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Visit to Crisler question

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So i was thinking about going to see Crisler to do more test as

my thyroid and testesterone isnt enough and more test are needed.

Well once i emailed Kim his assistance these are my question..

1) Should i tell my Primary care physican to call him or go there

personally because im going to go there just to talk to him? And then

come back home and do the test shouldnt it be other way around do the

test and if something wrong then go to him.

2)Why is the consultation going to be 1 and 1/2 hours what will


3) why is airfare to lansing 900$? im traving from oppisite end or is

this for all state?

Payment for Consultations is made in advance, before the appointment

time is scheduled, and may be completed using our standard order form

available on our website. Although we like to be as flexible as

possible, we must require at least 24 hours notice if you need to

cancel or change your appointment. Emergencies are handled on a case

by case basis.

A lab-work requisition form will be sent home with you after your

visit, and the tests ordered may be performed at your lab of choice.

Any prescription(s) may be filled at the pharmacies that we use or

may also be sent with you to be filled at your pharmacy of choice.

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1. You can talk to your PC, but he or she may get pissed off. The

cost is the same, whether you see him or your doctor calls him. If your

doctor calls him, your doctor will have to be the one to prescribe any

medication Dr. J recommends. Your doctor may or may not agree with

prescribing the medications and/or amounts, especially since testosterone is

a schedule III controlled substance. I would recommend you visit Dr. J and

that establishes the doctor patient relationship lawfully. I am not going

to speak for him, but I changed from a previous physician to Dr. J and I

brought him my old labs. We then scheduled all the labs Dr. J wanted, then

had a voice visit to go over them along with the recommended treatment.

2. The consultation is between 1 and 1-1/2 hours because he is

thorough, and unlike a doctor who accepts insurance and needs to see 40

patients a day @ 2 every 15 minutes, Dr. J will talk to you, get to know

you, learn what your symptoms are, talk to you about your health, previous

labs and why certain tests are required, diet, etc. To do an honest job at

it takes some time. Many symptoms of andropause/hypogonadism are abstract

such as erectile dysfunction, brain fog. It is not as easy as looking at an


3. It cost me a lot to get there too. I had to stay overnight for

another $200 for lodging + dinner, breakfast and taxi.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of rickwalia

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 5:55 PM

Subject: Visit to Crisler question

So i was thinking about going to see Crisler to do more test as

my thyroid and testesterone isnt enough and more test are needed.

Well once i emailed Kim his assistance these are my question..

1) Should i tell my Primary care physican to call him or go there

personally because im going to go there just to talk to him? And then

come back home and do the test shouldnt it be other way around do the

test and if something wrong then go to him.

2)Why is the consultation going to be 1 and 1/2 hours what will


3) why is airfare to lansing 900$? im traving from oppisite end or is

this for all state?

Payment for Consultations is made in advance, before the appointment

time is scheduled, and may be completed using our standard order form

available on our website. Although we like to be as flexible as

possible, we must require at least 24 hours notice if you need to

cancel or change your appointment. Emergencies are handled on a case

by case basis.

A lab-work requisition form will be sent home with you after your

visit, and the tests ordered may be performed at your lab of choice.

Any prescription(s) may be filled at the pharmacies that we use or

may also be sent with you to be filled at your pharmacy of choice.

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also another question

i seem to talk real fast or well i am very nervous i dont why but

people dont understand me its probably because english isnt my native

tounge as i am indian but i know the word and how to say it but either

i say it to fast or i jus screw up and people cant usually sometimes

understand me and i usually pause. I dont know how to explain but is it

possible its related to hormones? thanks

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what sucks is me paying a monthly premium of $900 for top end Blue

Cross and I can't use it.


> Thanks a lot bro =] It sucks he lives in Lansing even though its an

> awesome place because its a lot expensive to go there then other state

> lol.


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> also another question


> i seem to talk real fast or well i am very nervous i dont why but

> people dont understand me its probably because english isnt my native

> tounge as i am indian but i know the word and how to say it but


> i say it to fast or i jus screw up and people cant usually sometimes

> understand me and i usually pause. I dont know how to explain but is


> possible its related to hormones? thanks



Rick, I don't think your fast talk is related to hormone issues,

It sounds like you just need to really slow down and carefully form

the words and sentences to yourself first, then to others.

