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Re: Re: mind healing technique

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Hi Mike,

So, did you or did you not become a subject of this method? It looks

like you did not. That might explain why your naturopath would not rub


Another thing which had occurred to me is, that the method has to be

taught by a practician, rather than a theoretician. It has also occurred

to me, that it may be transferable only from people with a special

capacity to strictly 1 more " generation " of people without such


I am certainly buying the book :-) In the worst case, I will blow a few

bucks, but something is telling me I better have a better look. I am

seldom wrong on such intuitions, if ever.

With kind regards, Slavek.

mmurra777 wrote:




> Hey Slavek,


> Love this one. Every time I've seen it I'm taken back, in memory, to

> happy Sunday bible belt hour. Oral , your spirit lives.


> This is a variant of the 'laying on of hands' healing paradigm.


> Back in the day, 30CE, its mastering was required of all Messiah wanna

> bes. Sorry, can't recall off hand if 'water to wine' was an earlier or

> more advanced course.


> On a more current note.

> A physio-therapist I used twice about three years ago contacted me a

> few months after my last session. She was taking an 'accredited'

> course on the very technique referred to in the 'paper' and wanted to

> know if I would be willing (she was aware of my cancers) to be a

> subject/patient? for her after she completed the training. The price

> was right, free. I said go for it.


> Ran into her about a year later, brief chat, no mention of the

> 'healing'.


> Maybe she wasn't skeptical enough.


> MikeM


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Hi Mike,

Thank you for this information. There is one thing in that article I

posted, which is not always applicable. That is the notion that healers

are not usually able to help themselves. Well, I did exactly that some

20 years ago [and no, I would not consider myself such a healer, at

least I have never tried except for this one autocase]

I begun suffering from what was finally " diagnosed " as cluster headache

and it was debilitating, 5-6 times a week. Four months of doctors and

pills. Stepping up the pills was also stepping up their cost and it came

to some $280 a months, I had enough. I have decided that it is in my

head, that my head knew perfectly well what is wrong and that my head

better sort it out. Every night, while going to sleep, I would appeal to

my brain to sort it out, explaining to it, that it was in its best

interest to do so, till I fell asleep.

It did not go away all at once, but the improvement has. It took about

half a year. till the headache recurrences stopped almost all together.

Within a year it was gone totally.

I would get mild ones ever since, but may be once a year, if that.

Use as you may.

With kind regards, Slavek.

mmurra777 wrote:




> Hi Slavek,


> Regrettably, I did not become a subject. She never followed through on

> her request, and I have felt it inappropriate to ask. I was very much

> looking forward to the experience.


> Was reviewing my past communications. She had sent me a pdf of one of

> the original papers (has the mouse pictures) by Bengston, and the

> notes from a seminar given by Bengston that she attended.

> 'Anomalous Healing Research

> 'Notes from a Seminar with F. Bengston, Ph.D. in Toronto,

> 'June 7, 8, 2008


> Her notes mention one Oskar Estabany.


> The article source that started this is worth repeating;

> http://www.scientificexploration.org/edgescience/edgescience_02.pdf

> Well worth reading in terms of seeing outside the box.


> Years ago one of our national TV broadcasters produced a great

> documentary on a visualization healing of one of our Rock legends,

> Ronny Hawkins, the Hawk. He's still going strong.


> I believe in the power of the mind. What I do not tolerate is

> fraudsters and those 'too busy' to seek the source.


> If you are not already acquainted with him, you may find the follow

> site interesting;

> http://www.sheldrake.org/homepage.html


> Enjoy the book, and do report back on it.


> MikeM


> P.S. This is a re-work of an earlier post. It and one or two others

> have yet to appear. The blog monster must have got them before they

> even made it to list, or I, in my brain fog, may have forgot to press

> the send button.

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Deborah wrote:

> Ok, so a human might imagine a picture in the future (with grandkids, maybe),

what do you visualize for mice?


It reminds me of the book 'The Secret' where you visualize yourself living the

life you want. Or am I getting the wrong idea?


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Imagine the 'potential' power of a human's hands on a little mouse body?

Anyway, this is an interesting subject and like all, good to explore with an

open mind but not so open 'Our brains fall out'. The question, " what do you

visualize for mice " is an interesting thought and I propose a wedge of Provolone

Cheese maybe? Monterey Jack? A dead cat?

Joe C.

From: Deborah H

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:52 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: mind healing technique

I'd like more information on the exact technique. From what I saw in the

article, he lists 20 outcomes and each outcomes has a visual connected to it,

then, the " healer " plays these series of visuals on a loop for a certain amount

of time " seeing them " . What should the outcome be for humans? Could someone

suggest ideas. I think he was purposefully stingy about that part of the

experiment and it seemed like the most important part. Ok, so a human might

imagine a picture in the future (with grandkids, maybe), what do you visualize

for mice?


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I was also somewhat confused about that but I've read quite a bit about quantum

healing which is much like what Brengston is doing so believe you " see " this

filmstrip loop of the possible outcomes you would like have to happen without

putting too much emphasis or importance on the outcome " see it and let it go,

what will be will be. "

I would imagine the filmstrip loop for the mice would be something like...sleek

healthy looking fur, good appetite, no tumors, clear eyes, being able to run a

maze in record time [lol] etc etc.

