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Re: Arimidex Status

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Thanks. Just ordered 28 pills to see how it goes.


> > > So two questions: Do you need a script for alldaychemist. com and How can

you be sure that it is the same drug?

> > >

> > > Joe

> >

> > When you get a script filled in your home country, what do you do now to

> > be sure you are getting the correct drug? There is drug fraud in the

> > USA which the FDA refuses to pursue since they consider that a " state "

> > problem which they expect each state individually to address.

> >

> > To my knowledge, I've never gotten an incorrect drug in well over 10

> > years of buying internationally a dozen+ drugs a year. I have however

> > gotten my prescriptions incorrectly filled twice at the locally pharmacy

> > in the past year. They used immediately release blood pressure medicine

> > instead of 24 hour timed release resulting in a large drop in blood

> > pressure for the first half of the day and a large increase for the

> > second half of the day. When I complained that the pills looked

> > different, they assured me that they were just generic until I proved

> > they wrong.

> >

> > I buy or have bought from New Zealand, UK, Spain, Thailand, India,

> > Brazil, and a few other places. Not once to my knowledge have I gotten

> > anything that wasn't as ordered. Only ONCE in 10+ years was any package

> > opened by US customs and they just put a note on it and sent it on.

> >

> > --

> >

> > Steve - dudescholar4@ ...

> >

> > " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

> > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

> >

> > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "

> >

> > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> >






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I have purchased from alldaychemist.com several times. I never fill out

any medical history. I never create any profile I don't have to and if

I did, I wouldn't order from them or I would create an " alias persona "

and record it for later references if needed. Also, if I don't have to

create an " account " to order, I never create an account. I've been

purchasing from an online pharmacy in Thailand for 10+ years and never

have I registered an account with them even though they ask if I want to

ever time; I just enter everything in like I'm a new customer and don't

create a profile.

I do use a different email address with every online account. Once

you've given alldaychemist.com your email address, you will be inundated

with spam for viagra and all variants. I have a filter that looks for

the web address alldaychemist.com within the body and headers of the

email coming in for the alldaychemist.com email address and if that web

address isn't there, it's always spam.


noonanjg wrote:

> OK. Have you ordered from alldaychemist.com? When I went to order, I created

a profile. I added the arimidex to the cart and went to check out. It asked

for medical history and had a Dr. Levin prefilled in with a phone number. I am

asking a tactical question because I am not sure what to do here. Do I leave

that or do I put my dr. information in? I have a script for the medication.

Just want to make sure I do it correctly.


> Thanks!


> Joe




>>> So two questions: Do you need a script for alldaychemist.com and How can

you be sure that it is the same drug?


>>> Joe

>> When you get a script filled in your home country, what do you do now to

>> be sure you are getting the correct drug? There is drug fraud in the

>> USA which the FDA refuses to pursue since they consider that a " state "

>> problem which they expect each state individually to address.


>> To my knowledge, I've never gotten an incorrect drug in well over 10

>> years of buying internationally a dozen+ drugs a year. I have however

>> gotten my prescriptions incorrectly filled twice at the locally pharmacy

>> in the past year. They used immediately release blood pressure medicine

>> instead of 24 hour timed release resulting in a large drop in blood

>> pressure for the first half of the day and a large increase for the

>> second half of the day. When I complained that the pills looked

>> different, they assured me that they were just generic until I proved

>> they wrong.


>> I buy or have bought from New Zealand, UK, Spain, Thailand, India,

>> Brazil, and a few other places. Not once to my knowledge have I gotten

>> anything that wasn't as ordered. Only ONCE in 10+ years was any package

>> opened by US customs and they just put a note on it and sent it on.


>> --


>> Steve - dudescholar4@...


Steve - dudescholar4@...

" The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

" Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


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> So two questions: Do you need a script for alldaychemist.com and

> How can you be sure that it is the same drug?


