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Re: Testosterone Replacment

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I am sorry your going through this crap but I feel the need to tell you your Dr.

is not up on TRT. Big shots every 3 weeks don't work your doing a huge shot at

one time and it spikes way up after about 3 to 4 days driving up blood levels

and Estradiol then starts falling down to your base levels by the next shot.

This is so old doing shots this way even the AACE Guidelines say to do shots

every 7 to 10 days.

Read page 11.


So here are some things you need to know about thicker blood if your Dehydrated

the morning you do labs blood comes back looking thicker. Drinking more water

at least 8 glass's and a good 2 to 3 the morning of labs your blood will look


Doing shots 100mgs every week and giving blood keep your blood thin don't tell

the Red Cross your on TRT or need to give blood to make it thin just give it.

The patch is a pain in the A** you need an HC cream to help get rid of the red

rash the patch leaves. Half the time the red spot is still there and you have

them all over your body. You can't put the patch on the same spot for 7 days.

Try talking to your Dr. have him show you how to do your shots and do tell me

when you did this lab test was it soon after you did your shot I can't see how

you are this high if it was done the day of your next one.

I was on this type of shots back in the day and when I went in for labs it was

the day of my next shot at the Dr.'s office. There were a few times the nurse

would give me the shot then do the blood work doing this spiked up levels.

If you can do your own shots and do them say 50 mgs 2x's a week this will help

keep you leveled and hold down Estradiol levels. Us men on TRT get high levels

of estradiol and this takes away any good the TRT is doing you need to test this

and keep it down between 20 to 30 pg/ml or you will lose your sex life and feel

dam bad. Plus doing a smaller shot more often this will help with thinker

blood. And take a baby aspirin everyday and get on some Fish Oil Cap's do 2

grams a day. Your Dr. can right you a script for them so you know you getting

the good stuff.

To feel great you need to get your Total Testosterone levels up into the upper

1/3 of your labs range for a young man. And you need to keep your Estradiol

down to about 20 pg/ml.



> From: butchpatrico <butchpatrico@...>

> Subject: Testosterone Replacment


> Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 7:35 PM

> Gentlemen,I ve been getting 200mg of

> cypronaite injected every two to three weeks.Felt fine

> except some emotional ups and downs.Doc took me off

> injections because of blood thicking.Now wants to try

> patches or cream.Any suggestions? First blood test after 4

> weeks on patch (5mg)showed testosterone level of 250.Doc

> says range of 300 to 900 is normal.My personal high on

> injections was 700.Now he wants to try 2 patches(10mg)per

> day.Should I try Testium cream if T levels don't come up

> with 2 patches.Personally I would like to be in the 700 to

> 900 range.Would HCG help? Or am I greedy.I felt pretty good

> at 700.I'm a big guy 6'3 " 280/290 muscular build.




> ------------------------------------



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I'll ask about self admisistered shots.Don't think he'll go for it.Don't

remember when the blood test of 700 was taken(along time ago)but the blood test

of 250 was after 4 weeks on a 5mg patch.On 10mg a day now and yes it is a pain

red ovals all over butt and thighs.I know he is going to want to try Testium

cream.Any luck with creams?Also testicles have shrunk and I would like the

family jewels back to normal size if possible.Another question is lack of semen

a side effect of low T levels or HRT?It is getting alittle embarassing when and

if I feel like haveing relations with my wife.Sorry for all the questions but

I'm not getting much out of the doctor.I begining to think they don't understand

the mental and physical effects of low T and the extended time frame they want

to work on. Any good web sites to look for a good doc familiar in HRT in

southeast Michigan? There was one a couple of years ago that listed docs across

the country who were alittle more informed about low T and hypogonadism.Sorry

about the length of the post but I'm loseing faith in the medical feilds.

In , philip georgian <pmgamer18@...> wrote:



> I am sorry your going through this crap but I feel the need to tell you your

Dr. is not up on TRT. Big shots every 3 weeks don't work your doing a huge shot

at one time and it spikes way up after about 3 to 4 days driving up blood levels

and Estradiol then starts falling down to your base levels by the next shot.

> This is so old doing shots this way even the AACE Guidelines say to do shots

every 7 to 10 days.

> Read page 11.

> http://www.aace.com/pub/pdf/guidelines/hypogonadism.pdf


> So here are some things you need to know about thicker blood if your

Dehydrated the morning you do labs blood comes back looking thicker. Drinking

more water at least 8 glass's and a good 2 to 3 the morning of labs your blood

will look better.


> Doing shots 100mgs every week and giving blood keep your blood thin don't tell

the Red Cross your on TRT or need to give blood to make it thin just give it.


> The patch is a pain in the A** you need an HC cream to help get rid of the

red rash the patch leaves. Half the time the red spot is still there and you

have them all over your body. You can't put the patch on the same spot for 7



> Try talking to your Dr. have him show you how to do your shots and do tell me

when you did this lab test was it soon after you did your shot I can't see how

you are this high if it was done the day of your next one.


