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Re: Re: HCG questions

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I have been using HuCoG with good results.


From: boy matthew <enemysox@...>

Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:53:09 AM

Subject: Re: HCG questions

With all of this talk regarding HCG, I'm curious what brand you guys are using. 

I'm having trouble obtaining Novarel locally, so am using Ovidrel.  Are any of

you still using Novarel?


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Sorry I haven't had to fully read on this. I may be on this later this month. I

am primary so I know it won't help with sperm production, but like I told my

Endo, I don't want HCG to interfere with the limited sperm production I already


Mainly I would like to take it is because 1) I would like my testes to get

fuller for the first time in life, 2) to have more energy and well-being.

 I was put back on shots for T. Cheaper for insurance but the good thing is, the

needles and shot itself is easier than a few years ago.

I was told by the nurse, HCG has a shot system rather than individual shots like

T. Is this true?

Does any primary take HCG and if so, can you share?

From: Ray <rgdavis@...>

Subject: Re: HCG questions

Cc: " Ray " <rgdavis@...>

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

Hi ,

I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


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Great question

I am 59, primary and taking Androgel (7.5-10 grams/day)-- I love it But my

testicles have shrunken a lot but erections are hard, ejaculations are large and


I really want my scotum to look like it used to, big, round and full (at times).

Loved to hear from other primary hypogonadics-- what type of TRT are you taking,

how do you feel? Do you use HCG? is it working? Has it helped to increase

testes/scotum size?

Re: HCG questions

Cc: " Ray " <rgdavis@...>

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

Hi ,

I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


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If your first Total T was not to low below 120 going on HCG doing 250 IU's every

3 days on gels will in time bring your testis back up. Every man on TRT that is

primary or secondary should do HCG. Here is what Dr. at


told me to tell my Dr. to get him to let me us this I was told I am primary for

over 25 yrs. Went on 500 IU's of HCG 3 x's a week and after the 15 shot my

Total T level went from 600 to 1200 this is how we found out I am secondary.

Here read this cut and paste from Dr. and read his site about HCG and TRT.


Your Dr. probably feels that since you suffer primary hypogonadism (I am

guessing) there is no use in adding HCG to your protocol. There are several

reasons why this is not so. First, you have not lost all Leydig cells, so any

HCG you take will stimulate those who still function to produce endogenous


This will support testicular size. We should not ignore this aesthetic


Next, if he reads my work, he will learn that HPTA-suppressed (as all TRT

patients are to some extent) also suffer decreased pregenenolone levels, which

is the first step after CHOL in all three hormonal pathways which begin with

CHOL. HCG increases pregnenolone production, and therefore restores a more

natural balance of our hormones.

Next, nearly all TRT patients who add in HCG to their regimens report an

increased sense of well-being and also libido. These are genuine quality of life


Finally, I just instinctively do not want all those LH receptors (including

those we have yet to discover and appreciate) unstimulated.




> From: Ray <rgdavis@...>

> Subject: Re: HCG questions


> Cc: " Ray " <rgdavis@...>

> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM


















> Hi ,


> I started HCG in January, and have been using

> novarel.




> Ray































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I've had primary hypo. since birth, so I don't know what a " big, full and round "

testicle package feels like. I am only hoping HCG can help with overall more

well-being and possibly to increase my testes. I have learned TRT and its

add-ons are not miracle cures nor will it take back all I have gone through from

being primary at an early age until now. That is my job to make my life better.

I am currently taking the oil-based T. My insurance wanted my Endo doc to jump

through too many hoops in order to pay for Androgel, so I decided to go back to

shots. So far, my thigh and leg area is a bit tender, like I have cold there,

but its going away and I will be find.

I look forward taking HCG along with a lowering E2 blocker. With those additions

to TRT, I should feel somewhat better physically. Mentally I am trying.

