Guest guest Posted June 5, 2009 Report Share Posted June 5, 2009 Here are some posts by Dr. M about this dam good read and I can't wait until his book comes out. ======================================================================== #2 (permalink) 04-08-2009, 03:05 AM marianco Doctor of Medicine Join Date: Nov 2005 Location: Monterey, California, USA. See Profile for contact info. Posts: 800 Rep Power: 4 Re: Post-SSRI anhedonia, sexual dysfunction and fatigue. Need your brains! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by Denmark Post-SSRI Anhedonia, sexual dysfunction and Fatigue. I was on lexapro for a year, but discontinued due to constant fatigue, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and apathy and anhedonia. Problem is now 9 months later, these problems persist! I got some testing done to get a look at my hormones. Here goes Free T4 1.9 Ok range (0.7-2.5) Free T3 3.6 Ok range (2.5-6.5) TSH 3.3 H range (0.5-3.0) TPO 17 Ok range (0-150) 70-150 borderline Cortisol levels Morning (7.9) Ok range (3.5-9.5) Noon(4.7) H range (1.2-3.0) Evening( 2.4) H range (0.6-1.9) Night (0.4) Ok range (0.4-1.0) PSA(2.1) Ok <0.5-4 optimal range(0.5-2.0) Estradiol (blood spot) 35 Ok pg/ml 12-56 Testosterone (blood spot) 559 Ok ng/dL 400-1200 (Age Dependent) Ratio: T/SHBG (blood spot) 0.6 L .7 - 1.0 DHEAS (blood spot) 318 Ok ug/dL 70-325 SHBG (blood spot)* 34 Ok nmol/L 15-50 Symptoms generally are Chronic fatigue Thin, dry skin, decreased sweating Sexual dysfunction Problems emptying bladder Anhedonia Poor cognitive abilities, vigilance, articulation, short term memory etc. Chronic constipation Furtherly drained by vigourous exercise Increased fat in abdomnial area and increase in weight, about 30 pounds. I'm 21 years old Generally, when a person has mental health problems, one is dealing with a complex illness involving the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and metabolism - which to me are parts of the mind - along with nutritional problems. Psychological problems have to be addressed in therapy whenever they exist since they also contribute to physiologic changes in the mind. One's environmental stresses have to be evaluated. Physical activities are an important component in maintaining health. Note that psychotherapy can have as good a response as any single psychiatric medication. Thus if one is not engaged in improving oneself psychologically (e.g. skills in emotional regulation, distress tolerance, problem solving, stress reduction, relationship and social skills, etc.), then one is not maximizing the outcome of treatment. The use of a single medication - such as an SSRI - only addresses a small part of the complex multi-problem illness. This is why one cannot generally expect remission of the illness with the use of a single treatment. The other problems continue. Further, one has to consider the effects of a single treatment on the other signaling systems and on metabolism. For example, an SSRI, if the dose is too high, may reduce dopamine excessively and increase norepinephrine excessively, further causing problems unless measures are done to address these problems, if a particular dose is necessary. In research studies, what is interesting is that " remission " is defined often as half of the lowest score for response. This leaves a person still ill despite being found to be in " remission " . Thus research studies use weasel words to define successful treatments - which are not. It often takes multiple systemic breakdowns to create depression, for example. If low thyroid is the entry breakdown, then mood is generally maintained by compensations in the other systems. But when these compensations become excessive (such as in sympathetic nervous system activity or immune system activity) or impaired (such as in adrenal anti-stress signaling), then mood regulation breaks down and the person becomes dysfunctional. Breakdowns in the dopamine systems may contribute to anhedonia, sexual dysfunction, impaired memory, impaired attention, impaired drive, movement problems, etc. Breakdowns in the serotonin systems may contribute to increased stress, anxiety, etc. Excessive sympathetic nervous system activity can lead to insomnia, paranoia, vigilance, excessive inflammation, insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue, etc. Low thyroid signaling may lead to lack of energy, impaired thinking, lack of libido, increase in stress, as well as physical signs such as dry skin, constipation, etc. Excessive insulin signaling may lead to weight gain, excessive inflammatory signaling, which lead to other systemic problems. Each of the signaling systems strongly interact with one another. Piecing together what is happening then would require detective work examining the interactions of all these systems. In regard to lab testing, for thyroid testing, total T4 is important to give one an idea of how much thyroid replacement therapy can be done. Thyroid hormone can fall rapidly during the transition from childhood to young adulthood, contributing to mental health problems and/or physical health problems, which may be only partially addressed by maturation of the reproductive system. When excluding people with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the average TSH become approximately 1.0 . Thus, assuming the nervous system is working well and assuming that TSH is a good measure of thyroid activity, then a TSH far from 1.0, such as 2.0 and above could be considered a sign of low thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone interpretation can be complicated because the brain could be considered a separate compartment from the rest of the body because of the blood-brain barrier., Astrocytes in the brain convert thyroid hormone from T4 to T3 at a rate different from the Liver, Kidneys and other organs. In Alzheimer's disease, this conversion is lower in the brain than the rest of the body, thus the brain is in a relative hypothyroid