> I was on this type of shots back in the day and when I went in for labs it was

the day of my next shot at the Dr.'s office. There were a few times the nurse

would give me the shot then do the blood work doing this spiked up levels.


> If you can do your own shots and do them say 50 mgs 2x's a week this will help

keep you leveled and hold down Estradiol levels. Us men on TRT get high levels

of estradiol and this takes away any good the TRT is doing you need to test this

and keep it down between 20 to 30 pg/ml or you will lose your sex life and feel

dam bad. Plus doing a smaller shot more often this will help with thinker

blood. And take a baby aspirin everyday and get on some Fish Oil Cap's do 2

grams a day. Your Dr. can right you a script for them so you know you getting

the good stuff.


> To feel great you need to get your Total Testosterone levels up into the upper

1/3 of your labs range for a young man. And you need to keep your Estradiol

down to about 20 pg/ml.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil





> > From: butchpatrico <butchpatrico@...>

> > Subject: Testosterone Replacment

> >

> > Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 7:35 PM

> > Gentlemen,I ve been getting 200mg of

> > cypronaite injected every two to three weeks.Felt fine

> > except some emotional ups and downs.Doc took me off

> > injections because of blood thicking.Now wants to try

> > patches or cream.Any suggestions? First blood test after 4

> > weeks on patch (5mg)showed testosterone level of 250.Doc

> > says range of 300 to 900 is normal.My personal high on

> > injections was 700.Now he wants to try 2 patches(10mg)per

> > day.Should I try Testium cream if T levels don't come up

> > with 2 patches.Personally I would like to be in the 700 to

> > 900 range.Would HCG help? Or am I greedy.I felt pretty good

> > at 700.I'm a big guy 6'3 " 280/290 muscular build.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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I did not know you live in my area go see my Dr. s 248-377-0600 he is

great on TRT. I have seen a lot of Dr.'s across Mi. and when I found him he was

just OK but as he sent me to see a few Endo's and seen how bad they messed me up

he started to learn about it and got dam good at it.

He will test and treat you using your health care plain and test your Estradiol

levels and treat them.

I am the kind of guy that eats up the testosterone as fast as I take it. I read

that Dr. Shippen (The Testosterone Syndrome) was doing shots every 3 days to him

self. I told my Dr. about this and he let me try this been doing this now for

over 4 yrs. It keeps me leveled and holds down my Estradiol levels. He also

put me on HCG after my showing him a article by Dr. www.allthingsmale.com

he is also in Mi. Go to his site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG


Not talk bad about your Dr. but most Dr.'s let men do there own shots back in

the day they did them every 2 to 4 weeks and had men come it for them. Now we

know this does not work big shots every 2 to 4 weeks drive up Estradiol levels

peak in 4 days and start falling you end you very low by the next shot.

I would try Androgel or Testim if your health care plain pays for it the cost is

the highest TRT out there next to pellets. My Dr. is off I-75 just north of

M-59 you take the University Ex. in Alburn Hills. If you see him tell him Phil

Georgian sent you.

If you stay with your Dr. and try Androgel or Testim you start on a 5 gram dose

this is to low for some men so when you start on this test in 2 weeks to be sure

it getting though your skin. Some feel good the first week on it then fall back

but your all ready on TRT so if it makes you feel better in the first week it's

working if not you might need 7.5 to 10 grams a day. Most men don't like gels

it can get on your wife or kids you need to keep the area you put the gel on

away from them.

I would shower in the morning put on the gel then when dry put on a T shirt at

night before going to bed with my wife I would shower again so as not to get the

gel on her.

I have had low Testosterone for over 27 yrs you can read my story at this link.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

I owe Dr. s my life as you can see from my story and the update to it.

I tried HCG after being on TRT over 23 yrs my testis were the size of small

grapes trying HCG shots we found out I have a Pituitary problem and now treat

all the hormones Thyroid, Cortisol, Ferritin and Vit.'s like B-12 and Vit. D

there are a lot of men with low Testosterone that don't do good because they

have other problems like Adrenal Fatigue and Thyroid problems.

If it were not for Dr. s I would be driving up to Lansing to see Dr.

he is a good web friend of mine.