> Joe


no you don't need a script from them... they're in india I think.

how can I be " sure " ... about the same way you're sure you're getting the " same

drug " at the corner mom and pop drug store...

reputation and trust.

there are millions of doses of " counterfeit " drugs sold in the US (mainly at

little Mom and Pop pharmacies just wanting to help the bottom line) at full US

price every day... most are just fine and come from reputable places (like


big pharma hates it.

at Costco (the big US chain) arimidex is about 10$/pill.

at alldaychemist it's about 1.80$... granted you have to pay shipping... but you

don't pay sales tax...

and you can get HCG in nice multiuse vials (5000iu or about 10 weeks worth) for

14$ or so... even when you can't even find it in the US.

just look at this group alone... there are LOTS of people here buying arimidex

and HCG from them because it costs so much in the US.

but have you seen anyone say their stuff didn't work?

the only complaint is it's to hard to cut the little 1mg pills :-}

I buy a non-narcotic pain killer that in the US is called Ultram CR... a 90 day

script is 190$ 'cause it's not covered by my insurance (oddly enough " real "

narcotics are, and if I didn't need the time release version I could get a

generic) and there's no US Generic...

but I can buy the same drug (tramadol) in the same dose with the same unique

feature that keeps it from being a generic in the US (time release) from a name

brand manufacturer (Sandoz) from a licensed pharmacy in the UK (and I do have to

send a script) for less than half.

we as a country are getting RIPPED OFF by the big pharmaceutical companies!

the only things I buy in the US are narcotics (I don't want to deal with customs

and such, and oddly enough they're dirt cheap), things I need -now- (i.e.

antibiotics for an immediate illness), and the ever smaller list of meds that

are covered by insurance... and usually only as a generic.

if they say " that's not covered " or its just ridiculously expensive I'll get 1

script filled 'cause I need it then, and just order from a reputable

international pharmacy afterwards.

I've been doing so since I learned about them in the AARP magazine in the early


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Thanks. I completely agree about big pharma. I placed an order for 28 pills

and we'll see how it goes. I bought 8 pills from the local CVS just to get

started but there's no way I'll pay that again.


> >

> > So two questions: Do you need a script for alldaychemist.com and

> > How can you be sure that it is the same drug?

> >

> > Joe


> Hi,


> no you don't need a script from them... they're in india I think.


> how can I be " sure " ... about the same way you're sure you're getting the " same

drug " at the corner mom and pop drug store...


> reputation and trust.


> there are millions of doses of " counterfeit " drugs sold in the US (mainly at

little Mom and Pop pharmacies just wanting to help the bottom line) at full US

price every day... most are just fine and come from reputable places (like



> big pharma hates it.


> at Costco (the big US chain) arimidex is about 10$/pill.


> at alldaychemist it's about 1.80$... granted you have to pay shipping... but

you don't pay sales tax...


> and you can get HCG in nice multiuse vials (5000iu or about 10 weeks worth)

for 14$ or so... even when you can't even find it in the US.


> just look at this group alone... there are LOTS of people here buying arimidex

and HCG from them because it costs so much in the US.


> but have you seen anyone say their stuff didn't work?


> the only complaint is it's to hard to cut the little 1mg pills :-}


> I buy a non-narcotic pain killer that in the US is called Ultram CR... a 90

day script is 190$ 'cause it's not covered by my insurance (oddly enough " real "

narcotics are, and if I didn't need the time release version I could get a

generic) and there's no US Generic...


> but I can buy the same drug (tramadol) in the same dose with the same unique

feature that keeps it from being a generic in the US (time release) from a name

brand manufacturer (Sandoz) from a licensed pharmacy in the UK (and I do have to

send a script) for less than half.


> we as a country are getting RIPPED OFF by the big pharmaceutical companies!


> the only things I buy in the US are narcotics (I don't want to deal with

customs and such, and oddly enough they're dirt cheap), things I need -now-

(i.e. antibiotics for an immediate illness), and the ever smaller list of meds

that are covered by insurance... and usually only as a generic.


> if they say " that's not covered " or its just ridiculously expensive I'll get 1

script filled 'cause I need it then, and just order from a reputable

international pharmacy afterwards.


> I've been doing so since I learned about them in the AARP magazine in the

early 90s.


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