From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: HCG questions

Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

Hi ,

I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


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Great to see you are slowing but healthily improving Phil. Great info below as

well. I understand for primary (the real ones with testicle damage) males, don't

expect HCG to help repair testicular damage from whatever reasoning. I just want

a better sense of well-being and possibly to improve upon my package down there

which has been the the primary cause of my mental health over the 31 years of my

life. I am doing my part to try to move forward but its difficult once you have

learned to think about yourself in one way, now learn in another more positive

way... But I am trying..

Phil, I just don't want HCG to ruin any chance I have at conceiving. I expressed

my  still grief  over  having a son be stillbirth at seven months last June. It

hasn't been easy for me. Its difficult and his mom still doesn't think he was

conceived. She has moved on and enjoys bashing me on her myspace indirectly. I

love it when a woman I treated like royalty and  candor, makes a guy who has a

drug addiction with schizophrenia and a child he cannot be a full time dad to

nor work full time, to be a saint and love interest of all-time simply because 

he hasn't " abandoned " her yet the way I did all because I got tired of

month-after-month hearing how we did not conceive a child all because she

couldn't handle such a loss the way I did and can....

Sorry. I hope I find someone so I can finally put her behind me. Now the baby, I

will always remember him, but her behind me.

How do you use HCG? Is it a needle or needle system?


> From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> Subject: Re: HCG questions


> Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM


















> Hi ,


> I started HCG in January, and have been using

> novarel.




> Ray































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If your now on TRT your LH and FSH labs in most men go way down. I do shots

using a 27g 1ml x 1/2 " long needle to shoot my T and HCG into my thigh. I burn

up the T as fast as I use it so I do a T shot every 3 days and 400 IU's of HCG

the 2 days each in between my T shot this helps me stay leveled and holds down

my E2 levels. I pray and know you will get past all of this well all do. Time

is on your side.




> >


> > From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>


> > Subject: Re: HCG questions


> >


> > Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>


> > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM


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> > Hi ,


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> > I started HCG in January, and have been using


> > novarel.


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> > Ray


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I have been on TRT since '05.  During the conception part, I wasn't taken it

daily. OK so HCG is the same as taking T with a needle..

I take my T every 2 weeks.  How do you do a T shot every 3 days????

Oh, I see.. You only give yourself a shot with a lower dose. My doc gave me a

script for .8 ML per two weeks.  That is a lot of T but its bi weekly.

If HCG holds down your E2, do you also take a E2 blocker?

Thank you for the kind words. Don't pray for me. Pray for others with worst

situations in life. I hope I find someone given at 31, she is the only woman I

know and have been with. Tough situation, but its life. Ill be OK. I only hope I

can help people once I have helped myself get through this.

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I have an appointment in Florida in May to visit Doctor FAYE in Palm Beach. Has

anyone heard of him?

Also, as far as Insurance goes... am I to understand that insurance companies

don't cover Testosterone treatments if it is " secondary " ?

I have gone to my local Doctor, and explained to him that " I feel a half a

bubble off " . He did a thyroid, cholesterol and blood sugar test.. it came back

that my cholesterol was high at 150. I don't consider that high... but he did

and wanted to put me on Lipitor. I explained that my sex life is down the

tubes, no morning erections anymore, I have the feelings of Blah! No drive, no

desire for sex. I explained to him that

Re: HCG questions

Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

Hi ,

I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


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I use Depo Testosterone on the vile it says 200mgs/ml I do a .35ml shot every 3

days and HCG acts like LH and gets your adrenals and testis to make as much

testosterone as they can. Do shots every 2 weeks is old and not good your up

after the shot then down for the next 10 days until the next one. Get your Dr.

to read TRT: A Recipe for Success by Dr. print this and give it to him.

www.allthingsmale.com it'd in the Plublications section on the left side.

I don't know of anyone doing shots every 2 weeks even in the AACE Guildlines on

page 11 it says to do shots every 7 to 10 days.


Most Dr. not up on TRT tell men to come in every 2 weeks for a shot so they

are not in every week. This is bad your on a roller coaster ride doing this.

