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Re: Re: Ok what am I doing wrong for injections?

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Good evening d00, I did my best and injected in my thigh area. I was shown how

to by a nurse recently. My leg really is soar and it does hurt when I walk and

sit down. I hope I didn't hit a vein. Thanks for all the info. I didn't warm up

my leg nor the vial. I did everything else. I had to fix the needle because it

was turned side ways.

 I didn't know if I could take that needle off and replace it. Or take out the T

and inject it in another needle. The needles I received from my insurance seem

the cheapest. Walgreen's. I have an appointment Thursday with my Endo. I will

discuss along with HCG and an E2 blocker, different needles.

I would like to read from others the sizes of needles used so I can have more of

a picture in asking for some below 29 1/2. Thanks

From: d00fu524 <calvin1564@...>

Subject: Re: Ok what am I doing wrong for injections?

Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:11 PM


trannyboy posted a thorough reply regarding needles, syringes, etc. some time

ago, & I've found this info helpful for my injections.

Injection technique may account for the pain you experienced, or you might have

hit a bad spot. Where did you inject?

First, did you warm up the vial of T beforehand? This makes it easier to draw

it out. You can put it under your armpits for 10+ minutes or roll it in your

hands (trannyboy's suggestion).

What do you do to relax your muscles before injecting? I do some leg

extensions, rub the muscle, & make sure to stretch the quad before injecting

into the outer thigh. I suppose that's why I have only slight soreness for a

few hours.

Did you switch needles? You don't want to inject with the same needle you used

to draw the T from the vial. Injecting with the same one blunts the needle,

increases the pain of insertion, & causes lots of other problems that can be

avoided by switching.

A 25 or 27 gauge needle is probably slightly cheaper for injection & make my

injections feel like mere pinches. The smaller the needle, the longer it takes

to inject. This can help maintain good technique but can also prove more

painful if the muscle isn't relaxed. Also, a 22 G needle can make it easier to

draw up the T into the syringe in the first place.

What type of syringes do you have? If you find your hand shaking, you might

want to try Luer Lock syringes (http://images. google.com/ imgres?imgurl=

http://www. syringes. cn/img/luer_ lock%2520_ syringe.jpg & imgrefurl=

http://www. syringes. cn/luer_lock_ syringe.html & usg=__IJ7CkwWt5p

zKz866noBflyumGl 0= & h=253 & w=280 & sz= 5 & hl=en & start= 3 & um=1 & tbnid=

Wqt0TnBzfs4hWM: & tbnh=103 & tbnw=114 & prev=/images% 3Fq%3Dluer% 2Block%2Bsyringe

%26hl%3Den% 26sa%3DN% 26um%3D1), which screw on to keep the needle from

slipping. If your hands don't shake in anticipation of the injection, you might

want to try to use an insulin syringe, which is easier to fill in my experience.

Since they are thinner & hold less volume (from 1-3 mL), insulin syringes fill

up faster, & are easier for me to push the plunger during injection.

Definitely sterilize the injection site by wiping it with alcohol before


Rather than jabbing myself quickly, I ease the needle into the muscle slowly

till the needle is completely embedded, pull the plunger back to make sure I

haven't hit a vein, & then push the plunger. I've seen my diabetic friend use a

fast injection technique with 31 G needles & she still finds significant

soreness afterward, so I wouldn't advise the " quick dart " approach.

Sorry if I oversimplified anything. Hope your injections hurt less.



> Ok, i gave myself an injection a couple of days ago and my leg and upper areas

are soar!


> the needle was an ultra thin 29 1/2. I am using the oil based. The T starts

with a " C " .


> the needle tip nearly broke off. It takes about 20 mins to feel up .8mL. Its

200 MG.


> I need advice in what am I doing wrong or is the needle not good for our usage

of T.


> Thanks, peace & happiness to all.


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I use an 18g 1 inch needed to draw out the Testosterone C.

I keep the vial of Testosterone at Room Temperature and never warm it up.

I use alcohol wipes for the injection site and a second wipe for the top

of the vial.

I use an 27g 1/2 inch needed for injections into the thigh.

I use the Luer Lock syringes for Testosterone injections and regular

syringes for HCG injections. The Luer Lock cost quite a bit more.

For HCG, I draw with a 27g needed and inject with a 30g 1/2 needle.

I usually sit relaxed in a chair with my feet flat on the floor and

inject into the top center of the thigh.

I've tried the side of the thigh but hit a nerve twice and the second

time it left the leg sore for about 2 weeks.

Otherwise, I never have any soreness afterwards.

Once the needle is out, I often cannot tell where I injected and usually

place two fingers on either side of the needle before withdrawal so that

I can tell where to place the small band aid. I use a band aid over

the injection site each time, one of those small round ones. I've never

had any kind of infection in perhaps 7 years of injecting and only ever

had pain afterwards when hitting a nerve twice.

As does Xian, I do a slow injection with my 1/2 inch needle. I press a

little harder after the needle is all the way in so that the flesh

indents a little to make sure th 1/2 inch needed is clearly in the

muscle. I check for blood by pulling back on the syringe and then

inject. I've never seen blood from drawing back on the syringe. It

takes perhaps 10-20 seconds to inject Testosterone and a second or two

for HCG.


d00fu524 wrote:

> UU,


> trannyboy posted a thorough reply regarding needles, syringes, etc. some time

ago, & I've found this info helpful for my injections.


> Injection technique may account for the pain you experienced, or you might

have hit a bad spot. Where did you inject?


> First, did you warm up the vial of T beforehand? This makes it easier to draw

it out. You can put it under your armpits for 10+ minutes or roll it in your

hands (trannyboy's suggestion).


