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Re: Sterile Abscess?

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I have had one before.....if that ever happens again keflex is usually the

best thing to get it down if it dont go down...but your never supposed to

rub them as those lumps are usually infection and rubbing that makes the

infection spread. I learned the hard way and had to have one cut and

drained. I rubbed it daily...Doctors advice dont rub it....usually if it

dont go down, it will get red, and warm, and u will be feverish...

> I need to know if anyone has experience with a Sterile Abscess? I ran

> out of " short " needles and so I used a 25g 1.5 " needle to inject 2cc of

> HCG into my thigh. About an hour later my thigh started swelling

> (last Thursday). By Friday and Saturday, I could hardly put any

> weight on that leg. By Sunday, it still hurt like crazy, but I could

> put weight on it. My MD just got back into town and in his email to

> me (from this description) he says it sounds like a Sterile Abscess.


> How is this treated? How long will it take for the pain to go away? I

> woke up several times last night with my leg hurting (feels like the

> after effects of a bad Charlie Horse, or a muscle that has been in

> spasm). It's been 5 days as I type this message.


> Are there complications I should be aware of? A lot of the swelling

> has gone down. It feels good to massage the thigh, and I can't feel

> any " lumps. " It just feels like a bruised muscle or a muscle after a

> bad cramp. I don't have a fever and it doesn't really feel warm to the

> touch. Any Thoughts or Questions I should ask? Any similar

> experiences?




> ------------------------------------



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> I did a thigh injection of HCG that was about 2cc's of fluid using a

> 1.5 " needle.

2cc's of HCG is a LOT... even with the smallest dose ampules I've seen

that's 3000IU!

if you doctor wasn't terrible concerned I'd say you shouldn't be

either... I've had a couple of bad shots that hurt for a few days (as

long as a week) and they always went away.

now you've got some incentive to go to the local drugstore and get a

box of insulin syringes... they're cheap and as you see using a nice

little syringe for a nice normal dose (which for me 250iu from a

5000iu vial is .05cc) it'll work out better...

check your math before you do 2cc's of hcg!

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I know the dosage has been a bone of contention on this Board a lot.

My doc's keep saying that based upon multiple tests, I continued to

get benefit up to 2,000IU every other day. Beyond that, my testicles

were maxed out and I got no additional benefit. I had diluted it

down to 1,000iu/1cc, so that's why I injected 2ccs.

It has now been 15 days and i just saw a doctor about the pain and

swelling. He looked at it and explained that I probably nicked a

vein that bled heavily in to the muscle compartment of the thigh.

Apparently blood is highly irritating to muscle. It will take some

time for the deep bruising to resolve itself. My sense is maybe up

to six weeks. He says to watch for a fever. Take Aleve for pain.

> >

> > I did a thigh injection of HCG that was about 2cc's of fluid

using a

> > 1.5 " needle.


> 2cc's of HCG is a LOT... even with the smallest dose ampules I've


> that's 3000IU!


> if you doctor wasn't terrible concerned I'd say you shouldn't be

> either... I've had a couple of bad shots that hurt for a few days


> long as a week) and they always went away.


> now you've got some incentive to go to the local drugstore and get a

> box of insulin syringes... they're cheap and as you see using a nice

> little syringe for a nice normal dose (which for me 250iu from a

> 5000iu vial is .05cc) it'll work out better...


> check your math before you do 2cc's of hcg!


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