If you don't do your own shots get your Dr. to show you how to do them and do

your own shots.



> From: U U <uu1845@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: HCG questions


> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 6:22 PM

> I have been on TRT since '05.  During the conception

> part, I wasn't taken it daily. OK so HCG is the same as

> taking T with a needle..


> I take my T every 2 weeks.  How do you do a T shot every 3

> days????


> Oh, I see.. You only give yourself a shot with a lower

> dose. My doc gave me a script for .8 ML per two weeks. 

> That is a lot of T but its bi weekly.


> If HCG holds down your E2, do you also take a E2 blocker?


> Thank you for the kind words. Don't pray for me. Pray

> for others with worst situations in life. I hope I find

> someone given at 31, she is the only woman I know and have

> been with. Tough situation, but its life. Ill be OK. I only

> hope I can help people once I have helped myself get through

> this.





























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I don't know of this Dr. if the Dr. is an Endo your wasting your money and time.

Your best bet is to go to Dr. 's site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success.

He puts this on his site free for you and your Dr.

Print this and give it to your Dr. tell him you need to follow this and not

waste your time with Endo's or Uro's.

Your cholesterol can be higher do to low testosterone your body sees it's low

and asks for more cholesterol you need cholesterol to make hormones. Also have

your morning fasting cortisol tested if it's below 15 do a 4 x's in a day saliva

test to see if you have adrenal fatigue.




> From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>


> Subject: Re: HCG questions




> Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>


> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM


> Hi ,


> I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


> Ray

















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I'm working on my laptop and the message was sent before I finished writing it.

I can't find a local doctor that wants to believe that I may have a Testosterone

deficiency. I'm 38. He tells me that it's " an old man's problem and should not

be the case with a man your age " . So he prescribed Viagra 100mg, 9 pills at a

cost of $120 bucks!

I have no desire for sex. Been married for 20 years and life in the bedroom is

ZERO. Sex is like another thing on the " to do list " ...versus a spontaneous

thing, and even if I do have sex... my orgasm is weak. I end up wondering if I

even had a climax at all. Semen output is allot less than what it was when I

was younger... I could squirt 7 or 8 good ropes of it, and could shoot for

distance. Now it just sort of oozes out, and it is thicker and sometimes looks

like jelly. Gross!

It's depressing. As I said I explained all this to the doctor, and he said that

he could put me on an anti-depressant called Paxil.

I'm not depressed in the sense of mental illness, I am depressed because my sex

life sucks. The MD just doesn't get it.

So I surfed the web and found a Doctor Faye in Palm Beach Florida, (Nationwide

Synergy) and he will do all the tests and put me on TRT if my test results

warrant it. My moods are always negative, and I have a short fuse. This is

strange as I usually have a good sense of humor and am normally up beat. My

local doctor wants to treat symptoms not the cause.

So now, I am at a crossroads. Do I go to Florida, take the tests and start T

injections (that's what he prescribes... Injections) or do I go online and try

to get some HCG. In an attempt to have my own body do the work. I have no idea

what a standard dose of HCG is, so I have no idea what to order.

I have no problem giving myself a shot, needles don't bother me.

It is tough trying to get a doctor to listen. Then add those baseball players

juicing up for selfish reasons, and doctors don't want to discuss it for use

with legitimate people for legit reasons.

I live in Wisconsin, and so I'd travel the 1,600 miles one way to feel better.

I prefer a doctor that is closer. And I'd like a doctor that will bring my T

levels up to 800. Not just settle for what is in the " normal range for a person

my age " .

I used to be very athletic, and in shape.. rode 40+ miles per day on a bicycle.

6 Pack abs, and great muscle definition. I actually looked good in a Speedo!

Now... I've lost the 6 pack and somehow found a KEG! No ambition, mental fog,

and forgetfulness.

I just don't know what to do.

