - I definitely do not have constipation. I have been

dealing with very runny stools for a while now. I am also not eating dairy

as someone else posted about.


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>Hi a,

>I have something similar but in my case it goes away pretty quickly if I

drink some water.

>So I always take some water with me when I go to bed because it almost

always happens during the night.

>I link it drinking to much green or black tea and not enough water.

>Just my 2 cents.

>All the best,


>(a lurking newbie who has already learnt a lottttt:))))

Hi Yannic - thank you for the recommendation. I will give that a try.


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It is not sure if it will help you too but it is neither expensive nor risky:)))

Let me know if it does.

To our good health,


RE: [ ] Re: strange pain

>Hi a,

>I have something similar but in my case it goes away pretty quickly if I

drink some water.

>So I always take some water with me when I go to bed because it almost

always happens during the night.

>I link it drinking to much green or black tea and not enough water.

>Just my 2 cents.

>All the best,


>(a lurking newbie who has already learnt a lottttt:))))

Hi Yannic - thank you for the recommendation. I will give that a try.


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Hi a,

I think everyone gave a lot of good info, just wanted to add that it

could also be retracing and or healing reactions. As much as for some

people the one month to one year rule works pretty well, for myself,

my healing and retracing doesnt always seem to be so linear. It goes

in fits and starts, and seems to be more reflective of the foods I eat

and what nutrients they have rather than when some thing happened to me.

That said, if you think about it, you have been on the diet, what 3 or

4 months now, right? And it seems around 3 to 4 years ago that you

had that surgery, right? Seems like retracing to me, which is another

great sign you are healing. " )


--- " a K. Carlton " <kristina.carlton@...> wrote:

....The first time it happened was in 2003 about 1 week after my

hysterectomy. Every since then I have been getting this pain. Just

curious what it might be...

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>That said, if you think about it, you have been on the diet, what 3 or

>4 months now, right? And it seems around 3 to 4 years ago that you

>had that surgery, right? Seems like retracing to me, which is another

>great sign you are healing. " )


Hi Jecca, I guess that could be. I kind of started the diet in October, got

more strict in November regarding ratios, and have been on full supplements

for about a week now. However, due to all the die off I started having in

December, I cut way back on VCO and palm oil and most days I am not quite up

to the full fat amount. So I am not sure if it's retracing symptoms or not.

The pain has been there every 3 to 6 weeks since 2003 so it's hard to say

whether it's just continuing or it's retracing. In December I had it while

on vacation and it was about the worst episode I have ever had. The only

other one that strong and long was last year in January when we were in



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Teri & a,

Have you had your ileocecal valve tested? This valve is on your right side just

above your hip. It's common for it to get stuck open or closed, in return can

cause all kinds of problems. You can take simple steps to correct it, massage is

one of them. It causes lower back pain, digestive problems, candida,

constipation, etc. I'm going to have mine tested today. This is something that

is over looked and is a common problem for people who are toxic. Toxin's cause

this valve to become weak!!

> Teri <teri-lee@...> wrote:


> Hi a,


> I have gotten that exact same pain and every time I have gotten it,

> it is when I am sleeping too...I suffer from constipation really

> bad so this is what I attribute it to.


> Teri

Treva Shay Spence


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>Teri & a,

>Have you had your ileocecal valve tested? This valve is on your right side

just above your hip. It's common for it to get stuck open or closed, in

return can cause all kinds of problems. You can take simple >steps to

correct it, massage is one of them. It causes lower back pain, digestive

problems, candida, constipation, etc. I'm going to have mine tested today.

This is something that is over looked and is a >common problem for people

who are toxic. Toxin's cause this valve to become weak!!

How do you have it tested?


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I'm doing kinesiology testing, there are other way's if you don't prefer the

alternative method.

" a K. Carlton " <kristina.carlton@...> wrote:

>Teri & a,

>Have you had your ileocecal valve tested? This valve is on your right side

just above your hip. It's common for it to get stuck open or closed, in

return can cause all kinds of problems. You can take simple >steps to

correct it, massage is one of them. It causes lower back pain, digestive

problems, candida, constipation, etc. I'm going to have mine tested today.

This is something that is over looked and is a >common problem for people

who are toxic. Toxin's cause this valve to become weak!!

How do you have it tested?


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  • 7 months later...

Marsha Marsha Marsha.... Ok sorry I had to get that out of my system.. Any time there is an odd pain esp like what you are having, Call you Doctor. We never know what kind of reaction we may be having.Let us know.dFrom: sparky111_26003 <sparky111_26003@...>Subject: strange painHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 12:13 PM

Hi group its marsha, for the last two days I have been getting

sharp stabbing pain just above the left ear. It only lasts seconds,

but it hurts alot when it happens. before I can say ouch, its gone.

There is no set schedule for this pain it can happen once an hour or

sometimes numerous times in a row. I have heard of a ice pick headache

that sounds like what I'm experiencing. I thought it might be part of

the sides of tx. I'm calling my doc in the morning anyways, but just

thought I'd ask you all if you have ever heard of such a side? Marsha

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  • 3 months later...


I just stopped chemo and started on alternative about 3 weeks ago to

treat stage IV breast cancer that has mets to brain, neck lymph, lung,

and now local recurrence in the breast. I have been using Bill

's protocol that included Budwig, green/raw diet, and immune


I was feeling great about the plan...until 3-4 nights ago. I started

feeling some pain in my right leg (between groin and leg), and that

pain persisted every night till yesterday, it started feeling

uncomfortable during the day. And today, it has gotten so bad that I

can hardly walk. As I probe around my body, I came to realize that

perhaps the pain started not from the leg, but area close to vagina,

but the rain radiates down the leg. There is no redness or swelling.

I am praying and hoping that its not related to cancer. Does anyone

have similar experience or can an expert shed some light?

I am to see oncologist tomorrow. I am so scared that he is going to

have me do another scan. I had one done 3 weeks ago, and at the time

there was no sign of cancer on the bone or the organs close by.


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