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Re: how much would it cost

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Here is one company where a script is not needed.


Testosterone, Total, Serum $44.49

Sex Hormone binding Globulin, Serum $49.49

Estradiol, Sensitive $68.49

Thanks to JanSz

--- Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...> wrote:


> $$$$$for me to get the following blood tests done


> total tesosterone

> free testosterone

> bioavailable testosterone

> E2


> is Labcorps a good place to get this done?


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Sure I can help all you need is Total Testosterone and Estradiol to tell if our

dose is good enough. You do need to get your levels up into the upper 1/3 of

your labs range I don't remember why your Dr. lowered your dose to 5 grams. I

can tell you if you got your labs after putting on the gel and it was in less

then 6 hrs your levels will be peek levels just under your skin where the

testosterone is stored and goes into your blood slow over the next 24 hrs. So I

tell men to get up and do a good shower making sure all the gel is off there

skin they do labs after the labs put in the gel. If you had any gel near the

spot they take the blood your levels on your labs will be spiked up very high.

Dr.'s see the and get upset and lower your dose and you crash.

Go to Dr. 's site www.allthingsmale.com and get the free complimentary

12-month subscription to Life Extension magazine. Then when you go here to

order labs they will offer you a lower price to join there club and you can get

there labs cheaper.


When you order the tests they will send you to a lab to have the blood drawn.



> From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>

> Subject: how much would it cost


> Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 10:14 PM

> $$$$$for me to get the following

> blood tests done


> total tesosterone

> free testosterone

> bioavailable testosterone

> E2


> is Labcorps a good place to get this done?


> I have had 3 complete labs done in the past 3 months; my MD

> won't allow me to get another blood draw for 3 months even

> though I went from 7.5 g/day androgel to 5 g/day on his

> advice.


> I am willing to pay (assumming it is not too high) to see

> where I stand after 1 month on 5 grams/day of androgel.


> Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.












> ------------------------------------



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thanks, your the best!!

refresher, I was taking 7.5 g androgel/day and my recent blood tests revealed

testosterone (total, free, bioavailable, etc.) metrics through the roof (e.g.

total testosterone = 1887)

MD reduced my dose to 5 grams/day. I have been on that dose for 1 week.

How soon can I retest total testosterone and E2 (obviously with clean, pristine

arms so blood draw won't be contaminated) to see where I am at on 5 g/day of


I am going to a local LabCorp facility whenever you suggest it would be

appropriate (10-14 days on new dose?).

thanks again for the advice and moderated this excellent board!!!

how much would it cost


> Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 10:14 PM

> $$$$$for me to get the following

> blood tests done


> total tesosterone

> free testosterone

> bioavailable testosterone

> E2


> is Labcorps a good place to get this done?


> I have had 3 complete labs done in the past 3 months; my MD

> won't allow me to get another blood draw for 3 months even

> though I went from 7.5 g/day androgel to 5 g/day on his

> advice.


> I am willing to pay (assumming it is not too high) to see

> where I stand after 1 month on 5 grams/day of androgel.


> Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.

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--- Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...> wrote:



> refresher, I was taking 7.5 g androgel/day and my recent blood tests revealed

testosterone (total, free, bioavailable, etc.) metrics through the roof (e.g.

total testosterone = 1887)


> MD reduced my dose to 5 grams/day. I have been on that dose for 1 week.

The extremely high result at 7.5 gms looks suspect. I would be sure to not get

gel on the arm where blood is drawn and take a shower as Phil recommends. It

may also prove beneficial to alter your application schedule to be able to take

the sample 12-hours post application. This would negate the initial spike and

may give you valuable information about metabolism and your " working " level of


still working this out myself...

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will do exactly as you described; actually my initial plan!!

Re: how much would it cost

--- Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...> wrote:



> refresher, I was taking 7.5 g androgel/day and my recent blood tests revealed

testosterone (total, free, bioavailable, etc.) metrics through the roof (e.g.

total testosterone = 1887)


> MD reduced my dose to 5 grams/day. I have been on that dose for 1 week.

The extremely high result at 7.5 gms looks suspect. I would be sure to not get

gel on the arm where blood is drawn and take a shower as Phil recommends. It

may also prove beneficial to alter your application schedule to be able to take

the sample 12-hours post application. This would negate the initial spike and

may give you valuable information about metabolism and your " working " level of


still working this out myself...

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Now right Now get labs your going down lower by the day and your going to feel

bad. Doing labs on gels you need to shower wash off all the gel then do labs

that morning before putting on the gel there is no why one can get levels this

high on gels doing 10 grams. You must have put on the gel that morning the did

labs the gel you put on spiked up your labs.




> > From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>

> > Subject: how much would it cost

> >

> > Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 10:14 PM

> > $$$$$for me to get the following

> > blood tests done

> >

> > total tesosterone

> > free testosterone

> > bioavailable testosterone

> > E2

> >

> > is Labcorps a good place to get this done?

> >

> > I have had 3 complete labs done in the past 3 months;

> my MD

> > won't allow me to get another blood draw for 3 months

> even

> > though I went from 7.5 g/day androgel to 5 g/day on

> his

> > advice.

> >

> > I am willing to pay (assumming it is not too high) to

> see

> > where I stand after 1 month on 5 grams/day of

> androgel.

> >

> > Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.



> ------------------------------------



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