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Re: Testopel- Follow up on my viist

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, I would like to hear your feelings on HGH, I have ordered, a couple

months supply, quite expensive, when compared to the pennies on what I am

doing now, but not arrived. I am 66 and doing well on hcg and arimidex, but

just could not resist an opportunity at HGH.

I have been following this guy, HGH and

insulin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,his recommendations


regards david

Testopel- Follow up on my viist

>I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each) a week ago. No bruising or

>inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3 days. I can palpate them but

>not see them much. So far , so good. Will check my testosterone and

>estradiol next week and then at week 4, week 8 and week 12. Dr Cavender in

>Columbus, OH did the procedure and he was excellent (he has been doing for

>a long time, has a great integrative medicine clinic with computerized

>exercise equipment, dietitians, exercise physiologists, supplementation,

>etc). I used my Medicare and Blue Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they

>approve or not.


> Just to let you guys know what I do, I am one of the main guys who

> advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to treat HIV wasting when there

> was nothing to treat that deadly syndrome. I have tried testosterone

> injections, gels ( Androgel, Testim, and a 10% compounded one),

> nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth hormone, DHEA, Nebido ( a longer

> term testosterone undecanoate injection not yet approved in the US), and

> now Testopel. I like to write about my experiences, so I try things

> before I review them.


> Regards,


> Vergel

> powerusa.org






> 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> Posted by: " kahrcw9 " no_reply kahrcw9

> Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am ((PST))


> Just how widespread is T pellet usage? Philip you just said that lots

> of guys are on pellets. Isn't this the top hypo site? Therefore I

> presume lots of guys are on pellets on this forum. I have found only

> ONE doctor in the entire southwest (Phoenix area) that implants T

> pellets. But back to my question, is there anyone other than Earnest

> Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on pellets? I don't remember

> anyone else posting that they are now on pellets. And if anyone does

> reply in the postitive, are you paying for it entirely yourself? I

> know of no health insurance that pays for pellets, other than Earnest's

> medicare state that he lives in.

> On a side note, I have been self injecting since 1970 and my thighs

> are bone and tendon now, there just is no more room to stick a needle

> in anymore. I am going to have to go back on a skin spread on, or bite

> the big money bullet of over $2000 a year and take another shot at

> pellets.

> Norton




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------



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According to the proven formula for pellet dosage developed by Dr

Greenblatt, no deceased and Dr. Gambrell, no deceased, you subtract 30

pounds from your gross weight and for each remaining 10 pounds you

should have one 75 mg T pellet. This allows the patient to get above

800 typically where you can feel the benefits of TRT.

If I do reverse math your 12 pellets would equal 120 pounds. When the

30 pounds are added, you got enough T pellets for a man weighing 150

pounds. Weight is used for many medications and in this case works

very well.

I have no idea if you weigh more or less than this but one of the

biggest problems with pellet doctors is low dosages. They do not have

the experience to know the above formula is what should be used.

The pellets typically last for 120 days and you will only get 7.5

mg/day or 52.5 mg/week.

It probably doesn't convert directly but injections of 100mg/week are

typical dosages.

I weigh 240 and get 20 pellets giving me 12.5 mg/day.



> I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each) a week ago. No bruising or

inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3 days. I can palpate them

but not see them much. So far , so good. Will check my testosterone

and estradiol next week and then at week 4, week 8 and week 12. Dr

Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure and he was excellent (he

has been doing for a long time, has a great integrative medicine

clinic with computerized exercise equipment, dietitians, exercise

physiologists, supplementation, etc). I used my Medicare and Blue

Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they approve or not.


> Just to let you guys know what I do, I am one of the main guys who

advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to treat HIV wasting when

there was nothing to treat that deadly syndrome. I have tried

testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel, Testim, and a 10% compounded

one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth hormone, DHEA, Nebido ( a

longer term testosterone undecanoate injection not yet approved in the

US), and now Testopel. I like to write about my experiences, so I try

things before I review them.


