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Re: I just got home from heart sugary.

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Thanks yep I need a lot of help it's going to be a long road but it's allways

been this way a long road.



> From: d00fu524 <calvin1564@...>

> Subject: Re: I just got home from heart sugary.


> Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 12:46 PM


> >

> > Good news I seen the Heart Dr. not the one that did

> the bypass sugary but the one that first seen me and tried

> to fix my blockage by doing a balloon-tipped catheter. 

> I seen him again yesterday and my chart was so thick the

> nurse made remark about it being so thick for the 2ND.

> visit.

> >

> > When the Dr. come in to see me the first thing he

> talked about was my low hormones and being Hypopituitary he

> said the Heart bypass Dr.'s like to take people off there

> Hormones and this is to him a big mistake.  Turns out

> he was a Endo specializing in Pituitary and Hormone problems

> before he became a Heart Dr.

> >

> > He told me they also messed up on my Testosterone meds

> give me to low a dose making my joints and muscles break

> down so we are not doing any heart smart diet he wants me to

> eat a diet higher in protein and good fats to help heal my

> body and not gain any weight so I am just going to follow

> the diet I did this Weight Watchers.

> >  Then we will do a heart diet and go into heart

> therapy when my body heals or gets better.

> >

> > I told him my family Dr. wanted me to do a stress test

> before I seen him and to start Therapy for my heart.  I

> told him how upset this made me and my wife made these

> appointments that I canceled.  He said it was good I

> did this he does not do Stress Testing after bypass sugary

> and he needs to just let him treat my heart.

> >

> > I am so happy to find out this Dr. is up on all the

> things wrong with me and told me he is calling my Dr. and

> having a long talk with him about my treatment he feels I

> need Growth Hormone  my levels are to low at 125 he

> does not go by the range by age and feels one needs to be

> near 300.

> >

> > So for once things are looking up


> I'm really glad things are starting to look up for you,

> Phil.  Hope you get all the care you need to recover.

> ~Xian




> ------------------------------------



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It's about time you got a break and some good luck. Congrats on this

good turn of events!

Bless you Phil.

On Sat, 16 May 2009 16:21:14 -0000, you wrote:

>Good news I seen the Heart Dr. not the one that did the bypass sugary but the

one that first seen me and tried to fix my blockage by doing a balloon-tipped

catheter. I seen him again yesterday and my chart was so thick the nurse made

remark about it being so thick for the 2ND. visit.


>When the Dr. come in to see me the first thing he talked about was my low

hormones and being Hypopituitary he said the Heart bypass Dr.'s like to take

people off there Hormones and this is to him a big mistake. Turns out he was a

Endo specializing in Pituitary and Hormone problems before he became a Heart Dr.


>He told me they also messed up on my Testosterone meds give me to low a dose

making my joints and muscles break down so we are not doing any heart smart diet

he wants me to eat a diet higher in protein and good fats to help heal my body

and not gain any weight so I am just going to follow the diet I did this Weight


> Then we will do a heart diet and go into heart therapy when my body heals or

gets better.


>I told him my family Dr. wanted me to do a stress test before I seen him and to

start Therapy for my heart. I told him how upset this made me and my wife made

these appointments that I canceled. He said it was good I did this he does not

do Stress Testing after bypass sugary and he needs to just let him treat my



>I am so happy to find out this Dr. is up on all the things wrong with me and

told me he is calling my Dr. and having a long talk with him about my treatment

he feels I need Growth Hormone my levels are to low at 125 he does not go by

the range by age and feels one needs to be near 300.


>So for once things are looking up

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Thanks just one less thing to worry about.




> >Good news I seen the Heart Dr. not the one that did the

> bypass sugary but the one that first seen me and tried to

> fix my blockage by doing a balloon-tipped catheter.  I

> seen him again yesterday and my chart was so thick the nurse

> made remark about it being so thick for the 2ND. visit.