Jon in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Re: HCG questions




> Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>


> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM


> Hi ,


> I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


> Ray

















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You would do better to come to Mi. and see Dr. he only needs to see you

once to treat you the rest he can do by Email or phone.


He is one of the best on TRT and treats men from all over the world. Here is a

link to his forum.




> >

> > From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> >

> > Subject: Re: HCG questions

> >

> >

> >

> > Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> >

> > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > I started HCG in January, and have been using

> novarel.

> >

> > Ray

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> > --

> >

> >

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On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 08:33:12 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm working on my laptop and the message was sent before I finished writing it.


>I can't find a local doctor that wants to believe that I may have a

Testosterone deficiency. I'm 38. He tells me that it's " an old man's problem

and should not be the case with a man your age " . So he prescribed Viagra 100mg,

9 pills at a cost of $120 bucks!

Did he do a test for total and free T?

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nope.. only blood sugar, and cholesterol, and a CBC. that's it. I could not

convince him to do anything else. And by the way.. the office call cost $100

bucks, and the blood work around $250.00 more, and I'm no further to knowing

what is wrong.


Re: Re: HCG questions

On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 08:33:12 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm working on my laptop and the message was sent before I finished writing



>I can't find a local doctor that wants to believe that I may have a

Testosterone deficiency. I'm 38. He tells me that it's " an old man's problem and

should not be the case with a man your age " . So he prescribed Viagra 100mg, 9

pills at a cost of $120 bucks!

Did he do a test for total and free T?

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On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 08:33:12 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm working on my laptop and the message was sent before I finished writing it.


>I can't find a local doctor that wants to believe that I may have a

Testosterone deficiency. I'm 38. He tells me that it's " an old man's problem

and should not be the case with a man your age " . So he prescribed Viagra 100mg,

9 pills at a cost of $120 bucks!


>I have no desire for sex. Been married for 20 years and life in the bedroom is

ZERO. Sex is like another thing on the " to do list " ...versus a spontaneous

thing, and even if I do have sex... my orgasm is weak. I end up wondering if I

even had a climax at all. Semen output is allot less than what it was when I

was younger... I could squirt 7 or 8 good ropes of it, and could shoot for

distance. Now it just sort of oozes out, and it is thicker and sometimes looks

like jelly. Gross!


>It's depressing. As I said I explained all this to the doctor, and he said

that he could put me on an anti-depressant called Paxil.


>I'm not depressed in the sense of mental illness, I am depressed because my

sex life sucks. The MD just doesn't get it.


>So I surfed the web and found a Doctor Faye in Palm Beach Florida, (Nationwide

Synergy) and he will do all the tests and put me on TRT if my test results

warrant it. My moods are always negative, and I have a short fuse. This is

strange as I usually have a good sense of humor and am normally up beat. My

local doctor wants to treat symptoms not the cause.


>So now, I am at a crossroads. Do I go to Florida, take the tests and start T

injections (that's what he prescribes... Injections) or do I go online and try

to get some HCG. In an attempt to have my own body do the work. I have no idea

what a standard dose of HCG is, so I have no idea what to order.


>I have no problem giving myself a shot, needles don't bother me.


>It is tough trying to get a doctor to listen. Then add those baseball players

juicing up for selfish reasons, and doctors don't want to discuss it for use

with legitimate people for legit reasons.


>I live in Wisconsin, and so I'd travel the 1,600 miles one way to feel better.

I prefer a doctor that is closer. And I'd like a doctor that will bring my T

levels up to 800. Not just settle for what is in the " normal range for a person

my age " .


>I used to be very athletic, and in shape.. rode 40+ miles per day on a bicycle.

6 Pack abs, and great muscle definition. I actually looked good in a Speedo!

Now... I've lost the 6 pack and somehow found a KEG! No ambition, mental fog,

and forgetfulness.


>I just don't know what to do.


>Jon in Green Bay, Wisconsin

I'd just insist your doctor test you for total T, free T and E2

(sensitive). - before spending money on traveling etc.