> Regards,


> Vergel

> powerusa.org






> 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> Posted by: " kahrcw9 " no_reply kahrcw9

> Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am ((PST))


> Just how widespread is T pellet usage? Philip you just said that lots

> of guys are on pellets. Isn't this the top hypo site? Therefore I

> presume lots of guys are on pellets on this forum. I have found only

> ONE doctor in the entire southwest (Phoenix area) that implants T

> pellets. But back to my question, is there anyone other than Earnest

> Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on pellets? I don't remember

> anyone else posting that they are now on pellets. And if anyone does

> reply in the postitive, are you paying for it entirely yourself? I

> know of no health insurance that pays for pellets, other than Earnest's

> medicare state that he lives in.

> On a side note, I have been self injecting since 1970 and my thighs

> are bone and tendon now, there just is no more room to stick a needle

> in anymore. I am going to have to go back on a skin spread on, or bite

> the big money bullet of over $2000 a year and take another shot at

> pellets.

> Norton




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------



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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hello guys,

I'm new to this group and to TRT. My most recent labs had the

following results:

234 mg/Dl Total and Free Testosterone

5.2 pg/ML Free Testosterone

High Total Cholesterol and LDL

Everything else was in range.

I am a 53 year old male, 237 pounds

This last Monday my doctor inserted 15 pellets. He commented at the

time that this was the maximum he could give me. My doctor also

prescribed 1000 IU HCG per week (three injections on any three

consecutive days per week).

I would appreciate any comments on this dosage. I would also like hear

what experiences other people have had. I am most interested in

hearing about how it might affect weight loss and LDL Cholesterol.



> >

> > I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each) a week ago. No bruising or

> inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3 days. I can palpate them

> but not see them much. So far , so good. Will check my testosterone

> and estradiol next week and then at week 4, week 8 and week 12. Dr

> Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure and he was excellent (he

> has been doing for a long time, has a great integrative medicine

> clinic with computerized exercise equipment, dietitians, exercise

> physiologists, supplementation, etc). I used my Medicare and Blue

> Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they approve or not.

> >

> > Just to let you guys know what I do, I am one of the main guys who

> advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to treat HIV wasting when

> there was nothing to treat that deadly syndrome. I have tried

> testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel, Testim, and a 10% compounded

> one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth hormone, DHEA, Nebido ( a

> longer term testosterone undecanoate injection not yet approved in the

> US), and now Testopel. I like to write about my experiences, so I try

> things before I review them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Vergel

> > powerusa.org

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> > Posted by: " kahrcw9 " no_reply kahrcw9

> > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am ((PST))

> >

> > Just how widespread is T pellet usage? Philip you just said that


> > of guys are on pellets. Isn't this the top hypo site? Therefore I

> > presume lots of guys are on pellets on this forum. I have found only

> > ONE doctor in the entire southwest (Phoenix area) that implants T

> > pellets. But back to my question, is there anyone other than Earnest

> > Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on pellets? I don't remember

> > anyone else posting that they are now on pellets. And if anyone does

> > reply in the postitive, are you paying for it entirely yourself? I

> > know of no health insurance that pays for pellets, other than


> > medicare state that he lives in.

> > On a side note, I have been self injecting since 1970 and my thighs

> > are bone and tendon now, there just is no more room to stick a needle

> > in anymore. I am going to have to go back on a skin spread on, or


> > the big money bullet of over $2000 a year and take another shot at

> > pellets.

> > Norton

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

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Guest guest

What are the mgs. per pellet at your weight 15 pellets if they are 75mgs each

might hold you until your due for your next treatment. Adding in the HCG will

keep your testis making testosterone as well as they can. You did not say if

your Dr. did more tests to find out why your low. This is needed before you

start on TRT it's to late now. But at your age it might be you lower then

normal do to your age and health.

I need to tell you doing 1000 IU's 333 IU's everyday for 3 days is a waste of

the HCG. Your would do much better shooting 350 to 400 IU's every 3 days.

But doing this if your testis don't work well and this is the reason your

testosterone is low meaning your Primary most of the HCG will turn into

Estradiol and your levels will get very High. I hope your Dr. tested this you

need to know going into any kind of TRT what your Estradiol levels are. It they

are high we get sore and hard nipples, ED, feel hot and sweat a lot, have

feelings of panic or anxiety.