> >

> > > From: butchpatrico <butchpatrico@...>

> > > Subject: Testosterone Replacment

> > >

> > > Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 7:35 PM

> > > Gentlemen,I ve been getting 200mg of

> > > cypronaite injected every two to three weeks.Felt

> fine

> > > except some emotional ups and downs.Doc took me

> off

> > > injections because of blood thicking.Now wants to

> try

> > > patches or cream.Any suggestions? First blood

> test after 4

> > > weeks on patch (5mg)showed testosterone level of

> 250.Doc

> > > says range of 300 to 900 is normal.My personal

> high on

> > > injections was 700.Now he wants to try 2

> patches(10mg)per

> > > day.Should I try Testium cream if T levels don't

> come up

> > > with 2 patches.Personally I would like to be in

> the 700 to

> > > 900 range.Would HCG help? Or am I greedy.I felt

> pretty good

> > > at 700.I'm a big guy 6'3 " 280/290 muscular

> build.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 23:35:09 -0000, you wrote:

>Gentlemen,I ve been getting 200mg of cypronaite injected every two to three

weeks.Felt fine except some emotional ups and downs.Doc took me off injections

because of blood thicking.Now wants to try patches or cream.Any suggestions?

First blood test after 4 weeks on patch (5mg)showed testosterone level of

250.Doc says range of 300 to 900 is normal.My personal high on injections was

700.Now he wants to try 2 patches(10mg)per day.Should I try Testium cream if T

levels don't come up with 2 patches.Personally I would like to be in the 700 to

900 range.Would HCG help? Or am I greedy.I felt pretty good at 700.I'm a big guy

6'3 " 280/290 muscular build.

How high was your hematocrit on injections? You need to be above 500

or you'll have erection issues. You won't feel particularly good in my

opinion till you're above 600. Personally my goals are 650-750.

It's far easier (and cheaper) to do injections and donate blood every

8 weeks. And take a baby aspirin every day for blood thinning (just

about every one should be doing this anyway much past 40 years - it

greatly reduces stroke and heart attack risk). The combination of

donating and aspirin should take care of the blood issues for most


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You must insist on self injecting.

Do you really want to have to go to doctor's office

every week or two weeks


That's a long time.

It's not a big deal, we all it, I have for over 35 years

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> >Gentlemen,I ve been getting 200mg of cypronaite injected every two to three

weeks.Felt fine except some emotional ups and downs.Doc took me off injections

because of blood thicking.Now wants to try patches or cream.Any suggestions?

First blood test after 4 weeks on patch (5mg)showed testosterone level of

250.Doc says range of 300 to 900 is normal.My personal high on injections was

700.Now he wants to try 2 patches(10mg)per day.Should I try Testium cream if T

levels don't come up with 2 patches.Personally I would like to be in the 700 to

900 range.Would HCG help? Or am I greedy.I felt pretty good at 700.I'm a big guy

6'3 " 280/290 muscular build.


If I remember correctly The Doc said mine was a 21 and should be below 18. If

that makes any sense. I was jolted when he said I would have to stop the

injections and was'nt listening.


> How high was your hematocrit on injections? You need to be above 500

> or you'll have erection issues. You won't feel particularly good in my

> opinion till you're above 600. Personally my goals are 650-750.


> It's far easier (and cheaper) to do injections and donate blood every

> 8 weeks. And take a baby aspirin every day for blood thinning (just

> about every one should be doing this anyway much past 40 years - it

> greatly reduces stroke and heart attack risk). The combination of

> donating and aspirin should take care of the blood issues for most

> guys.


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On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:30:18 -0000, you wrote:


>If I remember correctly The Doc said mine was a 21 and should be below 18. If

that makes any sense. I was jolted when he said I would have to stop the

injections and was'nt listening.


>> How high was your hematocrit on injections?

Yow! That is high! Did he check ferritin levels before you started?

Did he look for hematochromisis? It's a frequent cause of low T.

With levels that high you may be at serious risk. His caution could

be well merited.

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On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:30:18 -0000, you wrote:




>> >Gentlemen,I ve been getting 200mg of cypronaite injected every two to three

weeks.Felt fine except some emotional ups and downs.Doc took me off injections

because of blood thicking.Now wants to try patches or cream.Any suggestions?

First blood test after 4 weeks on patch (5mg)showed testosterone level of

250.Doc says range of 300 to 900 is normal.My personal high on injections was

700.Now he wants to try 2 patches(10mg)per day.Should I try Testium cream if T

levels don't come up with 2 patches.Personally I would like to be in the 700 to

900 range.Would HCG help? Or am I greedy.I felt pretty good at 700.I'm a big guy

6'3 " 280/290 muscular build.



>If I remember correctly The Doc said mine was a 21 and should be below 18. If

that makes any sense. I was jolted when he said I would have to stop the

injections and was'nt listening.

Has he restested? Hemaglobin levels can be greatly affected by

dehydration. He should retest before withdrawing you from TRT in my

non doctor opinion.


What does a high hemoglobin level mean?

Higher than normal hemoglobin levels can be seen in people living at

high altitudes and in people who smoker. Dehydration produces a

falsely high hemoglobin which disappears when proper fluid balance is


Some other infrequent causes are:

* advanced lung disease (for example, emphysema),

* certain tumors,

* a disorder of the bone marrow known as polycythemia rubra vera,


* abuse of the drug erythropoietin (E

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