I believe the outcome would be the same for humans as it was for the

mice...healthy with no tumors and none in the future.



I'd like more information on the exact technique. From what I saw in the

article, he lists 20 outcomes and each outcomes has a visual connected to it,

then, the " healer " plays these series of visuals on a loop for a certain amount

of time " seeing them " . What should the outcome be for humans? Could someone

suggest ideas. I think he was purposefully stingy about that part of the

experiment and it seemed like the most important part. Ok, so a human might

imagine a picture in the future (with grandkids, maybe), what do you visualize

for mice?


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Hi Deborah,

May be read it again. The images were designed specifically for the

" healer " based on his/her life time desires. The point was not to really

heal the mice. The point was to get the " healer " in a state of mind

which allowed the healing of the mice. Pretty much a transference of the

positive desire attitude. The notion that the technique would not treat

warts strongly indicates that the author did, or at least conducted

human trials with all kinds of ailments. The technique would be the


If you want to know more, get the book asap, it may never be republished

and it may also disappear soon after the first publishing.

With kind regards, Slavek.

Deborah H wrote:




> I'd like more information on the exact technique. From what I saw in

> the article, he lists 20 outcomes and each outcomes has a visual

> connected to it, then, the " healer " plays these series of visuals on a

> loop for a certain amount of time " seeing them " . What should the

> outcome be for humans? Could someone suggest ideas. I think he was

> purposefully stingy about that part of the experiment and it seemed

> like the most important part. Ok, so a human might imagine a picture

> in the future (with grandkids, maybe), what do you visualize for mice?


> Deborah



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Deborah, Please post the article on Cancercured. It is certainly of

general interest. BTW, you should never feel a need to justify that

which you think is a sensible avenue for exploration. The world

needs more bold explorers. Besides, there's no downside. You're not

going to fall off the side of a cliff or get lost at sea.

At 10:25 AM 3/23/2010, Deborah wrote:


>Also, I wrote to Dr. Bergstrom (I think that was his name) and he

>sent me a pdf file of an article where he explains the process more

>clearly. I wonder if I can post that? Let me look again and see

>whether it was from a published article or not. I could certainly

>explain it in my own words...no time today though.

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Please post the information/article for all to review. I purchased one off the

website (site unseen)...but again it did not have the specifics...I was very



On Mar 23, 2010, at 11:25 AM, Deborah H wrote:

> MikeM,


> I'd be willing to try it for you...to act as your " healer " . I think that means

I need some prompts from you to visualize and maybe a time when we both could

feel the energy. C'mon, folks. Don't make fun of me. I'm just giving this a good

ole open-minded try. If this is too zany for the members, write me offline.


> Also, I wrote to Dr. Bergstrom (I think that was his name) and he sent me a

pdf file of an article where he explains the process more clearly. I wonder if I

can post that? Let me look again and see whether it was from a published article

or not. I could certainly explain it in my own words...no time today though.


> Best,

> Deborah



> >

> > We've had a nice little gab on this.

> >

> > I don't recall anyone yet mentioning that they have been the 'healer', or

the subject, in a mind healing session.

> >

> > Has anyone been, or am I as close (a year later, and still waiting for the

call) as anyone has come? If so, what benefits have go of it?

> >

> > An acquaintance told about Reiki healing; part of which, as I was told,

involved human energy transfer to a subject and other entities such as

homeopathics. Correct me if I got that wrong. Same question here as above.

> >

> > MikeM

> >



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As I read over the technique described to perform the miracle healing

I become increasingly puzzled.

1. What is meant by " intention " ? Usually when you think of

intention there would be associated steps or activities to accomplish

the goal. The way intention is used here I think they are only

speaking about wishful thinking. The author also discourages

thinking about the steps to accomplish the goal -- just visualize the

outcome no matter how unlikely.

2. I cannot imagine finding any skeptic willing to invest an hour a

day for weeks on end. The skeptic-healer would be required to

visualize a minimum of 12 images per second for an hour. That is

43,200 mental images per hour. I think this is quite impossible; how

would you ever tally these images?

3. The " strict ethical rule " in Step 1 seems quite absurd. By these

standards if I want to imagine President Obama signing a

healthcare bill for a single payer system I must first get his

permission to imagine this ?!

I don't think I'll spend much time investigating this.

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.. can you expand on your experience with energy healing? Thanks...


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 4:58 PM, melizzard11 <melizzard@...> wrote:



> Would this be the same as energy healing? Because, if it is, I have had my

> life saved with a healing session.


> xoo




> >

> > We've had a nice little gab on this.

> >

> > I don't recall anyone yet mentioning that they have been the 'healer', or

> the subject, in a mind healing session.

> >

> > Has anyone been, or am I as close (a year later, and still waiting for

> the call) as anyone has come? If so, what benefits have go of it?

> >

> > An acquaintance told about Reiki healing; part of which, as I was told,

> involved human energy transfer to a subject and other entities such as

> homeopathics. Correct me if I got that wrong. Same question here as above.

> >

> > MikeM

> >




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, how long did Kurt work on you and how long afterwards did you find

yourself in remission? I see the deposit is $2K. How much more does his

session cost? I would be hard pressed to come up with the 2K.

Thank you.

Toni D

From: melizzard11


Kurt is his name and he's flat-out amazing, IMO. Anything in

particular you would like to know about my experience?


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