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Re: Visit to JCrisler Piss Test Question

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Hey, the 24 hour urine test is a pain but very informative. I messed my first

one up, I was using Androgel at the time and somehow got a speck of it in the

container, my T level was so high, had to retake it. be extremely careful of

that. I always stop taking vitamins the day before and all supplements. I do use

my T gel as normal just being extremely careful to wash, etc. You can eat and

drink as normal, just no alcohol the day before or during the test.



> Hey so i went to Crisler and i told him how i heard about him through

this forums. He seemed pretty smart everything went well he said he can also

perform my gyne surgery for a cheap price of 2 grand but i think it will be

better if i was normal weight and it was constant and had muscle but these are

my question. My TSH was 4.013 i told him that but he said he wasnt worried with

it do you guys think thats alright? And i am going to take piss test i was

wondering in the test could i drink coke? and should i drink water after water

anyone taken it ? sort of scared D:


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Good question to me your TSH is high and you need your cortisol and Free T3 and

Free T4 tested to see if you need treatment. Your family Dr. can do this. As

for what to do before your urine test go to his forum and read up on this there

is a lot of info there. Also read the sticks and the one on Thyroid.


Here is a cut and paste on what to do before the test.


Instructions for Providing a 24-Hour Urine Specimen for Rhein Consulting Labs:


Dr. Crisler has asked you to provide a 24-hour urine specimen for a

comprehensive steroid hormone profile. You can assure the accuracy of the

urinary tests to be performed by following the instructions carefully:

If you are also doing blood tests, do both the same day.

• Do NOT take alcoholic beverages and vitamins (especially B-vitamins) for 24

HOURS before you start collecting the specimen and during the collection period.

You should continue taking all other prescribed medications as directed by Dr.


• Do NOT use HCG the week of the lab draw unless you take it every day, or

every other day.

• If on testosterone injections, don’t do your collection on shot day, or

two days after the shot

• Do NOT take DHEA the day before, or day of, the lab draw.

• If you are taking I-3-C / DIM and/or TMG continue to take them the day of

the test.

• Do NOT exceed your normal intake of liquids during the day before as well as

during collection.

• The 24-hour period begins when you get up in the morning and empty your

bladder. DO NOT COLLECT THIS FIRST URINE! Record the time and date of this

voiding on the requisition sheet provided in the kit.

• BE SURE TO COLLECT ALL URINE – day and night – for the next 24 HOURS.

Collect each specimen in the provided urine collection container. Make your

final collection when you empty your bladder the next morning, approximately 24

hours from the time marked on the requisition. A good tip is to place a urine

collecting jug on top of your toilet seat lid so you don’t forget.

• If you used two jugs, be sure to carefully mix the contents so the sample is

an average of both.

• Keep the specimen in a COOL PLACE. If at all possible, refrigerate the

specimen. After the final specimen is collected stand the container upright and

read the total volume collected from the graduations marked on the side of the

container. If the level does not fall exactly on a graduation mark, estimate to

the nearest 25ml. For example, halfway between 3500ml and 3600ml would be

3550ml. Record the volume in the space provided above. If you have any questions

concerning this procedure, contact the laboratory or your physician for


• Now carefully transfer enough urine to the plastic tube provided to fill it

to the 45ml level. Do not under fill or overfill. Remember, liquids expand upon

freezing. Screw the cap on tightly. Put this tube upright into the freezer and

freeze along with the gel refrigerant provided for several hours until frozen

hard. Then pack the gel refrigerant and tube inside the Styrofoam container and

seal it with tape. Please place no markings on the styrofoam container.

• Fill out the sender portion of the enclosed mailing label and attach it to

the green DHL mailing pouch (the lab will be billed by DHL). Tape the styrofoam

container and place it inside of the pouch, along with all of your paperwork,

and seal the pouch according to the instructions on the pouch. Take it to any

DHL/Airborne Express office or drop box on any Monday through Thursday only or

call DHL (800-call-DHL) to have it picked up (weekend deliveries cannot be

accepted). Make sure that it will ship on the same day you are dropping it off.

Otherwise keep the specimen in the freezer for an additional day. Keeping the

specimen frozen up to several days will not harm the specimen.



Any information I may provide does not substitute for a proper medical

evaluation by a medical professional; nor does it constitute doctor/patient

relationship, or liability, in any way.



> From: rickwalia <no_reply >

> Subject: Visit to JCrisler Piss Test Question


> Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 9:25 PM

> Hey so i went to Crisler and i told him how i heard

> about him through this forums. He seemed pretty smart

> everything went well he said he can also perform my gyne

> surgery for a cheap price of 2 grand but i think it will be

> better if i was normal weight and it was constant and had

> muscle but these are my question. My TSH was 4.013 i told

> him that but he said he wasnt worried with it do you guys

> think thats alright? And i am going to take piss test i was

> wondering in the test could i drink coke? and should i drink

> water after water anyone taken it ? sort of scared D:




> ------------------------------------



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Alright i got the equip to take test ic the instruction but i am confused D:

sorry not good with reading. So i get 2 big container and 1 small cone shaped

and prism on top taht one is small. So all i do is piss in big containers for

24 hours ? right what do i do with small one? Do i have to fill both or jus 1

big container? and Each one 2500 ml right?


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This link has a phone number or you might look deeper and find your answer.




> From: rickwalia <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: Visit to JCrisler Piss Test Question


> Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 1:20 AM

> Alright i got the equip to take test ic the instruction but

> i am confused D: sorry not good with reading. So i get 2 big

> container and 1 small cone shaped and prism on top taht one

> is small. So all i do is piss in big containers for 24

> hours ? right what do i do with small one? Do i have to fill

> both or jus 1 big container? and Each one 2500 ml right?


> Thanks




> ------------------------------------



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