> >

> >When the Dr. come in to see me the first thing he

> talked about was my low hormones and being Hypopituitary he

> said the Heart bypass Dr.'s like to take people off there

> Hormones and this is to him a big mistake.  Turns out

> he was a Endo specializing in Pituitary and Hormone problems

> before he became a Heart Dr.

> >

> >He told me they also messed up on my Testosterone meds

> give me to low a dose making my joints and muscles break

> down so we are not doing any heart smart diet he wants me to

> eat a diet higher in protein and good fats to help heal my

> body and not gain any weight so I am just going to follow

> the diet I did this Weight Watchers.

> > Then we will do a heart diet and go into heart therapy

> when my body heals or gets better.

> >

> >I told him my family Dr. wanted me to do a stress test

> before I seen him and to start Therapy for my heart.  I

> told him how upset this made me and my wife made these

> appointments that I canceled.  He said it was good I

> did this he does not do Stress Testing after bypass sugary

> and he needs to just let him treat my heart.

> >

> >I am so happy to find out this Dr. is up on all the

> things wrong with me and told me he is calling my Dr. and

> having a long talk with him about my treatment he feels I

> need Growth Hormone  my levels are to low at 125 he

> does not go by the range by age and feels one needs to be

> near 300.

> >

> >So for once things are looking up




> ------------------------------------



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  • 1 month later...
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Just an update on what happened to me in the hosp. I just seen a thread at my

Thyroid Forum that I did not notice.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/vi...hp?f=2 & t=10475

Hardasnails posted the following and my reply is below this. I just want to

thank all of you again for praying for me and my recovery.


Phils wonderful wife gave me a call and basically told me phil is lucky to be

alive. He had 85% and 100% blockage in valves. After the operation he then got a

staff infection and will be in hospital for another 2-3 weeks. He almost did not

make it because they almost did not perform the operation because of the bone


bone were so brittle that they his sternum almost calapsed, but the plastic

surgeoun was able to safe it. LET THIS BE A LESSON LEARNED BY CHASING AND SELF



Wow what a strong thread here I can't tell you how good it feels to know so many

people were pulling for me. This is the first time I seen this thread. But let

me point out some things about my wife she is the reason I am here today if it

were not for her I would be dead and gone. She was by my side day and night and

my to daughters. I was never left alone in the Hosp. At times when the Dr.'s

wanted to give up on me my Wife threatened them with a law suit.

As for what Hardasnails said in the first part of this thread, yes my Wife told

him what the Dr.'s told her the my bones would not hold the wire they used to

hold my chest together. They told her it was the steroids I was taking that did

this to my bones. And in saying this to her it just set her off saying I told

him something would happen and go wrong on them hormones. She has a bad taste in

her mouth about hormones because of the HRT she was on for her change in life.

They had her on the meds that cause breast cancer in women and she was pulled

for her HRT left to crash. Not one of the Dr.'s she was seeing would say there

are other safe hormones she could get compounded and use.

My bones being held together with wire became infected and this infection caused

the bones to deteriorate. So the wire was ripping through the bones. They put a

brace on you after this sugary with handles on each side of your chest so if you

cough your to grab the handles and pull on them to hold your chest together. I

did this every time I coughed. Still my bones became infected and when my wife

asked why this happened they told her it was all the steroids I was on. And this

is not what happened there is a 75% chance this could happen it happens all the

time. They just did not catch it in time. I was out of ICU a week with this

infection until it got so bad it dam near killed me.

One reason for this is my Surgeon was out of town on Vac. for the holidays it

was late Nov. when I had the by pass sugary. The dam Hosp. Dr.'s missed this and

were the reason the wire pulled away from my bones. Had they caught this sooner

and treated the infection the wire might have held.

It was the Hosp. Heart Dr. that told my wife it was due to the steroids I was on

what a joke.

So after they dam near killed me I went back in sugary and because I was on a

blood thinner they had to keep me sedated on the med that they think Michale

might have been on that killed him Proposol. I was out cold on this with

my chest open for 14 weeks. The first thing they did when the blood thinner was

out of my blood was to put in a steel plate to hold my ribs together. This did

not work because the damage done to my bones in this area due to the infection.