This will no doubt get much better over time as you become more

comfortable with the English language. No problem !

Best wishes to you


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evening all, I just had my first Endo appointment with a new Endo. I did my

research and he seems understanding and someone I can talk to.

I gave him some of my old blood test and I will fax him tests with LH and FSH


he wants me to take a Sleep Apnea test. The test he wants me to take are: CBC,

compr metab profile, lipid panel, PSA, total and free T, Estradiol, DHEAs,

170-progesterone, prolactin, tsh -dx: hypoganadism.

recently, I had the chance to be a dad and he was stillbirth at seven months...

After the Endo told me I couldnt conceive, i then told her, but I still have

that fear..... I remember all I have been through with primary and what my first

good Endo told me, sure I still dont think I can again, but this new doc told

me, wait until I am a professional and whomever she will be is stable in her

career, and then plan it. He said my testicles are small but not small enough

not to possibly conceive. He said once me and this person are ready, come see

him and Ill take a semen test and may be put on a fertiity drug. After since

June, when i lost him, I still think of him and what could have been, I also

think i will not have that opportunity again.

When I do meet someone again, Ill hold off expressing this, i may have a

slightly or slightly not average penis which still bothers me, but i think i

will not mention my condition because not every person and female can

understand. Im 31 just started college again, so I dont have a career yet, but

in a year i can be in a field working while still going to school. I only hope

whomever I meet can understand the potential and not focus so much on what I

dont have.

I know me, and i know I will continue to do well and with her, push myself

harder because I do what the family and commitment.

Anyways, Dr. isn't the only Endo doc that will simply understand and listen

and then put into action. If you live in NYC / NJ / PHIL make the commute to NYC

and Ill help you find  a qualified Endo with your insurance and we'll call and

email some docs if you dont have insurance.


From: kahrcw9 <no_reply >

Subject: Re: Visit to Crisler question

Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:58 PM


> also another question


> i seem to talk real fast or well i am very nervous i dont why but

> people dont understand me its probably because english isnt my native

> tounge as i am indian but i know the word and how to say it but


> i say it to fast or i jus screw up and people cant usually sometimes

> understand me and i usually pause. I dont know how to explain but is


> possible its related to hormones? thanks


------------ --------- --------- --

Rick, I don't think your fast talk is related to hormone issues,

It sounds like you just need to really slow down and carefully form

the words and sentences to yourself first, then to others.

This will no doubt get much better over time as you become more

comfortable with the English language. No problem !

Best wishes to you


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Yea actually i lived in NY for quite a while. Around 7-8 years i was 7

or 9 when i came to NY from india =\ then i went MS at age 15. I had

severe case of gyne and my local docter who was only couple minutes

away from my house in NY told me that if my gyne didnt start

disappearing were gonna take a closer look in your gyne but before i

went back we moved =\.

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Decided to leave The Apple? What happened to your Gyno? I had three separate

surgeries for it. I still have breast fat but I am loosing weight. If I could

have another surgery this time properly done, I would. But now my nipples have

no sensation and they are inner, rather than outer. I am not comfortable showing

my chest but once I loose more weight perhaps intimately.

From: rickwalia <no_reply >

Subject: Re: Visit to Crisler question

Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 10:46 PM

Yea actually i lived in NY for quite a while. Around 7-8 years i was


or 9 when i came to NY from india =\ then i went MS at age 15. I had

severe case of gyne and my local docter who was only couple minutes

away from my house in NY told me that if my gyne didnt start

disappearing were gonna take a closer look in your gyne but before i

went back we moved =\.

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I haven't gotten a surgery but i will hopefully after i check my

hormones and visit to dr.crisler and after i graduate. But the funny

thing is i have a severe case i dont know what causes it klinefelter,

hormone imbalance or what =\ but thing is my brother also has severe

gyne and he is 2 years older is that normal? Hopefully ill travel to ny

after my hormone checkup and after i graduate ill go to ny and get

surgery by bermant or jacob.

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