And this just undoes the good going on TRT does.

It's best when testing to test Testosterone both Total and Free, Estradiol, LH

and FSH.

If you LH and FSH was tested and it's very high near the top of the range this

means your testis are not working well. And your brain is sending the LH and

FSH messages to tell them your need more. This is Primary if your LH and FSH is

low below mid range and your Estradiol is good around 20 to 40 pg/ml this your

pituitary is bad and you should have an MRI on it to see if you have a tumor

they are not cancer so don't get upset reading this it rare one is cancer.

You will not have any idea how your levels will be on the Pellets with out the

HCG. In this case I would not do HCG until you test in say 4 weeks. If your

levels are not up into the upper 1/3 of your labs range for both Total and Free

Testosterone. And your Estradiol is good say 20 pg/ml. Then I would add in the

HCG retest in 4 weeks and see if your levels go higher. Don't read the box or

the insert that comes with the HCG this is for women and men trying to make a

baby not TRT. More HCG is not better you need to find the dose that your testis

can handle more just makes Estradiol go up higher.

Here is a link on the labs I tell men to have done at my Men's Thyroid forum.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=7059

Most of use have found with low testosterone we have other problems like Adrenal

Fatigue and Thyroid with low Ferritin this is your iron reserve.

Look over this link and do the labs that were not done leaving the LH and FSH

off the next tests this will go way down on TRT.

It best to start low on HCG say 250 IU's every 3 days then test if your levels

are still low go up to 350 IU's never do more then 500 IU's in a day.

I have found doing a higher dose of HCG my levels did not go up and my Estradiol

did. So I went the other ways lowering the dose and testing every 6 to 8 weeks.

If you have a good health care plain that pays for this it helps keep the cost


I found doing a said dose of HCG a lower one my levels did not go down. So on

the next 6 weeks I lower my dose this time my levels went down about 150 points

so I went back up still I was doing a lot less HCG then I started on. If you do

to much for to long it can desensitize your testis to HCG and in time they will

become Primary.

Here is a good link to read about low Testosterone and high Estradiol.


For 23 yrs. I was told I was primary until I got my Dr. to let me add HCG to my

Testosterone shots I did 15 shots of HCC 500 IU's 3x's a week then tested my

levels of Total T went up double so I was not primary I am secondary my

Pituitary was damaged in an auto accident some 25 yrs ago. This did not change

my TRT but all the labs that showed my cortisol, thyroid and such are not being

treated and now I feel good to bad it took this long.

So if all that is wrong is your Testosterone levels are low bring them up you

will start feeling better if you keep your Estradiol levels down about 20 pg/ml

you will get your sex life back if you lost it. Also your night time and

morning wood will come back this means your levels are getting there.

Most men can have high levels of CHOL. we need it to make hormones so when your

T levels are low some men have High CHOL. and when they get there levels back up

there body starts to undo the damage done by the low T and little by little

things go back to normal and your feel better.

I was for 23 yrs most of the time house bound not getting any exercise to much

fatigue. Now treating all that is wrong I have lost 65 lbs in the last 8


I have been a member at Weight Watchers for yrs. to keep from gaining more

weight still little by little my weight went up. When I found out my ferritin

levels were below normal and started on IRON pill the weight started falling off

but I follow WW diet program. You would do good to look into this. It's not

really a diet but a life change.



> From: Steve <steve@...>

> Subject: Re: Testopel- Follow up on my viist


> Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:02 AM

> Hello guys,

> I'm new to this group and to TRT. My most recent labs

> had the

> following results:


> 234 mg/Dl Total and Free Testosterone

> 5.2 pg/ML Free Testosterone


> High Total Cholesterol and LDL


> Everything else was in range.


> I am a 53 year old male, 237 pounds


> This last Monday my doctor inserted 15 pellets. He

> commented at the

> time that this was the maximum he could give me. My doctor

> also

> prescribed 1000 IU HCG per week (three injections on any

> three

> consecutive days per week).


> I would appreciate any comments on this dosage. I would

> also like hear

> what experiences other people have had. I am most

> interested in

> hearing about how it might affect weight loss and LDL

> Cholesterol.



