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Re: Re: Saliva test vs. Bood test

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That link is not a study here is the crap you get doing a search.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & lr= & ei=IJGVSsGWG4faNprL0foH & sa=X & oi=spell & res\

num=0 & ct=result & cd=1 & q=Saliva+testing+of+male+hormones+which+is+better+blood+or+\

saliva & spell=1

Bottom line my BCBS will not pay for a Saliva test because they are not approved

by this they are not any good. You can look until your blue in the face about

the adds for them but you will not find many studies. All we can tell you is

what most Dr.'s do for labs and the AACE Guidelines say blood testing.


Why would you want us to prove to you there not any good I don't care if you use

them go for it but they are not good for male sex hormones if they were all of

the best Dr.'s out there would be using them. And BCBS would pay for them.



> From: esplinbj <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: Saliva test vs. Bood test


> Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 2:09 PM

> I've searched this forum, but I still

> can't find the answer I'm looking for.  The answers are

> all this dr. says this or this dr. says that.  I'm

> looking for research studies that indicate that one is

> better than the other.

> Here is an example of some of the information I have found

> in support of saliva testing.

> http://www.vrp.com/articles.aspx?ProdID=2098


> bjesplin



> > >

> > > A lot of people say that saliva hormone testing

> is great, and a lot say that they are no good.  I've

> tried to find compelling evidence one way or the other, but

> most of what I read is that saliva testing is accurate and

> reliable.  Can anyone give me research information, and

> not just opinion on the value of saliva testing vs. blood

> testing?

> > > bjesplin

> > >

> >

> > Saliva is good for cortisol in men only

> > saliva is good for cortisol, progesterone, estrodial

> in females

> > dhea is useless in saliva to a point, blood is alot

> more accurate.

> >

> > REsults are to inconsistant

> > e2 in men is always high in saliva gives false

> readings.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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