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Low ejaculate volume

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Everything I have read on this says age as we get older this happens. I do some

supplements that help. I do L-Aginine and Maca. Here is a good cut & paste on



Eat Right for Maximum Ejaculate Nutrition plays a great role in determining

both the content and volume of your ejaculate. Naturally, a balanced diet is

essential for good sexual health, but the vitamins, minerals and supplements

listed below can have a dramatic effect on the volume of ejaculate your body

produces. The supplement L-Arginine is an amino acid the body uses for a

variety of important chemical and cellular processes. . .it is also believed to

help you produce more volume of ejaculate. 500mg daily and (this is

important...) 1,000mg 30-40 minutes prior to sexual activity. Like all natural

supplements, you must be patient and allow your body's " storehouse " to build-up.

This period takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending upon the individuals

baseline health and metabolic rate. Zinc - One of the nutrients most critical

for prostate health. The prostate needs 10 times more zinc than any other organ

in the body. It is vital for preventing prostate problems.

Unfortunately, 90% of men consume diets deficient in Zinc because most of our

food is processed. Irving Bush and Associates at Chicago's Cook County Hospital

tested the effectiveness of Zinc supplementation on men with prostate problems.

All patients reported symptomatic improvement while almost 80% had palpable

shrinkage of the prostate gland. RDA is 15 mg...we recommend 45 mg per day.

Lycopene - is a natural anti-oxident that is prevalent in tomatoes. Recent

studies show it to have roughly twice the power of Beta-Carotene and 10 times

the strength of Vitamin E, when it comes to protecting and healing our bodies

from the damage of free radicals which are the cancer precursors. In fact, free

radicals are now considered to be one of the main causes of disease and aging.

In a process known as oxidation, they accelerate the breakdown of our cell's

structure, thereby damaging the DNA and weakening our immune system. A four year

study at Harvard University set out to see

whether the five major antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables would have

any beneficial effect on prostate cancer. Of the five, only Lycopene was found

to have a direct link. They found that of the 50,000 healthy males studied,

those who ate at least 10 servings of tomatoes or tomato based products per week

were 33% less likely to develop prostate complications than those who never ate

them. Researchers concluded that the active antioxidant in tomatoes, Lycopene,

significantly reduced the risk of prostate difficulties and improved its

function. We recommend 10-12 servings of tomatoes or tomato based foods per

week. Do not use or ingest if allergic. Beta-Sitosterol - is another nutrient

that may benefit men with prostate problems. One double blind study of 100 men

showed that Beta-Sitosterol taken over a six month period improved urine flow,

reduced the size of the prostate and led to subjective feelings of improvement.

Niacin - is important for many cellular

processes. Supplementation with extra niacin in your diet will promote

increased blood flow to all parts of your body. . .including the scrotum and


thombow <thombow@...> wrote:

Why does having low T cause this? If you're replacing the T and taking

HcG shouldn't it be working?

I used to shoot 3 or 4 " strings " now maybe a teaspoon and it doesn't

shoot at all. It is sticky, like there's not enough fluid. Sometimes it

doesn't even come out on the first contraction. And the orgasm isn't as

pleasurable. And after I'm flacid some clear fluid will leak out. Never

had these problems prior to hypogonadism. Any ideas? Don't say drink

more water, tried it. And besides I was a shooter before and never

guzzled water.


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Hi Thombow

When we have discussed this previously it has been in terms of prostate effects.


the topic is complex as you can imagine. In looking at the literature I also

came across this

paper which says when we have a PSA we should not ejaculate for at least 24

hours PRIOR

to test!


PSA testing within 24 hours after ejaculation may lead to an erroneous


of the results of both total and percent free PSA measurements in a small


of men.


I know many have asked if we can ejaculate prior to blood tests for T but this

is also one test

we need at least annually


Effect of ejaculation on serum total and free prostate-specific antigen


Herschman JD, DS, Catalona WJ.

Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,

Missouri, USA.

OBJECTIVES: Measurement of total serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is widely

used as an aid to early detection of prostate cancer. Measurement of the ratio

of free

to total PSA may increase the specificity of PSA testing. To improve specificity

further, other factors that may cause transient increases in PSA, such as


have been identified. We prospectively studied the effect of ejaculation on

total and

free PSA levels and examined whether changes induced by ejaculation would affect

recommendations for performing prostatic biopsy. METHODS: We measured the

baseline total and free serum PSA levels and obtained measurements 1.6, and 24

hours after ejaculation in 20 volunteers (mean age 59 years). All men had


PSA levels less than 4.0 ng/mL. We used repeated-measures analysis of variance


test for changes in total, free, and percent free PSA after ejaculation. We also

calculated the proportion of men with PSA levels greater than the expected


variability at each timepoint. RESULTS: The mean total, free, and percent free


PSA increased 1 hour after ejaculation. Mean total PSA levels remained


increased 6 and 24 hours after ejaculation. Mean free PSA decreased to baseline

levels by 6 hours after ejaculation, and percent free PSA returned to baseline

by 6

hours after ejaculation and then decreased below baseline by 24 hours. When


biologic variation was accounted for, 40% of men, at 24 hours after ejaculation,


total PSA levels above the baseline level. Similarly, 24 hours after

ejaculation, the

percent free PSA remained above baseline level in 10% and below baseline level


35% of the men. CONCLUSIONS: Both total and free PSA increase immediately

after ejaculation, with differing rates of return to baseline levels. PSA

testing within

24 hours after ejaculation may lead to an erroneous interpretation of the

results of

both total and percent free PSA measurements in a small proportion of men.

On 26 Jul 2006 at 15:49, thombow wrote:

> Why does having low T cause this? If you're replacing the T and taking

> HcG shouldn't it be working?


> I used to shoot 3 or 4 " strings " now maybe a teaspoon and it doesn't

> shoot at all. It is sticky, like there's not enough fluid. Sometimes it

> doesn't even come out on the first contraction. And the orgasm isn't as

> pleasurable. And after I'm flacid some clear fluid will leak out. Never

> had these problems prior to hypogonadism. Any ideas? Don't say drink

> more water, tried it. And besides I was a shooter before and never

> guzzled water.


> Thanks






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Hi Thombow

Here is a text book that you may get from a Library that might help?

Disorders of ejaculation: congenital,

acquired and functional

Author: HENDRY W.F.1

Source: BJU International, Volume 82, Number 3, September 1998, pp. 331-341(11)

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing

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Language: English

Document Type: Research article

Affiliations: 1: St Bartholomew´s and Royal Marsden Hospitals, London, UK

On 26 Jul 2006 at 15:49, thombow wrote:

> Why does having low T cause this? If you're replacing the T and taking

> HcG shouldn't it be working?


> I used to shoot 3 or 4 " strings " now maybe a teaspoon and it doesn't

> shoot at all. It is sticky, like there's not enough fluid. Sometimes it

> doesn't even come out on the first contraction. And the orgasm isn't as

> pleasurable. And after I'm flacid some clear fluid will leak out. Never

> had these problems prior to hypogonadism. Any ideas? Don't say drink

> more water, tried it. And besides I was a shooter before and never

> guzzled water.


> Thanks




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  • 2 years later...

L arginine at at least a dose of 6 grams a day helped me. I took it in

conjunction with Maca. Both are reported to increase ejaculate. It certainly

did for me. More and fuller and more pleasant contractions.

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I have been doing T replacement with arimidex. My numbers are in good

range but ejaculate volume is very low. I also do 300 IU HCG

injections, 3 times per week. Any suggestions on how to improve volume

of ejaculate.

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