> Thanks,

> Steve


> > >

> > > I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each) a week

> ago. No bruising or

> > inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3 days. I

> can palpate them

> > but not see them much. So far , so good. Will check my

> testosterone

> > and estradiol next week and then at week 4, week 8 and

> week 12. Dr

> > Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure and he was

> excellent (he

> > has been doing for a long time, has a great

> integrative medicine

> > clinic with computerized exercise equipment,

> dietitians, exercise

> > physiologists, supplementation, etc). I used my

> Medicare and Blue

> > Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they approve or

> not.

> > >

> > > Just to let you guys know what I do, I am one of

> the main guys who

> > advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to treat HIV

> wasting when

> > there was nothing to treat that deadly syndrome. I

> have tried

> > testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel, Testim, and

> a 10% compounded

> > one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth hormone,

> DHEA, Nebido ( a

> > longer term testosterone undecanoate injection not yet

> approved in the

> > US), and now Testopel. I like to write about my

> experiences, so I try

> > things before I review them.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Vergel

> > > powerusa.org

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> > > Posted by: " kahrcw9 "

> no_reply kahrcw9

> > > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am ((PST))

> > >

> > > Just how widespread is T pellet usage? Philip

> you just said that

> lots

> > > of guys are on pellets. Isn't this the top

> hypo site? Therefore I

> > > presume lots of guys are on pellets on this

> forum. I have found only

> > > ONE doctor in the entire southwest (Phoenix area)

> that implants T

> > > pellets. But back to my question, is there anyone

> other than Earnest

> > > Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on pellets?

> I don't remember

> > > anyone else posting that they are now on pellets.

> And if anyone does

> > > reply in the postitive, are you paying for it

> entirely yourself? I

> > > know of no health insurance that pays for

> pellets, other than

> Earnest's

> > > medicare state that he lives in.

> > > On a side note, I have been self injecting

> since 1970 and my thighs

> > > are bone and tendon now, there just is no more

> room to stick a needle

> > > in anymore. I am going to have to go back on a

> skin spread on, or

> bite

> > > the big money bullet of over $2000 a year and

> take another shot at

> > > pellets.

> > > Norton

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> > >

> >




> ------------------------------------



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Guest guest

1. Dr. did not tell me what weight the pellets were

2. Estradiol from labs is <15 pg/ml

3. Its my understanding that you have to keep HCG low to avoid immunity

4. Dr stated that the HCG will increase size of testis and stimulate

activity in testis

5. LH 1.6 MIU/ML, FSH 2.0 MIU/ML (both are at the bottom of the range)

6. there is much more lab results, too much to type in here.

I really appreciate your input. I am hoping to get some great weight

loss. i used to be very lean and athletic and want to get back to some

kind of decent shape.

> > > >

> > > > I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each) a week

> > ago. No bruising or

> > > inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3 days. I

> > can palpate them

> > > but not see them much. So far , so good. Will check my

> > testosterone

> > > and estradiol next week and then at week 4, week 8 and

> > week 12. Dr

> > > Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure and he was

> > excellent (he

> > > has been doing for a long time, has a great

> > integrative medicine

> > > clinic with computerized exercise equipment,

> > dietitians, exercise

> > > physiologists, supplementation, etc). I used my

> > Medicare and Blue

> > > Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they approve or

> > not.

> > > >

> > > > Just to let you guys know what I do, I am one of

> > the main guys who

> > > advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to treat HIV

> > wasting when

> > > there was nothing to treat that deadly syndrome. I

> > have tried

> > > testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel, Testim, and

> > a 10% compounded

> > > one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth hormone,

> > DHEA, Nebido ( a

> > > longer term testosterone undecanoate injection not yet

> > approved in the

> > > US), and now Testopel. I like to write about my

> > experiences, so I try

> > > things before I review them.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Vergel

> > > > powerusa.org

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> > > > Posted by: " kahrcw9 "

> > no_reply kahrcw9

> > > > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am ((PST))

> > > >

> > > > Just how widespread is T pellet usage? Philip

> > you just said that

> > lots

> > > > of guys are on pellets. Isn't this the top

> > hypo site? Therefore I

> > > > presume lots of guys are on pellets on this

> > forum. I have found only

> > > > ONE doctor in the entire southwest (Phoenix area)

> > that implants T

> > > > pellets. But back to my question, is there anyone

> > other than Earnest

> > > > Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on pellets?

