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Thanks dot via update Neil

neil wrote:

> This is from another message board...

> " Phils wonderful wife gave me a call and basically told me phil is

> lucky to be alive. He had 85% and 100% blockage. After the operation

> he then got a staff infection and will be in hospital for another 2-3

> weeks. "

> Staph and MRSA unfortunately is a common complication these days in

> the hospital.

> Neil


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Thanks dot via update Neil

neil wrote:

> This is from another message board...

> " Phils wonderful wife gave me a call and basically told me phil is

> lucky to be alive. He had 85% and 100% blockage. After the operation

> he then got a staff infection and will be in hospital for another 2-3

> weeks. "

> Staph and MRSA unfortunately is a common complication these days in

> the hospital.

> Neil


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Let & #39;s keep Phil in our prayers

neil wrote:

> This is from another message board...

> " Phils wonderful wife gave me a call and basically told me phil is

> lucky to be alive. He had 85% and 100% blockage. After the operation

> he then got a staff infection and will be in hospital for another 2-3

> weeks. "

> Staph and MRSA unfortunately is a common complication these days in

> the hospital.

> Neil


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Thanks Neil for the update. I have a friend in the Hospital with Staph and

it's been 4 weeks a trip to the hyperbaric chamber and still fighting it.

Gods speed Phil..


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:19 PM, neil <neilneil@...> wrote:

> This is from another message board...


> " Phils wonderful wife gave me a call and basically told me phil is

> lucky to be alive. He had 85% and 100% blockage. After the operation

> he then got a staff infection and will be in hospital for another 2-3

> weeks. "


> Staph and MRSA unfortunately is a common complication these days in

> the hospital.


> Neil





I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than

standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control

the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the

banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the

people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the

continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from

the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. —

Jefferson, 1802

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  • 1 month later...

The following was just posted one hour ago on Dr. Crisler's forum...Neil

" Hi everyone I just got home from the hosp. after 17 weeks and 5

surgeries. One surgery after the other went bad.

They had to take out my sternum the wire to hold my ribs together

broke the they tried a metal plate with screws that became infect then

they had sedate with my chest open laying on my back for 19 days.

So now I have the biggest bed sore on my back side just raw meat. So I

cant sit and my hands shake very bad so at some time the Dr'.s think I

had a small stroke.

I lost all my muscles and am now trying to learn to walk with a walker.

I should have died 5 times but here I am I cant type very good and my

brain has a hard time working.

Open heart sugary is rough I went into surgary a strong man and woke

up 14 weeks later a weak fragile helpless man. I owe my wife my life

she stood be the whole time.

So I am back and working on walking with a walker.

I will post when I can just doing this is doing me in.

Thanks for the prayers.

Phil. "

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