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Re: Help! I need advice. Low testosterone w/ lab results for refe

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If it is typo, the Doc gave you Arimidex which is meant to lower you E2 . I am

not exactly sure for the reason that, your doc prescribed it, with the Claim

that it will increase your T - but, as Phil ( The moderator of this group ) had

informed in my earlier query regarding low T , he had said this : " . If your

E2 is high it takes away from the good the testim you were on would do. High

e2 to the brain looks like Testosterone because E2 is made from T so when E2 is

high it thinks it's T and slows down your LH and FSH this is the message from

your pituitary to your testis to make more T. "

Now, you are not yet using Testim, but the Doc's rational may be the same as

Phil had mentioned to me earlier as above i.e. Arimidex reduces E2 > Brain

senses it as the reduction in T > which in turn causes T to go high naturally .

I honestly believe, Phil is ' The Man ' to answer this more decisively .

I have read across the net on several forum ( and have experienced myself when I

blindly trusted my Endo and was stupid enough to start the Testim without any of

my own homework !! ) that, once you start taking any pills, gels or injection

which meant to increase your T, you have to be very very careful ' hows, whys

and whats ' of it's effects on your mind and body. I ended up in Gynacomastia

even after 2 months of Gel for T . So, the only way to know is to try and be

very very 'watchful'. I won't presume any TRT related stuff to be safe !


- RP

> > > >

> > > > >Here's an update regarding my situation

> > > > >

> > > > >I had the MRI on my Pituitary on Monday. I got a telephone call today

with the results. It turns out that my Pituitary is normal, they found nothing

wrong with it. The Dr's assistant told me over the telephone because my T

levels low-normal the Endo wants to hold off on Testosterone Replacement and

wants me to get another Blood Test in 3 months. I like this course of action

because if I was offered it anyway I wanted to take time to see if Lifestyle

changes could have some kind of impact because offer the past few months I have

been very stressed and have barely gotten any sleep, went to sleep at different

times because of this. I have been majorly depressed over it.

> > > > >

> > > > >So I don't know what I'm going to do now that I got my results; there

is nothing wrong with my pituitary, yet my T Level's are still low. I have an

appointment next week with a Urologist for a different issue and will probably

bring this to his attention, see what he has to say about it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Have they run a cortisol test? With high stress it climbs and can

> > > > cause low T. But if you're cortisol levels are normal and T is not up,

> > > > I'd get started on T sooner than later. At least for me the loss of

> > > > energy, ambition and mental fog were too much to live with and keep a

> > > > job, etc.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Amrimidex inhibits the conversion of T to E2 via aromatization.

It does indeed increase your T levels, since the T that would have been

converted to E2, remains T.


> Hi,


> If it is typo, the Doc gave you Arimidex which is meant to lower you E2 . I

am not exactly sure for the reason that, your doc prescribed it, with the Claim

that it will increase your T

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On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 18:22:47 -0000, you wrote:

>It does indeed increase your T levels, since the T that would have been

converted to E2, remains T.

In addition to that E2 signals the hypothalamus and pituitary to make

less GNRH and FSH.

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When you say E2 signals the hypo & pit. to make less FSH is that when the E2

levels are high? Would a decrease in the E2 level make FSH go up? My E2 is a

little bit high as you pointed out and my FSH level actually happens to be low.

The two times I got it tested it was around 1. Both tests were done in the

afternoon and not early in the morning though so I don't know how much of an

effect this had but clearly they aren't where they should be.


> >It does indeed increase your T levels, since the T that would have been

converted to E2, remains T.



> In addition to that E2 signals the hypothalamus and pituitary to make

> less GNRH and FSH.


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Thanks for your message RP. No, I am not on any kind of testosterone therapy at

the moment. They wanted to put me on it initially after my first total t test

and LH test months ago came back below normal but I told them it would be better

to do some investigating first as it was a bit premature. While low those

numbers were from a test done in the afternoon and I learned you are supposed to

get tests for these things in the morning. i had it redone once after 9 am and

total test was over 400 and lh close to 4. while not super spectacular numbers i

was told it would be better to try other things to see if they could help before

administring testosterone. since then i have found out my estradiol level is on

the high side at 41 and i have been wondering if that is the reason why my test,

lh and fsh have been coming in so low.

> > > > >

> > > > > >Here's an update regarding my situation

> > > > > >

> > > > > >I had the MRI on my Pituitary on Monday. I got a telephone call

today with the results. It turns out that my Pituitary is normal, they found

nothing wrong with it. The Dr's assistant told me over the telephone because my

T levels low-normal the Endo wants to hold off on Testosterone Replacement and

wants me to get another Blood Test in 3 months. I like this course of action

because if I was offered it anyway I wanted to take time to see if Lifestyle

changes could have some kind of impact because offer the past few months I have

been very stressed and have barely gotten any sleep, went to sleep at different

times because of this. I have been majorly depressed over it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >So I don't know what I'm going to do now that I got my results; there

is nothing wrong with my pituitary, yet my T Level's are still low. I have an

appointment next week with a Urologist for a different issue and will probably

bring this to his attention, see what he has to say about it.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Have they run a cortisol test? With high stress it climbs and can

> > > > > cause low T. But if you're cortisol levels are normal and T is not up,

> > > > > I'd get started on T sooner than later. At least for me the loss of

> > > > > energy, ambition and mental fog were too much to live with and keep a

> > > > > job, etc.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yes your brain sees Estradiol as if it's Testosterone so when your Estradiol is

high it thinks it's testosterone and slows down sending the LH and FSH messages

to your testis to make more testosterone. You see Estradiol is made from

Testosterone in men and the brain can't tell the difference try getting the

Estradiol down and see if your levels come back up if they don't and your LH and

FSH are still low then you need to have an MRI done on your Pituitary to rule

out a tumor this is rage to be cancer but is called Secondary Hypogonadism.



> From: bsprulesall <bsprulesall@...>

> Subject: Re: Help! I need advice. Low testosterone w/ lab

results for refe


> Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 4:04 PM

> When you say E2 signals the hypo

> & pit. to make less FSH is that when the E2 levels are

> high?  Would a decrease in the E2 level make FSH go

> up?  My E2 is a little bit high as you pointed out and

> my FSH level actually happens to be low.  The two times

> I got it tested it was around 1.  Both tests were done

> in the afternoon and not early in the morning though so I

> don't know how much of an effect this had but clearly they

> aren't where they should be.



> >

> > >It does indeed increase your T levels, since the T

> that would have been converted to E2, remains T.

> >

> >

> > In addition to that E2 signals the hypothalamus and

> pituitary to make

> > less GNRH and FSH.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Yes dropping E2 could generate an increase in FSH according to these


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11231978?ordinalpos=3 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10999781?ordinalpos=4 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15483079?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11397860?ordinalpos=2 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10902781?ordinalpos=5 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\


On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 20:04:33 -0000, you wrote:

>When you say E2 signals the hypo & pit. to make less FSH is that when the E2

levels are high? Would a decrease in the E2 level make FSH go up? My E2 is a

little bit high as you pointed out and my FSH level actually happens to be low.

The two times I got it tested it was around 1. Both tests were done in the

afternoon and not early in the morning though so I don't know how much of an

effect this had but clearly they aren't where they should be.




>> >It does indeed increase your T levels, since the T that would have been

converted to E2, remains T.



>> In addition to that E2 signals the hypothalamus and pituitary to make

>> less GNRH and FSH.



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