> > I don't remember

> > > > anyone else posting that they are now on pellets.

> > And if anyone does

> > > > reply in the postitive, are you paying for it

> > entirely yourself? I

> > > > know of no health insurance that pays for

> > pellets, other than

> > Earnest's

> > > > medicare state that he lives in.

> > > > On a side note, I have been self injecting

> > since 1970 and my thighs

> > > > are bone and tendon now, there just is no more

> > room to stick a needle

> > > > in anymore. I am going to have to go back on a

> > skin spread on, or

> > bite

> > > > the big money bullet of over $2000 a year and

> > take another shot at

> > > > pellets.

> > > > Norton

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> >


> > > >

> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Guest guest

No not the weight of the pellets the dose in mgs. Most are 75mgs per pellet

there are newer ones that are I believe are 200mgs per pellet. I don't believe

your getting the 200mgs. one. Your estradiol saying <15 pg/ml is not the right

test for men I get this from Quest labs it's called Estradiol Ultrasensitive

LC/MS ASSAY Code # 30289X the range is < or = to 29 but gives you the level all

the way down to zero. You don't have any Idea what your levels are do you take

something to lower this. Or your just starting on TRT and your low because your

Testosterone is so low. The older test has a range of 13 to 54 pg/ml and tells

you the number below 13. It's called the Sensitive don't have the number for


Still as you get your levels up your Estradiol will come up with it so do keep

an eye on it. You would do good to get an MRI if your health care will pay for

it it sure looks to me like you have a pituitary problem and it needs to be done

to tell if you have a tumor. In my case it was a head injury. Still you need

to know this and if it's a tumor it needs to be looked at from time to time.

If you can find all the hormones your pituitary is not telling your body to make

and treat them your will be fine and with some work on your part lose weight and

get back into good shape.

And yes HCG will make your testis make testosterone some men with a pituitary

problem only do HCG one I know dose 65 IU's a day and the other dose 100 IU's a

day and are doing well all there testosterone is coming from there testis

because HCG acts like the LH and tells your Testis to make it. Still doing to

much more then 500 IU's in a day will burn them out and make you Primary you

don't want this.



> From: Steve <steve@...>

> Subject: Re: Testopel- Follow up on my viist


> Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 12:45 PM

> 1. Dr. did not tell me what weight the pellets were

> 2. Estradiol from labs is <15 pg/ml

> 3. Its my understanding that you have to keep HCG low to

> avoid immunity

> 4. Dr stated that the HCG will increase size of testis and

> stimulate

> activity in testis

> 5. LH 1.6 MIU/ML, FSH 2.0 MIU/ML (both are at the bottom

> of the range)

> 6. there is much more lab results, too much to type in

> here.


> I really appreciate your input. I am hoping to get some

> great weight

> loss. i used to be very lean and athletic and want to get

> back to some

> kind of decent shape.



> > > > >

> > > > > I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each)

> a week

> > > ago. No bruising or

> > > > inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3

> days. I

> > > can palpate them

> > > > but not see them much. So far , so good.

> Will check my

> > > testosterone

> > > > and estradiol next week and then at week 4,

> week 8 and

> > > week 12. Dr

> > > > Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure

> and he was

> > > excellent (he

> > > > has been doing for a long time, has a great

> > > integrative medicine

> > > > clinic with computerized exercise equipment,

> > > dietitians, exercise

> > > > physiologists, supplementation, etc). I

> used my

> > > Medicare and Blue

> > > > Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they

> approve or

> > > not.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just to let you guys know what I do, I

