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Re: Stopped Androgel Application-Big Time Crash!

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I'm not on HRT yet, but hope to be in the near future. From what I've read on

this forum, experimenting with meds and how they work can really screw things

up. I would suggest you listen to what the guys on this forum that really know

the hormones, have to say. Take care.


> I stopped using Androgel after 3 months due to the fact that I did not want to

shut down my testies and risk shrinking my gonads. Tough, a sonogram of the

region proved to be negative. My urologist put me on Clomid to " jumpstart " my

testies and has an alternative means to HRT/Androgel. My T-Level went from 1.8

to 5.5! I was feeling myself again! I am 40 years old.


> After 1 week I experienced:

> 1. Incredible fatigue-Almost like a drowsiness you get from taking a sleeping


> 2. Total loss of libido.

> 3. No desire to exercise. I was working out like a madman while on Androgel

and got great results. Lost weight and got some good tone. Since coming off, I

had no energy to cycle, run and lift. This was the most noticeable positive of

HRT for me!

> 4. Weight gain, more of a desire to snack.

> 5. Lack of motivation, desire. Plah! Not depressed but just lack of interest.

Couch was calling for me.


> Two days ago, I took myself off of Clomid and contiunued with my Androgel

treatment. Later this month I will be seeing a new urologist and

endocrinologist to explore new avenune of treatment. Yet, for now I'm happy on

the Androgel, and that is most important.


> A recent MRI was taken and the probable cause of my hypogonadism is a cyst on

the pituitary gland. Not a tumor, and my previous endocrinologist says nothing

urgent and would revisit in a year. Anybody have any thoughts on this??


> Regards!


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Well first thing is the kind of Dr. your seeing we don't see many men finding a

good Uro or Eno that is good at TRT. Some things you said about being on

Androgel was you felt great. To stop TRT because your testis stop working is

not a good Idea. You can take HCG shots every 3 days on gels 250 IU's and this

keeps your boys working they will not get small. If they are small from being

on TRT they can come back mine did after 23 yrs.

Because you stopped TRT it will take some time to get back at least it did for

men and other men I have talked to. Here is a cut and paste of a post Dr.

sent me to help get my Dr. to give me HCG.


He probably feels that since you suffer primary hypogonadism (I am guessing)

there is no use in adding HCG to your protocol. There are several reasons why

this is not so. First, you have not lost all Leydig cells, so any HCG you take

will stimulate those who still function to produce endogenous testosterone.

This will support testicular size. We should not ignore this aesthetic


Next, if he reads my work, he will learn that HPTA-suppressed (as all TRT

patients are to some extent) also suffer decreased pregenenolone levels, which

is the first step after CHOL in all three hormonal pathways which begin with

CHOL. HCG increases pregnenolone production, and therefore restores a more

natural balance of our hormones.

Next, nearly all TRT patients who add in HCG to their regimens report an

increased sense of well-being and also libido. These are genuine quality of life


Finally, I just instinctively do not want all those LH receptors (including

those we have yet to discover and appreciate) unstimulated.


This study supports what Dr. does with HCG you need to go to his site and

read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG update.



I am Hypopituitary due to a head injury it took me 23 yrs to figure this out you

can read my story at this link and the update.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

Some of the things you can do is get your total T levels up into the upper 1/3

of your labs range and keep your Estradiol down to about 20 pg/ml. Most of us

do great doing this.

If you still have problems they you need to look at other things like Thyroid

and over worked adrenals low Ferritin or Iron levels for some reason a few of us

men have them problems on top of low testosterone.

Any Dr. that treats a lot of men for low T would be a good Dr. most will only

know what the Drug reps tell them. In the files section we have a file on

Finding a New Male Hormone Dr. read it this will help you to know what to do to

find a better Dr. and do call them and ask questions before seeing them. Also

we have a links section full of info about this problem read them learn about

this so when your seeing a Dr. you will know he is doing right by you.



> From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> Subject: Stopped Androgel Application-Big Time Crash!


> Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 6:20 AM

> I stopped using Androgel after 3

> months due to the fact that I did not want to shut down my

> testies and risk shrinking my gonads.  Tough, a

> sonogram of the region proved to be negative.  My

> urologist put me on Clomid to " jumpstart " my testies and has

> an alternative means to HRT/Androgel. My T-Level went from

> 1.8 to 5.5! I was feeling myself again! I am 40 years old.


> After 1 week I experienced:

> 1. Incredible fatigue-Almost like a drowsiness you get from

> taking a sleeping pill

> 2. Total loss of libido. 

> 3. No desire to exercise. I was working out like a madman

> while on Androgel and got great results.  Lost weight

> and got some good tone.  Since coming off, I had no

> energy to cycle, run and lift.  This was the most

> noticeable positive of HRT for me! 

> 4. Weight gain, more of a desire to snack.

> 5. Lack of motivation, desire.  Plah! Not depressed

> but just lack of interest.  Couch was calling for me.


> Two days ago, I took myself off of Clomid and contiunued

> with my Androgel treatment.  Later this month I will be

> seeing a new urologist and endocrinologist to explore new

> avenune of treatment. Yet, for now I'm happy on the

> Androgel, and that is most important.


