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Re: 40 Year old with Low T taking 50MG of Clomid

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You can get the best of both worlds- adequate T and fuller testicular size- if

you use both hCG and testosterone simultaneously. Otherwise, doing testosterone

and then a testosterone-production stimulator risks losing the ability for your

testicles to produce their own T in response to Clomid, Tamoxifen, Arimidex,

Letrozole, or hCG; you could potentially develop primary hypogonadism.

Otherwise, the only side effects I know of regarding Clomid are similar to

menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes (since Clomid selectively competes

with estrogen in the hypothalamus).



> Tough Androgel did get my T-Levels up to >5, I've decided that I didn't want

to " shut down my testies " at this point in my life. I still might want to raise

kids, and don't want my testies to shrink.


> Thus, my endocrinologist put me on 50mg of Clomiphene Citrate.


> If you can kindly provide feedback Clomid, including side effects, that would

be great. I believe this product is primarilly used for women and fertility.


> Greatly appreciated!


> Thanks


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> >

> > Tough Androgel did get my T-Levels up to >5, I've decided that I didn't want

to " shut down my testies " at this point in my life. I still might want to raise

kids, and don't want my testies to shrink.

> >

> > Thus, my endocrinologist put me on 50mg of Clomiphene Citrate.

> >

> > If you can kindly provide feedback Clomid, including side effects, that

would be great. I believe this product is primarilly used for women and


> >

> > Greatly appreciated!

> >

> > Thanks

> >


If you endo is using 50 mgs clomid long term he is an idiot because it can cause

eye issues big time. clomid is short term use 8-10 weeks and then if that fails

your can use HCG instead. I run a clomid challege for 7 days to see if you are

primary or secondary. If you are less then 30 then we try a restart if older we

use hcg 500 ius every 3 rd day then retest in 2 weeks Testoterone and E2 then

adjust accordingly. Before any TRT is intiated the adrenals and thyroid are

properly checked to see if there are any imbalances in these which could be

affecting hormone function. I also look at lifestyle, nutrition, current

stress, and sleep patterns to identify where the cause is.

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Great post as all ways one more thing about clomid is ones eyes some men a lot

of them get floaters in there eyes that don't go away if you don't stop it soon




> From: d00fu524 <calvin1564@...>

> Subject: Re: 40 Year old with Low T taking 50MG of Clomid


> Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 9:17 PM

> You can get the best of both worlds-

> adequate T and fuller testicular size- if you use both hCG

> and testosterone simultaneously.  Otherwise, doing

> testosterone and then a testosterone-production stimulator

> risks losing the ability for your testicles to produce their

> own T in response to Clomid, Tamoxifen, Arimidex, Letrozole,

> or hCG; you could potentially develop primary

> hypogonadism. 


> Otherwise, the only side effects I know of regarding Clomid

> are similar to menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes

> (since Clomid selectively competes with estrogen in the

> hypothalamus).


> ~Xian



> >

> > Tough Androgel did get my T-Levels up to >5, I've

> decided that I didn't want to " shut down my testies " at this

> point in my life. I still might want to raise kids, and

> don't want my testies to shrink.

> >

> > Thus, my endocrinologist put me on 50mg of Clomiphene

> Citrate. 

> >

> > If you can kindly provide feedback Clomid, including

> side effects, that would be great.  I believe this

> product is primarilly used for women and fertility.

> >

> > Greatly appreciated!

> >

> > Thanks

> >





> ------------------------------------



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There is one guy here that treats there low Testosterone with Clomid but that's

it most find the sides are very bad. Even Dr. says men should not us it

for TRT. If you want to have kids later test your sperm and if it's good freeze

it. Most men with low T can't have kids you need to test this before doing TRT

for to long. Dr. has men that are on TRT that made a baby and did not want

more. We are all different to stop TRT and shorten your life not even knowing

if your sperm is good is nuts.



> From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> Subject: 40 Year old with Low T taking 50MG of Clomid


> Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:56 PM

> Tough Androgel did get my T-Levels up

> to >5, I've decided that I didn't want to " shut down my

> testies " at this point in my life. I still might want to

> raise kids, and don't want my testies to shrink.


> Thus, my endocrinologist put me on 50mg of Clomiphene

> Citrate. 


> If you can kindly provide feedback Clomid, including side

> effects, that would be great.  I believe this product

> is primarilly used for women and fertility.