state. Even if one is low in thyroid hormone, thyroid replacement is not always simple. One has to pay good attention to nutrition otherwise one can get heart problems from thyroid. One has to attend to the adrenal glands otherwise thyroid treatment itself may cause adrenal fatigue. Etc. Thus even single treatments can become complicated when the whole picture / person has to be considered. Belly fat is a very active organ which can cause significant increases in inflammatory signals, contribute to insulin resistance, excessive estradiol signaling, liver problems, etc. Some of these problems are in bad positive feedback loops. For example, excessive insulin (insulin resistance), can lead to increased belly fat, which can increase estrogen signaling, which then can lower thyroid signaling, which can lead to increased stress and insulin resistance, which then increases insulin signaling, and so on. Additionally, the increased insulin can lead to lower testosterone production, which increases insulin resistance and insulin signaling. These positive feedback loops are vicious biological traps. Addressing one or more links in the chain is necessary to break it and improve health. Once the physiologic contributes to mood problems are identified - including signaling problems in the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, as well as metabolic problems and nutritional problems - then a comprehensive treatment can be designed to address them. Generally, this can be a more successful treatment than using single treatments. And it makes sense. Cheers. Dr. M __________________ Any statement I make on this site is for educational purposes only and will change as medical knowledge progresses. It does not constitute medical advice, does not substitute for proper medical evaluation from physician, does not create a doctor/patient relationship or liability. If you would like medical advice, please ask your doctor. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by marianco; 04-08-2009 at 03:09 AM. ====================================================================== #4 (permalink) 04-08-2009, 10:39 AM marianco Doctor of Medicine Join Date: Nov 2005 Location: Monterey, California, USA. See Profile for contact info. Posts: 800 Rep Power: 4 Re: Post-SSRI anhedonia, sexual dysfunction and fatigue. Need your brains! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by Denmark Yeah, thanks for that. It is very informative. But I need some advice about what to do based on symptoms and blood tests. I figure that most of of my symptoms can be explained by downregulated dopamine, testosterone and thyroid hormone. I'm freaked about having these problems so early in my life. The problem is that my doctor dosn't believe I have a thyroid problem because my TSH in within the reference range. So i've ordered some t3 myself as I've been told I have Rt3 dominance. My free testosterone is low, I don't know what to do about that, i need professional help for I suppose. I'm hoping that increasing T3 alone will bring up testosterone and dopamine. Hopefully one can find a physician who can determine one's status. When there aren't MDs or DOs who can help or understand one's condition, I think naturopathic physicians (NDs) are a great alternative when it comes to hormone and nutritional treatments. There is a fairly inexpensive textbook called Naturopathic Endocrinology, which explains this point of view. NDs can also prescribe conventional medications. Total testosterone is the best measure of testosterone's signaling activity, not free testosterone. If the total testosterone is good, I would look at the other signals and nutrition if problems remain. In psychiatry, a textbook maneuver is T3 up to 50 mcg a day when augmenting antidepressant treatment. However, I usually don't advocate using T3 alone as a sole treatment past this dose since it can totally shut down T4 production. This would leave a person vulnerable to episodes of hypothyroidism when T3 doses are missed or if T3 levels fall down too quickly. For a person's safety, some T4 should be present to help buffer T3 lows. Thyroid treatment has to include optimizing nutrition - particularly the B-vitamins to stay out of trouble. The adrenal glands have to be considered in treatment. Cortisol alone is not enough to determine how well the adrenals are doing. The adrenal cortex makes pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA-s, testosterone, estradiol, aldosterone, etc. Usually two or more of these signals have to be considered also in assessing adrenal function. I usually prefer blood tests rather than spot blood tests for reliability. Discounts can be obtained through various vendors such as for those without insurance. When choosing initial thyroid replacement alternatives, I prefer a more balanced treatment such as armour thyroid to avoid having no T4 or using Levothyroxine alone (particularly if adrenal fatigue is a huge problem). Adrenal cortical function has to be optimized since it helps control immune system signaling. The pro-inflammatory signals of the immune system contributes to a passive depressive state - e.g. anhedonia, lack of energy, etc. - when in excess. A coordinated treatment is often necessary both to help addressed the group of problems a person has and to avoid adverse effects. Dr. M __________________ Any statement I make on this site is for educational purposes only and will change as medical knowledge progresses. It does not constitute medical advice, does not substitute for proper medical evaluation from physician, does not create a doctor/patient relationship or liability. If you would like medical advice, please ask your doctor. Thank you. ====================================================================== #6 (permalink) 04-09-2009, 04:18 AM marianco Doctor of Medicine Join Date: Nov 2005 Location: Monterey, California, USA. See Profile for contact info. Posts: 800 Rep Power: 4 Re: Post-SSRI anhedonia, sexual dysfunction and fatigue. Need your brains! