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Re: Too High T

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Hopefully, someone with alot more knowledge than I can chime in here

on this one, but I've never heard of anyone getting this kind of T

levels from 4 pumps, 5% daily of Androgel. You should be nowhere near

this high, as your own production of T should've shut down by now,

leaving you only the gel amount getting in your system.

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At 08:20 PM 1/5/2009, you wrote:

>Hopefully, someone with alot more knowledge than I can chime in here

>on this one, but I've never heard of anyone getting this kind of T

>levels from 4 pumps, 5% daily of Androgel. You should be nowhere near

>this high, as your own production of T should've shut down by now,

>leaving you only the gel amount getting in your system.

agree-- 7.5 grams/day gets me 600 at best.

I would suggest getting testosterone retested; don't think you can

get >1000 with 4 pumps.

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There are 5 test that should be done.

1. Testosterone, Total

2. Testosterone, Free

3. Testosterone, Bioavailable


5. Albumin, Serum

According to my doctor even if the testesterone total is high your

testerone,bioavailable is the key. If it stay in the normal range your

are ok even if the total goes high.

I was on gels for years and never had a good responce from it. I was

always all over the place sometime high sometime low. Shots work best.

If your doctor did not do all the T test there is no way they can get

your T to the proper level. Usualy Uro's only test total for some

reason, but a good one test all the levels.

When I went to Vanderbilt for my implant I showed the doctor (A Male

Sexual Function Specialist) my labs and he said stick with this doctor

he knows what he is doing. I have been to 4 or 5 local uro's and my

regular doctor is better than all them put together.



Thanks for the information on DIM


> >Hopefully, someone with alot more knowledge than I can chime in here

> >on this one, but I've never heard of anyone getting this kind of T

> >levels from 4 pumps, 5% daily of Androgel. You should be nowhere


> >this high, as your own production of T should've shut down by now,

> >leaving you only the gel amount getting in your system.


> agree-- 7.5 grams/day gets me 600 at best.


> I would suggest getting testosterone retested; don't think you can

> get >1000 with 4 pumps.


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Another thing that came to mind......Are you taking the Androgel on

the days of your blood work, or is the nurse/lab tech drawing the

blood from an area where you've may have applied or gotten some

residual gel in the area? Both of these things can really cause a

false spiked reading in the blood work. I had an extremely elevated

test returned, around 1100 once, and had just applied the gel the

morning of the Dr visit. I found out later that there is 2-4 hour

spike in T blood levels after applying the gel, and it's best not to

apply it that date until after the blood is drawn. Gives a much more

steady T blood concentration result.

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The blood was drawn like six or more hours after I put on the gel.

Also I was careful to not get get in the area

where they drew the blood. So I don't know what is going on. These

endo's at the U of W med center seem to

be very interested in T replacement therapy. I of course am mostly

seeing a " fellow " .

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It is unusual but not unheard of. I know a guy who tops out the range

on 50mg IM a week... Some of us are better able then other to absorb

the medications. I would check your liver though to make sure you are

excreting it though. One possiblity is your not excreting it quickly

enough and the other possiblity is you just need less then the rest of

us to get to where you want to be. Me, I need less testosterone and

extra DHT to balance out my hormones properly. I know a few guys who

actually need estrogen and testosterone because they don't produce

enough aromatise enzymes. We are all unique. One concern though would

be that you probebly have high E2 if your testosterone is in that


Best of luck


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It really isn't possible to have these levels on only 4 pumps of

Androgel. Now I can say from personal experience that 100mg Testim

(equivalent of 8 pumps of Androgel I think) sent my levels to at least

~900 ng/dl because my next morning test after not having applied the

gel for 24 hours and washing the application sites the total T was

still 617ng/dl. My doc says that taking that into consideration my

levels during the day probably hover 900-1000ng/dl. I don't know if

the same applies to Androgel but I'm inclined to seriously believe you

have a false positive here.