> What do you do to relax your muscles before injecting? I do some leg

extensions, rub the muscle, & make sure to stretch the quad before injecting

into the outer thigh. I suppose that's why I have only slight soreness for a

few hours.


> Did you switch needles? You don't want to inject with the same needle you

used to draw the T from the vial. Injecting with the same one blunts the

needle, increases the pain of insertion, & causes lots of other problems that

can be avoided by switching.


> A 25 or 27 gauge needle is probably slightly cheaper for injection & make my

injections feel like mere pinches. The smaller the needle, the longer it takes

to inject. This can help maintain good technique but can also prove more

painful if the muscle isn't relaxed. Also, a 22 G needle can make it easier to

draw up the T into the syringe in the first place.


> What type of syringes do you have? If you find your hand shaking, you might

want to try Luer Lock syringes


0_syringe.jpg & imgrefurl=http://www.syringes.cn/luer_lock_syringe.html & usg=__IJ7C\

kwWt5pzKz866noBflyumGl0= & h=253 & w=280 & sz=5 & hl=en & start=3 & um=1 & tbnid=Wqt0TnBzfs4hW\

M: & tbnh=103 & tbnw=114 & prev=/images%3Fq%3Dluer%2Block%2Bsyringe%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN\

%26um%3D1), which screw on to keep the needle from slipping. If your hands

don't shake in anticipation of the injection, you might want to try to use an

insulin syringe, which is easier to fill in my experience. Since they are

thinner & hold less volume (from 1-3 mL), insulin syringes fill up faster, & are

easier for me to push the plunger during injection.


> Definitely sterilize the injection site by wiping it with alcohol before



> Rather than jabbing myself quickly, I ease the needle into the muscle slowly

till the needle is completely embedded, pull the plunger back to make sure I

haven't hit a vein, & then push the plunger. I've seen my diabetic friend use a

fast injection technique with 31 G needles & she still finds significant

soreness afterward, so I wouldn't advise the " quick dart " approach.


> Sorry if I oversimplified anything. Hope your injections hurt less.


> ~Xian





>> Ok, i gave myself an injection a couple of days ago and my leg and upper

areas are soar!


>> the needle was an ultra thin 29 1/2. I am using the oil based. The T starts

with a " C " .


>> the needle tip nearly broke off. It takes about 20 mins to feel up .8mL. Its

200 MG.


>> I need advice in what am I doing wrong or is the needle not good for our

usage of T.


>> Thanks, peace & happiness to all.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

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Thank you Xian (9:31 PM here) and thanks Steve.

Good day or good night

From: d00fu524 <calvin1564@...>

Subject: Re: Ok what am I doing wrong for injections?

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 12:53 AM

Hey UU.

You might not be able to take the needle off your syringes- some come with the

needle attached (common with insulin-type syringes). I've never bought

syringes/needles from the pharmacy, so I don't know how easy it is to find

syringes without needles attached. I buy my needles here (http://www.gpzservi

ces.com/) & insulin syringes here (http://www.jrsmedic al.com/SYRINGES_

ONLY/BND309602/ product.aspx).

Have a great day.



> >


> > Ok, i gave myself an injection a couple of days ago and my leg and upper

areas are soar!


> >


> > the needle was an ultra thin 29 1/2. I am using the oil based. The T starts

with a " C " .


> >


> > the needle tip nearly broke off. It takes about 20 mins to feel up .8mL. Its

200 MG.


> >


> > I need advice in what am I doing wrong or is the needle not good for our

usage of T.


> >


> > Thanks, peace & happiness to all.


> >

































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Thank you to all for so much valuable advice. I will print all of the comments

up in school, and then decide with my doc what needles are needed.

I dnt know too much about HCG needles, but I am going to ask tomorrow to simply

try HCG. As you folks know, one of my fears with HCG and E2 blocker is I will

not be able to conceive down the road.... I cannot take any add-on to TRT that

will block the limited sperm production I have available now.

Later folks, I have lots to do.

From: jbbooks1901 <jbbooks1901@...>

Subject: Re: Ok what am I doing wrong for injections?

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 6:08 PM


> Ok, i gave myself an injection a couple of days ago and my leg and upper areas

are soar!


> the needle was an ultra thin 29 1/2. I am using the oil based. The T > starts

with a " C " .

cypionate pretty standard in the US

oil based

with that small a needle it's no wonder it takes 20 min to pull up 1/2cc.... and

1/2 is pretty short too... but if you're a 1% body fat guy that might not


I use a 25g 1 " needle myself... it draws reasonably quickly and 1 " is plenty

deep in -my- thighs (I'm NOT a 1% body fat guy).

you might want to go to www.spotinjections. com and go over technique.

> the needle tip nearly broke off. It takes about 20 mins to feel up > .8mL. Its

200 MG.

250mg/ml cypionate? it exists... still that 29g needle is more for like hcg

(water based) shots.

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Another cheap place:




From: d00fu524 <calvin1564@...>

Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:53:06 PM

Subject: Re: Ok what am I doing wrong for injections?

Hey UU.

You might not be able to take the needle off your syringes- some come with the

needle attached (common with insulin-type syringes). I've never bought

syringes/needles from the pharmacy, so I don't know how easy it is to find

syringes without needles attached. I buy my needles here

(http://www.gpzservices.com/) & insulin syringes here


Have a great day.



> >


> > Ok, i gave myself an injection a couple of days ago and my leg and upper

areas are soar!


> >


> > the needle was an ultra thin 29 1/2. I am using the oil based. The T starts

with a " C " .


> >


> > the needle tip nearly broke off. It takes about 20 mins to feel up .8mL. Its

200 MG.


> >


> > I need advice in what am I doing wrong or is the needle not good for our

usage of T.


> >


> > Thanks, peace & happiness to all.


> >

































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