Data is info. Knowledge is power.

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What is his contact info. I will make an appointment immediately. Does he try

to get T levels up to around the 800 range or is he satisfied with " normal for

your age " type results? I want my youth and vigor back. I want the energy and

competitive edge I used to have...back.

Re: HCG questions

> >

> >

> >

> > Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> >

> > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > I started HCG in January, and have been using

> novarel.

> >

> > Ray

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> > --

> >

> >

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My insurance company formula list excluded Androgel from it. I then called up to

ask how can it be covered and they told me to have my doctor do this and

that.... I decided it wasn't worth it to have my doctor continue so I now take

the oil-based T in a vial. It's cheaper and I have a box full of needles. I like

I can take a shot every 2 weeks, rather than use Androgel every day.

Insurance companies don't care really if you are primary or secondary. Its a

cost thing with them and them finding cheaper ways so their customers can

receive the medical care needed.

From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: HCG questions

Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

Hi ,

I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.


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I see what you are doing with your shots. Happy Easter and Passover to all.

With .35ML you are dividing your shots into smaller shots. With .8ML I am not

and its a lot of T at once. Not my fault. My doc wrote the script and I found

him because is knows about low T. I can however, the next time change after

further researching a different ML where I can on a balance pattern of every 3-4

days or once a week. Right now, I don't feel any different or " crashing " .

I do my own shots so I won't come in. I may email my doc with that PDF. I don't

want to seem ignorant because he does know more about this than me.

But nevertheless, thank you Phil.

I use Depo Testosterone on the vile it says 200mgs/ml I do a .35ml shot every 3

days and HCG acts like LH and gets your adrenals and testis to make as much

testosterone as they can. Do shots every 2 weeks is old and not good your up

after the shot then down for the next 10 days until the next one. Get your Dr.

to read TRT: A Recipe for Success by Dr. print this and give it to him.

www.allthingsmale. com it'd in the Plublications section on the left side.

I don't know of anyone doing shots every 2 weeks even in the AACE Guildlines on

page 11 it says to do shots every 7 to 10 days.

http://www.aace. com/pub/pdf/ guidelines/ hypogonadism. pdf

Most Dr. not up on TRT tell men to come in every 2 weeks for a shot so they

are not in every week. This is bad your on a roller coaster ride doing this.

If you don't do your own shots get your Dr. to show you how to do them and do

your own shots.



> From: U U <uu1845 (DOT) com>

> Subject: Re: Re: HCG questions


> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 6:22 PM

> I have been on TRT since '05.  During the conception

> part, I wasn't taken it daily. OK so HCG is the same as

> taking T with a needle..


> I take my T every 2 weeks.  How do you do a T shot every 3

> days????


> Oh, I see.. You only give yourself a shot with a lower

> dose. My doc gave me a script for .8 ML per two weeks. 

> That is a lot of T but its bi weekly.


> If HCG holds down your E2, do you also take a E2 blocker?


> Thank you for the kind words. Don't pray for me. Pray

> for others with worst situations in life. I hope I find

> someone given at 31, she is the only woman I know and have

> been with. Tough situation, but its life. Ill be OK. I only

> hope I can help people once I have helped myself get through

> this.





























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When I was in my teens, I didn't know I should have erections or have feelings

to have sex with a teenage girl then. I was scared out of my mind if such a

situation even could happen because she would then know my shame due to being

primary and not having doctors treat me for it. I even told my mom and she did

nothing when I was 13. Told my step dad which made it worst. She could have

forced doctors to run tests then because it was when I was 10, I had the

surgery. No biggie now.

What you explained does read like low T. Its hard to imagine you cannot find a

competent Endo up there. Really hard to imagine. Rural areas may be limited but

you will find quality medical specialists.

You could be going through Low T caused by simply getting older in life. Sure it

would be ideal to gave you sexual aids like Cialis and have you on T shots or

gel /patch to help with well-being and emotional difficulties. 