If you know your levels of SHBG then we can calculate your free

fraction and get it pretty close. Some labs use a crazy algorithm to

figure the free fraction and that's why your free T is so high since

that calculation is based on the Total T. What I'm trying to say is

that since the total T could be a false high reading it only stands to

reason that the free T would be also based on the way it's calculated.

I'm not sure why low libido and ED but high E2 could be the culprit in

that case but it could also just be low T and a false high reading.

All this of course, is just my 2 cents :)


> I have been on Androgel since July. Before that I had very low T and

> gynocemastia. I have been using the smallest normal dose (4 pumps per

> day) In September the T was too high and I certainly had too much

> libido.The gynecomastia was going away and my anemia was also gone.

> Then by October it was lower in what was considered the normal range.

> My libido was much lower and had erectile dysfunction again. Now in

> late December it was measured again and the levels are as follows:

> Total testosterone 1140 ng/dl (90-890 normal range)

> Free testosterone 221.1 pg/ml (30-135 normal range)

> So it appears they are too high again. However, I still have erectile

> dysfunction.

> I have multiple myeloma and am taking a strong steroid (dexamethasone

> 40 mg 1 time a week and Velcade also one time per week)

> Does anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing?


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When the T level is rising there are very easy erections for several

weeks making you think it is a cure for ED, not so. If you are very

young and have low T during your developing years then it may be


Usually there are easy erections till the T level is stabilized at

the new higher level. Then the holiday is over and whatever ED you

had returns as bad as before. You feel the effects of high T which do

not include easy erections. They are great and us older guys continue

and enjoy the new energy, sense of well being, fewer aches and pains,




> I have been on Androgel since July. Before that I had very low T and

> gynocemastia. I have been using the smallest normal dose (4 pumps


> day) In September the T was too high and I certainly had too much

> libido.The gynecomastia was going away and my anemia was also gone.

> Then by October it was lower in what was considered the normal


> My libido was much lower and had erectile dysfunction again. Now in

> late December it was measured again and the levels are as follows:

> Total testosterone 1140 ng/dl (90-890 normal range)

> Free testosterone 221.1 pg/ml (30-135 normal range)

> So it appears they are too high again. However, I still have


> dysfunction.

> I have multiple myeloma and am taking a strong steroid


> 40 mg 1 time a week and Velcade also one time per week)

> Does anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing?


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On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 20:13:44 -0000, you wrote:

>When the T level is rising there are very easy erections for several

>weeks making you think it is a cure for ED, not so. If you are very

>young and have low T during your developing years then it may be



>Usually there are easy erections till the T level is stabilized at

>the new higher level. Then the holiday is over and whatever ED you

>had returns as bad as before.

I have to disagree. E2 can climb then and the progress goes away. If

you manage E2 most of us find higher T and lower E2 sees us as good as


>You feel the effects of high T which do

>not include easy erections. They are great and us older guys continue

>and enjoy the new energy, sense of well being, fewer aches and pains,



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  • 2 weeks later...


The case I was addressing was not related to E2 as I was receiving

hormone pellet therapy which dissolves constantly 24/7. This usually

does not raise the E2 level. T injections or patches can shock the

body's hormone regulation system and converts T to E2 trying to reduce

the sudden boost in T.

I understand now, some men already have high E2 before getting TRT.

Others see E2 rise when they take injections with too much time

between injections.

My ED was age related or nerve damage in those nerves essential for

erections. Today pills will help till the nerves no longer can be helped.



> >When the T level is rising there are very easy erections for several

> >weeks making you think it is a cure for ED, not so. If you are very

> >young and have low T during your developing years then it may be

> >different.

> >

> >Usually there are easy erections till the T level is stabilized at

> >the new higher level. Then the holiday is over and whatever ED you

> >had returns as bad as before.


> I have to disagree. E2 can climb then and the progress goes away. If

> you manage E2 most of us find higher T and lower E2 sees us as good as

> new.



> >You feel the effects of high T which do

> >not include easy erections. They are great and us older guys continue

> >and enjoy the new energy, sense of well being, fewer aches and pains,

> >etc.

> >ernestnolan


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