> am one of

> > > the main guys who

> > > > advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to

> treat HIV

> > > wasting when

> > > > there was nothing to treat that deadly

> syndrome. I

> > > have tried

> > > > testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel,

> Testim, and

> > > a 10% compounded

> > > > one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth

> hormone,

> > > DHEA, Nebido ( a

> > > > longer term testosterone undecanoate

> injection not yet

> > > approved in the

> > > > US), and now Testopel. I like to write

> about my

> > > experiences, so I try

> > > > things before I review them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Vergel

> > > > > powerusa.org

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> > > > > Posted by: " kahrcw9 "

> > > no_reply kahrcw9

> > > > > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am

> ((PST))

> > > > >

> > > > > Just how widespread is T pellet

> usage? Philip

> > > you just said that

> > > lots

> > > > > of guys are on pellets. Isn't this

> the top

> > > hypo site? Therefore I

> > > > > presume lots of guys are on pellets on

> this

> > > forum. I have found only

> > > > > ONE doctor in the entire southwest

> (Phoenix area)

> > > that implants T

> > > > > pellets. But back to my question, is

> there anyone

> > > other than Earnest

> > > > > Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on

> pellets?

> > > I don't remember

> > > > > anyone else posting that they are now

> on pellets.

> > > And if anyone does

> > > > > reply in the postitive, are you paying

> for it

> > > entirely yourself? I

> > > > > know of no health insurance that pays

> for

> > > pellets, other than

> > > Earnest's

> > > > > medicare state that he lives in.

> > > > > On a side note, I have been self

> injecting

> > > since 1970 and my thighs

> > > > > are bone and tendon now, there just is

> no more

> > > room to stick a needle

> > > > > in anymore. I am going to have to go

> back on a

> > > skin spread on, or

> > > bite

> > > > > the big money bullet of over $2000 a

> year and

> > > take another shot at

> > > > > pellets.

> > > > > Norton

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > > > >

> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have

> been

> > > removed]

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest


Can i get your email address?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each)

> > a week

> > > > ago. No bruising or

> > > > > inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3

> > days. I

> > > > can palpate them

> > > > > but not see them much. So far , so good.

> > Will check my

> > > > testosterone

> > > > > and estradiol next week and then at week 4,

> > week 8 and

> > > > week 12. Dr

> > > > > Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure

> > and he was

> > > > excellent (he

> > > > > has been doing for a long time, has a great

> > > > integrative medicine

> > > > > clinic with computerized exercise equipment,

> > > > dietitians, exercise

> > > > > physiologists, supplementation, etc). I

> > used my

> > > > Medicare and Blue

> > > > > Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they

> > approve or

> > > > not.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just to let you guys know what I do, I

> > am one of

> > > > the main guys who

> > > > > advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to

> > treat HIV

> > > > wasting when

> > > > > there was nothing to treat that deadly

> > syndrome. I

> > > > have tried

> > > > > testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel,

> > Testim, and

> > > > a 10% compounded

> > > > > one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth

> > hormone,

> > > > DHEA, Nebido ( a

> > > > > longer term testosterone undecanoate

> > injection not yet

> > > > approved in the

> > > > > US), and now Testopel. I like to write

> > about my

> > > > experiences, so I try

> > > > > things before I review them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Vergel

> > > > > > powerusa.org

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> > > > > > Posted by: " kahrcw9 "

> > > > no_reply kahrcw9

> > > > > > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am

> > ((PST))

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just how widespread is T pellet

> > usage? Philip

> > > > you just said that

> > > > lots

> > > > > > of guys are on pellets. Isn't this

> > the top

> > > > hypo site? Therefore I

> > > > > > presume lots of guys are on pellets on

> > this

> > > > forum. I have found only

> > > > > > ONE doctor in the entire southwest

> > (Phoenix area)

> > > > that implants T

> > > > > > pellets. But back to my question, is

> > there anyone

> > > > other than Earnest

> > > > > > Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on

> > pellets?

> > > > I don't remember

> > > > > > anyone else posting that they are now

> > on pellets.

> > > > And if anyone does

> > > > > > reply in the postitive, are you paying

> > for it

> > > > entirely yourself? I

> > > > > > know of no health insurance that pays

> > for

> > > > pellets, other than

> > > > Earnest's

> > > > > > medicare state that he lives in.

