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For the men that don't know Dr. no.

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I just came from his forum he posted this about the problems with being low on

Testosterone and what happens when you treat it.


If a male is hypogonadal for an extended period of time, then the first exposure

to testosterone replacement can be exhilarating. Then it eventually goes away.

Here is a simplification of what may be happening:

Testosterone increases dopamine signaling in the brain. Dopamine signaling

promotes sex drive, attention, interest in activities, elevates mood, and is

calming in effect since it also reduces norepinephrine signaling. Without

testosterone, there may be an increase in dopamine receptor concentration due to

the loss of dopamine signaling.

Testosterone, itself, has a calming effect on the brain. It helps reduce

norepinephrine signaling. Losing testosterone loses another of the control

signals on norepinephrine production.

The loss of testosterone production is also accompanied by a loss of testicular

thyroid releasing hormone production. This results in a reduction in thyroid

hormone production. This results in a reduction in metabolism and energy. The

brain compensates by increasing norepinephrine production to increase energy.

This increase in norepinephrine signaling can promote insomnia, irritability,

anxiety. It also does not usually improve energy well.

Over time, with aging, thyroid hormone production is reduced. This compounds the

problem of thyroid loss accompanying testosterone production loss, including a

further increase in norepinephrine signaling to compensate for the loss.

Testosterone, overall, is an anti-inflammatory signal and helps govern adrenal

function, preventing excessive production of cortisol. Without testosterone,

under increased norepinephrine signaling levels, high cortisol production may

occur - which may or may not cause problems.

The elevated norepinephrine signaling may then be accompanied by

pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling as the brain becomes chronically elevated by

stress signaling/norepinephrine. Over time, this may then cause

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysregulation with low cortisol production.

Estradiol, functioning as an MAO, increases serotonin greater than

norepinephrine. It promotes competitiveness, drive, sex drive, aggressiveness.

Without testosterone, however, and the dopamine increase it promotes, Estradiol

would tend to flatten sex drive and promote irritability and aggression, anger,

instead. Unless testosterone production is very low, Estradiol can be maintained

since so little in relationship to testosterone, is needed in men. The relative

change in signaling strengths of each poses problems of excessive estrogen. This

includes increased thyroid binding globulin and reduction of free thyroid

hormone signals. Excess estrogen, by increasing serotonin excessively, may

reduce sex drive.

Norepinephrine is important for sexual function. It promotes the high and

excitement that accompanies sex drive / libido. But in excess, it does not. It

causes tension, stress, distress, anxiety, irritability, which lowers sex drive.

To increase norepinephrine, the brain may reduce serotonin, GABA, then dopamine

production - causing problems with deficiencies in serotonin, GABA and dopamine.

Excessive norepinephrine production also causes insulin resistance. The increase

in insulin production that results is pro-inflammatory. It also further reduces

testosterone production. Insulin also promotes fat storage. The resulting

increase in fat results in an increase in Leptin and other pro-inflammatory

signals from fat cells.

And so on and so on. These are some of the changes that permeate the system from

the loss of testicular testosterone production. Some are added to by changes in

the metabolism of the other cells which produce other signals such as thyroid

hormone, through the process of aging or with nutritional problems or with

genetic predisposition to other signaling or metabolic problems or through

structural changes such as the loss of cells in the hippocampus and other brain



So what happens when testosterone is replaced?

There is a reversal of some of the initial signaling problems.

Because there is a larger number of dopamine receptors from the dopamine

signaling deficit caused by the loss of testosterone, there is dopamine

supersensitivity to the surge of dopamine signaling that accompanies the

increase in testosterone with replacement. This can cause a high - with

heightened sex drive, alertness. and an elevated mood.

Testosterone would also free up thyroid hormone by reducing thyroid binding

globulin, reversing estrogen's effects, improving function from this angle. This

would improve energy

Testosterone would then reduce excessive norepinephrine signaling, which as it

comes more in normal physiologic strength, helps dopamine in providing a higher

level of libido, sex drive, and an emotional high.

The testosterone to estrogen ratio would improve, reducing effects of excess

estrogen. Insulin signaling is reduced. The body becomes less in an inflammatory


The person feels better, if not feels a high from the initial treatment with



Over time, however, with increased dopamine signaling, dopamine receptor

production is reduced back to a normal amount. Dopamine, as the reward signal,

the feel good signal, can't be elevated for a prolonged period of time

excessively, without problems occurring. It no longer becomes a reward signal if

it is elevated for a prolonged period of time. Tolerance, through receptor

reduction, occurs.

After the initial high, other problems also occur.

Exogenous testosterone suppresses testicular thyroid releasing hormone

production. This reduces thyroid hormone production, undoing the initial

increase in free thyroid hormone that testosterone caused. If there is

hypothyroidism in the first place, this exacerbates that problem.

If there are other neurotransmitter, hormone, cytokine signaling problems or

metabolic-nutritional problems outside of hypogonadism, these may complicate or

undo what testosterone initially did.

If the man aromatizes testosterone to estrogen excessively, problems with

excessive estrogen occur. If aromatization is not enough, then problems with too

little estrogen occur. In either case, sex drive is impaired.

Thus, the hypogonadal man returns to Earth. And the initial high is lost.



Romeo B. no, MD, physician, psychiatrist

Any information provided on www.definitivemind.com is for informational purposes

only, is not medical advice, does not create a doctor/patient relationship or

liability, is not exhaustive, does not cover all conditions or their treatment,

and will change as knowledge progresses. Always seek the advice of your

physician or other qualified health provider before undertaking any diet,

exercise, supplement, medical, or other health program.

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" I had to move to Dallas and need a good dr. Do you know one in this neck of the

woods? "

I live in Plano and Dr. L. is good. He is on HRT himself.


He is on the corner of Independence and Spring Creek.

I found him by going to a compounding pharmacy (as suggested on this group) and

asking. If you do not know a compounding pharmacy in Dallas try calling the one

I used and ask them - 972-519-8475.

Good luck

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In are Database section at the home page on the left of the screen we have a

Physician Reference in this there is one Dr.

Willie Teo Ong MD FACE 956-548-0077 844 Central Blvd 370 Brownsville Texas

78520 Professional Tower Brownsville Medical Center Eudocrinology Diabetes

Metabolism Internal Medicine 956-548-2312

If you or others have a good Dr. you know please put them in this section.



> From: ihor <ihor43us@...>

> Subject: Re:For the men that don't know Dr. no.


> Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 9:51 PM

> " I had to move to Dallas and need a

> good dr. Do you know one in this neck of the woods? "


> I live in Plano and Dr. L. is good. He is on HRT

> himself.


> 972-612-2023


> He is on the corner of Independence and Spring Creek.


> I found him by going to a compounding pharmacy (as

> suggested on this group) and asking. If you do not know a

> compounding pharmacy in Dallas try calling the one I used

> and ask them - 972-519-8475.


> Good luck




> ------------------------------------



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