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by Denmark The thing is though is that if there is RT3 dominance, adding a medication which contains T4, even armour, will make a person more hypothyroid instead of increasing metabolism by converting t4 into rt3 instead of t3. My total testosterone is within range but in the lower end of normal. Since the lab tests you give do not give Total T4, Total T3, nor Reverse T3, it would be difficult to argue that there is " RT3 Dominance. " If Total T3 is good, then one can't argue that it is a problem with Reverse T3, either. Thus these other values are important to know. Using only Free T3 and/or Free T4 as measures of thyroid signaling activity is flying blind since one doesn't know the actual amount of thyroid hormone available nor the amount of binding proteins, which can be affected by other factors. Thus, at least a Total T4 is needed, and a Total T3 would be a bonus. Having these values would allow one to determine dosing. Using TSH as a measure also assumes the brain is working well. If a person has mental illness and possibly other health problems, this assumption is incorrect. Thus TSH could be very off. Thus, correlating the physical signs and history of illness with the lab test becomes very important. One has to answer the question: " Is this patient physically hypothyroid? " This information is more important than the lab test itself. If Free T3 is used as a measure of thyroid activity, then a level over 3.3 would usually mean a person has enough thyroid hormone. But because the brain conversion of T4 to T3 may be different from the body's levels, a person could still be hypothyroid as far as the brain function is concerned yet look like they are good in thyroid hormone elsewhere. This is actually one of my explanations for the phenomenon of " Thyroid Resistance " that Dr. Lowe ( believes as one contributing cause of Fibromyalgia. He would advocate adding T3 under this circumstance. Under " normal " circumstances, about 40% of T4 is converted to T3 and 60% is converted to Reverse T3. Reverse T3 is very quickly removed from the system. It is the primary pathway that one gets rid of excess T4. Reverse T3 is quickly converted to T2 and T1 - which have some thyroid signaling activity - then to Tyrosine. When one is fasting, has significant stress, or has significant physical illness (e.g. serious infection, etc., then TEMPORARILY (for about 1-3 weeks), T4 to T3 conversion is reduced and T4 to Reverse T3 conversion is increased. After 3 weeks, generally, T4 to T3 conversion returns to normal. The slower metabolism that results from lower T3 levels would also result in reduced elimination of Reverse T3, leading to the ILLUSION that there is even more Reverse T3 being created but this is actually due to reduced elimination of Reverse T3. Note that this is temporary. 's Syndrome is the belief that this is not temporary - instead that it is stuck - but it can be reverted to the normal state by temporary T3 treatment. There isn't much evidence for this, but I keep a open mind though have doubts. However, in psychiatry, the addition of T3 to augment antidepressant treatment is often a temporary maneuver also. Perhaps the improvement in mental function that can result from adding T3, reduces stress signaling enough that T4 to T3 conversion can be returned to normal. This discussion, however, begs a huge question: If fasting/starvation/poor nutrition, stress, or physical illness is the cause of the decreased T4 to T3 conversion, why not address these problems first? For example: 1. Improve nutrition. 2. Improve one's psychological skills to reduce stress by learning meditation or participating in psychotherapy 3. Reduce one's environmental stresses (e.g. work, relationships, drug abuse, etc.) 4. Look for and treat the other physical illnesses or conditions one has which are not directly related to thyroid hormone, which impair conversion. 5. Improving one's physical health through exercise. Adding T4 generally does not result in hypothyroidism unless the replacement dose is too low. It is still converted to T3 and Reverse T3. The question would be if it works well if the person has other ongoing problems - such as different conversion rates in the body vs. brain. In the large majority of people, it works. It is also safer when adrenal fatigue is present, when nutritional deficiencies are present, etc. And it is cheap - $4 a month on Wal-Mart's and Target's prescription plans. In some patients, if T4 is used, the dose may have to be fairly high to obtain the desired results. The main problem is that as the person's health improves, T4 to T3 conversion improves. The high dose T4 then increases the risk of hyperthyroidism since it would be an overcorrection. Thus, I would have to gradually reduced the dose of thyroid hormone used. Using Total T4 as a top end helps determine this line. One tactic is to reach a target Total T4 level and then work on the other areas of one's health. As one then improves by addressing these areas, thyroid activity improves also. One can see temperature improve, for example, yet the dose of T4 remains the same. As an aside, I generally would not do testosterone replacement on a man with a total testosterone of 500 ng/dl and above. What problems the person has are usually elsewhere and not due to testosterone deficiency. Addressing these other problems may actually lead to a rise in testosterone production. Dr. M __________________ Any statement I make on this site is for educational purposes only and will change as medical knowledge progresses. It does not constitute medical advice, does not substitute for proper medical evaluation from physician, does not create a doctor/patient relationship or liability. If you would like medical advice, please ask your doctor. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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