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You are 100% correct, all disease on a cellular level is either nutrient

deficient or toxic, or both.  When cells are nutrient deficient they produces

toxic conditions in the cells.  When the cells are overloaded with toxins, even

adding the deficient nutrients may not restore homeostasis due to the toxic

overload.  When the cells are too toxic they die.

The Electron theory is on an atomic level.  All toxemia or nutrient deficiencies

in the end are the loss of electrons.

Hope this helps.

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

....If some enervating condition we incur because of wrong eating, excessive drug

use, or any other influence brings about the condition that overburdens our

system and these electrons, if this really happens, go astray, what really is

the cause? Aren't they just another symptom of toxemia?

Let's take the every day, no, every second death of cells, a normal metabolic

process that produces powerful toxins which we readily, or should, eliminate

through all of the means we are familiar with. We produce..... .....sweat,

urine, feces, exhaling and usually get rid of these. If we 'check' this normal

elimination process and these toxins are deposited in a 'safe harbor' for

awhile, until overburdening the body we then develop a heroic effort by the body

to save itself. In some cases we develop discharges from any number of

orifices as well as other efforts by this wonderful body. Colds, Fever, The Flu

and perhaps even succumb to germs we night normally handle easily. Eventually

the system breaks down. Let us assume the Electrons go nuts and we develop a

serious breakdown and even cancer...... ........was it the electrons or was it

the enervation caused by the checked metabolic process? Righting the Electron

process, if it is really that involved, may temporarily seem to improve

conditions, but isn't the enervation and eventual elimination of the toxins from

whatever source, the real effort needed to be made.

....I would find it difficult to accept that correcting an Electron Disturbance

while continuing the reason they went astray (if that is a proper description) ,

doesn't seem sound.

Please note I have not stated emphatically that what I believe is the answer to

'all' problems...this is only a belief developed by reading a once great

Naturopath, Herbert Shelton and Tilden, M.D. both of whom subscribed to

this kind of thinking and watching and learning these past 60+ years.

Shelton's readings are classics in Natural eating/living...

Joe C.

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