> > > > > > On a side note, I have been self

> > injecting

> > > > since 1970 and my thighs

> > > > > > are bone and tendon now, there just is

> > no more

> > > > room to stick a needle

> > > > > > in anymore. I am going to have to go

> > back on a

> > > > skin spread on, or

> > > > bite

> > > > > > the big money bullet of over $2000 a

> > year and

> > > > take another shot at

> > > > > > pellets.

> > > > > > Norton

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> >


> > > > > >

> > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have

> > been

> > > > removed]

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

Sure it should show up in my posts pmgamer18@...

If it is something you need privet you can Email me but all other things I feel

you are better off posting so others that don't post can get something from




> From: Steve <steve@...>

> Subject: Re: Testopel- Follow up on my viist


> Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 5:34 PM

> Phil,

> Can i get your email address?



> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I got 12 Testopel pellets

> (75 mg each)

> > > a week

> > > > > ago. No bruising or

> > > > > > inflammation. Just a little

> soreness for 3

> > > days. I

> > > > > can palpate them

> > > > > > but not see them much. So far , so

> good.

> > > Will check my

> > > > > testosterone

> > > > > > and estradiol next week and then

> at week 4,

> > > week 8 and

> > > > > week 12. Dr

> > > > > > Cavender in Columbus, OH did the

> procedure

> > > and he was

> > > > > excellent (he

> > > > > > has been doing for a long time,

> has a great

> > > > > integrative medicine

> > > > > > clinic with computerized exercise

> equipment,

> > > > > dietitians, exercise

> > > > > > physiologists, supplementation,

> etc). I

> > > used my

> > > > > Medicare and Blue

> > > > > > Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see

> if they

> > > approve or

> > > > > not.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Just to let you guys know

> what I do, I

> > > am one of

> > > > > the main guys who

> > > > > > advocated for androgen use 16

> years ago to

> > > treat HIV

> > > > > wasting when

> > > > > > there was nothing to treat that

> deadly

> > > syndrome. I

> > > > > have tried

> > > > > > testosterone injections, gels (

> Androgel,

> > > Testim, and

> > > > > a 10% compounded

> > > > > > one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone,

> human growth

> > > hormone,

> > > > > DHEA, Nebido ( a

> > > > > > longer term testosterone

> undecanoate

> > > injection not yet

> > > > > approved in the

> > > > > > US), and now Testopel. I like to

> write

> > > about my

> > > > > experiences, so I try

> > > > > > things before I review them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Vergel

> > > > > > > powerusa.org

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy

> on pellets?

> > > > > > > Posted by:

> " kahrcw9 "

> > > > > no_reply kahrcw9

> > > > > > > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007

> 6:56 am

> > > ((PST))

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Just how widespread is T

> pellet

> > > usage? Philip

> > > > > you just said that

> > > > > lots

> > > > > > > of guys are on pellets.

> Isn't this

> > > the top

> > > > > hypo site? Therefore I

> > > > > > > presume lots of guys are on

> pellets on

> > > this

> > > > > forum. I have found only

> > > > > > > ONE doctor in the entire

> southwest

> > > (Phoenix area)

> > > > > that implants T

> > > > > > > pellets. But back to my

> question, is

> > > there anyone

> > > > > other than Earnest

> > > > > > > Nolan on this forum who is


> > > pellets?

> > > > > I don't remember

> > > > > > > anyone else posting that they

> are now

> > > on pellets.

> > > > > And if anyone does

> > > > > > > reply in the postitive, are

> you paying

> > > for it

> > > > > entirely yourself? I

> > > > > > > know of no health insurance

> that pays

> > > for

> > > > > pellets, other than

> > > > > Earnest's

> > > > > > > medicare state that he lives

> in.

> > > > > > > On a side note, I have been

> self

> > > injecting

> > > > > since 1970 and my thighs

> > > > > > > are bone and tendon now,

> there just is

> > > no more

> > > > > room to stick a needle

> > > > > > > in anymore. I am going to

> have to go

> > > back on a

> > > > > skin spread on, or

> > > > > bite

> > > > > > > the big money bullet of over

> $2000 a

> > > year and

> > > > > take another shot at

> > > > > > > pellets.