> >

> > From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> >

> > Subject: Re: HCG questions

> >

> >

> >

> > Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> >

> > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > I started HCG in January, and have been using

> novarel.

> >

> > Ray

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> > --

> >

> >

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The life extension foundation allows you to order your own tests

<http://www.lef.org> at



They are currently having their annual sale on blood work. Follow this

link for their male panel blood work. It's currently going for $189 if

you join. It includes Chemistry panel (which has uric acid and blood

sugar), CBC, Cholesterol and trigs, Total Testosterone and Free

Testosterone, DHEAs, PSA, Estradiol (E2), Homocysteine, and C-Reactive




For a little more you can also get Progesterone, FSH, LH, and TSH tested.



The tests you paid $250 for you could have purchased at lef.org for $26.



I've found it can be easier to get blood work done and THEN SHOW UP at a

doctor appointment with results you want action on.


Xcaliber wrote:

> nope.. only blood sugar, and cholesterol, and a CBC. that's it. I could not

convince him to do anything else. And by the way.. the office call cost $100

bucks, and the blood work around $250.00 more, and I'm no further to knowing

what is wrong.


> Jon



> Re: Re: HCG questions






> On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 08:33:12 -0500, you wrote:


> >I'm working on my laptop and the message was sent before I finished writing


> >

> >I can't find a local doctor that wants to believe that I may have a

Testosterone deficiency. I'm 38. He tells me that it's " an old man's problem and

should not be the case with a man your age " . So he prescribed Viagra 100mg, 9

pills at a cost of $120 bucks!


> Did he do a test for total and free T?


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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Guest guest

It's not about range but how you feel some men do good at 600 men like me do

better higher 890. He one of the best on TRT read his web site.



> > >

> > > From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> > >

> > > Subject: Re: HCG questions

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT)

> com>

> > >

> > > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

> > >

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > I started HCG in January, and have been using

> > novarel.

> > >

> > > Ray

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

If you can do your own shots do 100mgs every week you will do better.






> From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>




> Subject: Re: HCG questions








> Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT) com>




> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM




> Hi ,




> I started HCG in January, and have been using novarel.




> Ray





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Guest guest

Yes allways make changes with your Dr. start with once a week 100mgs. check labs

in 8 weeks see how your feeling and what your labs say. Read up on this and

learn as much as you can so you know your getting the best treatment.


We have links like the above in are links and files section at the home page on

the left side.






> > From: U U <uu1845 (DOT) com>


> > Subject: Re: Re: HCG questions


> >


> > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 6:22 PM


> > I have been on TRT since '05.  During the

> conception


> > part, I wasn't taken it daily. OK so HCG is the

> same as


> > taking T with a needle..


> >


> > I take my T every 2 weeks.  How do you do a T shot

> every 3


> > days????


> >


> > Oh, I see.. You only give yourself a shot with a lower


> > dose. My doc gave me a script for .8 ML per two

> weeks. 


> > That is a lot of T but its bi weekly.


> >


> > If HCG holds down your E2, do you also take a E2

> blocker?


> >


> > Thank you for the kind words. Don't pray for me.

> Pray


> > for others with worst situations in life. I hope I

> find


> > someone given at 31, she is the only woman I know and

> have


> > been with. Tough situation, but its life. Ill be OK. I

> only


> > hope I can help people once I have helped myself get

> through


> > this.


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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Guest guest

" I want my youth and vigor back. I want the energy and competitive edge I used

to have...back. "

Since when does T do this in adult

males? A normal level of T does help overall but maybe some males are asking too\

 much in T alone.

> > >

> > > From: Ray <rgdavismac (DOT) com>

> > >

> > > Subject: Re: HCG questions

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Cc: " Ray " <rgdavismac (DOT)

> com>

> > >

> > > Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 12:52 AM

> > >

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > I started HCG in January, and have been using

> > novarel.

> > >

> > > Ray

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > >

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