> Greatly appreciated!


> Thanks




> ------------------------------------



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Thanks Phil,

I understand, yet what concerns me about having a baby, is the shrinkage of my

gonads over time. I am in my 40's and would like to have a female

friend/companion/ and perhaps a wife. I began dating with the increased libido,

and I would hate for the girl to be turned off by shrinking testies.

I'm keeping aware of any such side effects, and will re-evaluate after 3 months.

If not, something I just need to live with and practice better diet, atlernative

means, ala Maca.


> > From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> > Subject: 40 Year old with Low T taking 50MG of Clomid

> >

> > Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:56 PM

> > Tough Androgel did get my T-Levels up

> > to >5, I've decided that I didn't want to " shut down my

> > testies " at this point in my life. I still might want to

> > raise kids, and don't want my testies to shrink.

> >

> > Thus, my endocrinologist put me on 50mg of Clomiphene

> > Citrate. 

> >

> > If you can kindly provide feedback Clomid, including side

> > effects, that would be great.  I believe this product

> > is primarilly used for women and fertility.

> >

> > Greatly appreciated!

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Gee all you need to do to keep your testis working is to add in some HCG to the

mix on gels do 250 IU shots every 3 days this keep them working as best they can

and no bad sides.



> From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> Subject: Re: 40 Year old with Low T taking 50MG of Clomid


> Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 12:25 PM

> Thanks Phil,


> I understand, yet what concerns me about having a baby, is

> the shrinkage of  my gonads over time.  I am in my

> 40's and would like to have a female friend/companion/ and

> perhaps a wife.  I began dating with the increased

> libido, and I would hate for the girl to be turned off by

> shrinking testies. 


> I'm keeping aware of any such side effects, and will

> re-evaluate after 3 months.  If not, something I just

> need to live with and practice better diet, atlernative

> means, ala Maca.









> >

> > > From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> > > Subject: 40 Year old with Low

> T  taking 50MG of Clomid

> > >

> > > Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:56 PM

> > > Tough Androgel did get my T-Levels up

> > > to >5, I've decided that I didn't want to

> " shut down my

> > > testies " at this point in my life. I still might

> want to

> > > raise kids, and don't want my testies to shrink.

> > >

> > > Thus, my endocrinologist put me on 50mg of

> Clomiphene

> > > Citrate. 

> > >

> > > If you can kindly provide feedback Clomid,

> including side

> > > effects, that would be great.  I believe this

> product

> > > is primarilly used for women and fertility.

> > >

> > > Greatly appreciated!

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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> I understand, yet what concerns me about having a baby, is the

> shrinkage of my gonads over time. I am in my 40's and would like to > have a

female friend/companion/ and perhaps a wife. I began dating

> with the increased libido, and I would hate for the girl to be turned > off by

shrinking testies.


I can tell you that I was between marriages when I started TRT (though my libido

was still stronger than my ex wife's) and the boost in libido MORE than made up

for some slight shrinkage of the boys :-}

before picking my new wife I was " dating " 4 women at a time ;-} and keeping ALL

VERY HAPPY doing 125mg/week of test-e.

do a little hcg (I do 250iu on days 5 & 6 (with shot on day 7...I know it's one

of these things on if there's 7 or 8 days when you count a week) to keep them in

reasonable shape and nobody will complain.

as far as having kids... well I'm 53, wife is a young sexy 50.... so that wasn't

a consideration.

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Thanks for your feedback,

I'm considering all options!



> > I understand, yet what concerns me about having a baby, is the

> > shrinkage of my gonads over time. I am in my 40's and would like to > have

a female friend/companion/ and perhaps a wife. I began dating

> > with the increased libido, and I would hate for the girl to be turned > off

by shrinking testies.


> Hi,


> I can tell you that I was between marriages when I started TRT (though my

libido was still stronger than my ex wife's) and the boost in libido MORE than

made up for some slight shrinkage of the boys :-}


> before picking my new wife I was " dating " 4 women at a time ;-} and keeping

ALL VERY HAPPY doing 125mg/week of test-e.


> do a little hcg (I do 250iu on days 5 & 6 (with shot on day 7...I know it's

one of these things on if there's 7 or 8 days when you count a week) to keep

them in reasonable shape and nobody will complain.


> as far as having kids... well I'm 53, wife is a young sexy 50.... so that

wasn't a consideration.


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