> > > > > > > Norton

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > >

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this

> message have

> > > been

> > > > > removed]

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ------------------------------------

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

No not the weight of the pellets the dose in mgs. Most are 75mgs per pellet

there are newer ones that are I believe are 200mgs per pellet. I don't believe

your getting the 200mgs. one. Your estradiol saying <15 pg/ml is not the right

test for men I get this from Quest labs it's called



> From: Steve <steve@...>

> Subject: Re: Testopel- Follow up on my viist


> Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 12:45 PM

> 1. Dr. did not tell me what weight the pellets were

> 2. Estradiol from labs is <15 pg/ml

> 3. Its my understanding that you have to keep HCG low to

> avoid immunity

> 4. Dr stated that the HCG will increase size of testis and

> stimulate

> activity in testis

> 5. LH 1.6 MIU/ML, FSH 2.0 MIU/ML (both are at the bottom

> of the range)

> 6. there is much more lab results, too much to type in

> here.


> I really appreciate your input. I am hoping to get some

> great weight

> loss. i used to be very lean and athletic and want to get

> back to some

> kind of decent shape.



> > > > >

> > > > > I got 12 Testopel pellets (75 mg each)

> a week

> > > ago. No bruising or

> > > > inflammation. Just a little soreness for 3

> days. I

> > > can palpate them

> > > > but not see them much. So far , so good.

> Will check my

> > > testosterone

> > > > and estradiol next week and then at week 4,

> week 8 and

> > > week 12. Dr

> > > > Cavender in Columbus, OH did the procedure

> and he was

> > > excellent (he

> > > > has been doing for a long time, has a great

> > > integrative medicine

> > > > clinic with computerized exercise equipment,

> > > dietitians, exercise

> > > > physiologists, supplementation, etc). I

> used my

> > > Medicare and Blue

> > > > Cross/Blue Shield . Lets' see if they

> approve or

> > > not.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just to let you guys know what I do, I

> am one of

> > > the main guys who

> > > > advocated for androgen use 16 years ago to

> treat HIV

> > > wasting when

> > > > there was nothing to treat that deadly

> syndrome. I

> > > have tried

> > > > testosterone injections, gels ( Androgel,

> Testim, and

> > > a 10% compounded

> > > > one), nandrolone, Oxandrolone, human growth

> hormone,

> > > DHEA, Nebido ( a

> > > > longer term testosterone undecanoate

> injection not yet

> > > approved in the

> > > > US), and now Testopel. I like to write

> about my

> > > experiences, so I try

> > > > things before I review them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Vergel

> > > > > powerusa.org

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 1a. Is Earnest the ONLY guy on pellets?

> > > > > Posted by: " kahrcw9 "

> > > no_reply kahrcw9

> > > > > Date: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:56 am

> ((PST))

> > > > >

> > > > > Just how widespread is T pellet

> usage? Philip

> > > you just said that

> > > lots

> > > > > of guys are on pellets. Isn't this

> the top

> > > hypo site? Therefore I

> > > > > presume lots of guys are on pellets on

> this

> > > forum. I have found only

> > > > > ONE doctor in the entire southwest

> (Phoenix area)

> > > that implants T

> > > > > pellets. But back to my question, is

> there anyone

> > > other than Earnest

> > > > > Nolan on this forum who is PRESENTLY on

> pellets?

> > > I don't remember

> > > > > anyone else posting that they are now

> on pellets.

> > > And if anyone does

> > > > > reply in the postitive, are you paying

> for it

> > > entirely yourself? I

> > > > > know of no health insurance that pays

> for

> > > pellets, other than

> > > Earnest's

> > > > > medicare state that he lives in.

> > > > > On a side note, I have been self

> injecting

> > > since 1970 and my thighs

> > > > > are bone and tendon now, there just is

> no more

> > > room to stick a needle

> > > > > in anymore. I am going to have to go

> back on a

> > > skin spread on, or

> > > bite

> > > > > the big money bullet of over $2000 a

> year and

> > > take another shot at

> > > > > pellets.

> > > > > Norton

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > > > >

> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have

> been

> > > removed]

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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