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If E2 is high will it keep cialis and viagra from working?

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Sometimes they seem to help but other times still no wood even with

direct stimulation.

Shot on Wednesday am. Things ok with Cialis 5mg qd that night, nothing

this am. Haven't had morning wood for a year or so.


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I've heard that if E2 is very high, then PDE-5 inhibitors such as

these will not work either. However, for me the jury is still out on

Cialis, I can't seem to get a qood quality erection from it...Viagra

works every time, but Cialis is less of a sure thing. I've tried

20mg/and 10 mg doses in liquid form.

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Just to add my 2 cents to this, I take cialis 5mg every other night and so

far it's working morning and night. Viagra makes my hart beat out of my

chest and I have uncontrollable hadrons for 6 hours after I take the little

blue pill. I take a over the counter pill to help control

E2 and seems to be working.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:00 AM, rmpalp <motor815@...> wrote:

> I've heard that if E2 is very high, then PDE-5 inhibitors such as

> these will not work either. However, for me the jury is still out on

> Cialis, I can't seem to get a qood quality erection from it...Viagra

> works every time, but Cialis is less of a sure thing. I've tried

> 20mg/and 10 mg doses in liquid form.





I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than

standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control

the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the

banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the

people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the

continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from

the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. —

Jefferson, 1802

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I've been on Testosterone Cypionate injections for 14 months.

Last summer I tried Levitra with mixed, indifferent results.

Things " sorta worked " with it, but then they " sorta worked " without it.

In September I had my Estrogen tested. E1, Estrone was 82 pg/nL and

E2, Esstradiol was 75 pg/nL, both quite high for a man.

Two months ago I started on Arimidex, Initially 1/2 mg twice a week and

then 1/4 mg, every other day.

Last weekend I tried Cialis for the first time and the results amazed

both me and my 50 year old wife. I'm 59 years old, and had erections

like when I was 30 years younger. Then again, and again and again.

When I tried Levitra, I felt I had to hurry and finish before the

erection went away. This time we could pause and take a break, fully

confident that things would work whenever I tried. The worry and

pressure totally disappeared and that was a great confidence builder.

Things were still working after the 36 hours had passed.

I think the Arimidex did most of the work, and the Cialis only worked

that well because I got my Estrogen levels down.

Arimidex and Cialis helped each other out, and I'm keeping both around.

I think the Cialis may work even if I keep it in my sock and underwear

drawer though.



> Sometimes they seem to help but other times still no wood even with

> direct stimulation.


> Shot on Wednesday am. Things ok with Cialis 5mg qd that night, nothing

> this am. Haven't had morning wood for a year or so.


> Larry


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