The screws would not hold and pulled apart and punched a vessel and I was

bleeding to death. So back in sugary still out could and laying there with my

chest open because they put me back on blood thinners again after the plate was

put in. So to make a long story short if it were not for my Wife and Kids I

would not be here. They told the Dr.'s I started bleeding though my chest and

this saved my life I was full of blood in my chest and just made it back in to


So after all this I was in ICU for 14 weeks and then in a therapy ward for 3

more weeks the able to come home. Hardasnails is a good friend and my wife

thinks we are nuts posting and talking about this day in and day out. Still

after all this she still does not like my posting and helping people on the

forums. This is her problem not mine she is a good wife and dam happy I came

though this and am back home. Yesterday I had a 2D scan on my heart and every

thing good dam good.

I am lucky my Heart Dr. was an Endo in Italy and was treating people for

Hypopituitary and Hormone problems when he came to the USA he found there was

not much use for a Dr. like this and swifted to be a heart Dr.

It was my Heart Dr that told me when I seen him after getting out of the hosp.

From my chart he had a copy of it from the hosp. what happened to me. He said

had he knew that they pulled me off my HCG and Testosterone meds he would have

stopped them from doing this. But after he tried to do the Coronary angioplasty

and could not do it was out of his hands.

But Heart surgeon's don't believe in TRT and Pituitary problems they are legends

in the own minds. The first thing I did before having the Coronary angioplasty

was to have my chart Red Lined for Adrenal Insufficiency. And to make dam sure

every time I went in for sugary to give me a big dose of Medrol before and after

sugary so I could not die from Adrenal Crisis.

This was done 5 times and my HC meds in the ICU were kept up. What they did was

to stop my HCG and Testosterone shots saying this would interfere with my

recovery. They were dam wrong big time on this and I am mad as hell at my Family

Dr. for letting them do this to me. I crashed big time and what happened to my

bones was this. They used wire to hold my sternum together. After the the

infection not being found in time and not being on my Testosterone meds my bones

flailed fast. This is what my Heart Dr. told me that was an Endo at one time. So

doing HC or cortef even Medrol does not hurt your bones.

I pray this post makes sense I went over it 3 times my mind is just not right

for a long post like this. And I can,t tell you enough how your prayers helped

me get though this. I do believe in the power of praying so thanks for praying

for me.

> >

> > >Good news I seen the Heart Dr. not the one that did the

> > bypass sugary but the one that first seen me and tried to

> > fix my blockage by doing a balloon-tipped catheter.  I

> > seen him again yesterday and my chart was so thick the nurse

> > made remark about it being so thick for the 2ND. visit.

> > >

> > >When the Dr. come in to see me the first thing he

> > talked about was my low hormones and being Hypopituitary he

> > said the Heart bypass Dr.'s like to take people off there

> > Hormones and this is to him a big mistake.  Turns out

> > he was a Endo specializing in Pituitary and Hormone problems

> > before he became a Heart Dr.

> > >

> > >He told me they also messed up on my Testosterone meds

> > give me to low a dose making my joints and muscles break

> > down so we are not doing any heart smart diet he wants me to

> > eat a diet higher in protein and good fats to help heal my

> > body and not gain any weight so I am just going to follow

> > the diet I did this Weight Watchers.

> > > Then we will do a heart diet and go into heart therapy

> > when my body heals or gets better.

> > >

> > >I told him my family Dr. wanted me to do a stress test

> > before I seen him and to start Therapy for my heart.  I

> > told him how upset this made me and my wife made these

> > appointments that I canceled.  He said it was good I

> > did this he does not do Stress Testing after bypass sugary

> > and he needs to just let him treat my heart.

> > >

> > >I am so happy to find out this Dr. is up on all the

> > things wrong with me and told me he is calling my Dr. and

> > having a long talk with him about my treatment he feels I

> > need Growth Hormone  my levels are to low at 125 he

> > does not go by the range by age and feels one needs to be

> > near 300.

> > >

> > >So for once things are looking up

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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