> A recent MRI was taken and the probable cause of my

> hypogonadism is a cyst on the pituitary gland.  Not a

> tumor, and my previous endocrinologist says nothing urgent

> and would revisit in a year.  Anybody have any thoughts

> on this??


> Regards!







> ------------------------------------



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Phil, I had testicular cancer. My remaining testicle is about 1/2 of what it

used to be. I will be getting blood tests and seeing Dr. O in Philadelphia soon.

I will discuss this with him then. If I was to get on the HCG, would it get back

to the original size? If so, would I start to produce more T then even if I were

on TRT? Thanks.


> > From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> > Subject: Stopped Androgel Application-Big Time Crash!

> >

> > Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 6:20 AM

> > I stopped using Androgel after 3

> > months due to the fact that I did not want to shut down my

> > testies and risk shrinking my gonads.  Tough, a

> > sonogram of the region proved to be negative.  My

> > urologist put me on Clomid to " jumpstart " my testies and has

> > an alternative means to HRT/Androgel. My T-Level went from

> > 1.8 to 5.5! I was feeling myself again! I am 40 years old.

> >

> > After 1 week I experienced:

> > 1. Incredible fatigue-Almost like a drowsiness you get from

> > taking a sleeping pill

> > 2. Total loss of libido. 

> > 3. No desire to exercise. I was working out like a madman

> > while on Androgel and got great results.  Lost weight

> > and got some good tone.  Since coming off, I had no

> > energy to cycle, run and lift.  This was the most

> > noticeable positive of HRT for me! 

> > 4. Weight gain, more of a desire to snack.

> > 5. Lack of motivation, desire.  Plah! Not depressed

> > but just lack of interest.  Couch was calling for me.

> >

> > Two days ago, I took myself off of Clomid and contiunued

> > with my Androgel treatment.  Later this month I will be

> > seeing a new urologist and endocrinologist to explore new

> > avenune of treatment. Yet, for now I'm happy on the

> > Androgel, and that is most important.

> >

> > A recent MRI was taken and the probable cause of my

> > hypogonadism is a cyst on the pituitary gland.  Not a

> > tumor, and my previous endocrinologist says nothing urgent

> > and would revisit in a year.  Anybody have any thoughts

> > on this??

> >

> > Regards!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Thanks Phil,

This group is very informative/helpful. A member has referred me to one of his

urologists here in NYC.

I'm getting an education along the way.


> > From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> > Subject: Stopped Androgel Application-Big Time Crash!

> >

> > Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 6:20 AM

> > I stopped using Androgel after 3

> > months due to the fact that I did not want to shut down my

> > testies and risk shrinking my gonads.  Tough, a

> > sonogram of the region proved to be negative.  My

> > urologist put me on Clomid to " jumpstart " my testies and has

> > an alternative means to HRT/Androgel. My T-Level went from

> > 1.8 to 5.5! I was feeling myself again! I am 40 years old.

> >

> > After 1 week I experienced:

> > 1. Incredible fatigue-Almost like a drowsiness you get from

> > taking a sleeping pill

> > 2. Total loss of libido. 

> > 3. No desire to exercise. I was working out like a madman

> > while on Androgel and got great results.  Lost weight

> > and got some good tone.  Since coming off, I had no

> > energy to cycle, run and lift.  This was the most

> > noticeable positive of HRT for me! 

> > 4. Weight gain, more of a desire to snack.

> > 5. Lack of motivation, desire.  Plah! Not depressed

> > but just lack of interest.  Couch was calling for me.

> >

> > Two days ago, I took myself off of Clomid and contiunued

> > with my Androgel treatment.  Later this month I will be

> > seeing a new urologist and endocrinologist to explore new

> > avenune of treatment. Yet, for now I'm happy on the

> > Androgel, and that is most important.

> >

> > A recent MRI was taken and the probable cause of my

> > hypogonadism is a cyst on the pituitary gland.  Not a

> > tumor, and my previous endocrinologist says nothing urgent

> > and would revisit in a year.  Anybody have any thoughts

> > on this??

> >

> > Regards!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Dr. O and Hardasnails there is to good bunch of guys they are great. Yes adding

HCG will bring your one testis back up to a normal size if there is nothing

wrong with it. Some men have low Testosterone because there Testis don't or can

make enough Testosterone. Labs look like the following.

Total T is low.

LH and FSH are very high near or above the top of the range.

Estradiol levels are good at about 2 to 30 pg/ml.

This is called Primary Hypogonadism it's all in this link.


Now some men can make testosterone but not enough going on TRT shuts down the LH

and FSH message and the testis stop making testosterone and get small taking HCG

they go back to working as best they can and go back up in size.



> From: virtuosa150 <virtuosa150@...>

> Subject: Re: Stopped Androgel Application-Big Time Crash!


> Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 10:48 AM

> Phil, I had testicular cancer. My

> remaining testicle is about 1/2 of what it used to be. I

> will be getting blood tests and seeing Dr. O in Philadelphia

> soon. I will discuss this with him then. If I was to get on

> the HCG, would it get back to the original size? If so,

> would I start to produce more T then even if I were on TRT?

> Thanks.



> >

> > > From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> > > Subject: Stopped Androgel

> Application-Big Time Crash!

> > >

> > > Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 6:20 AM

> > > I stopped using Androgel after 3

> > > months due to the fact that I did not want to

> shut down my

> > > testies and risk shrinking my gonads.  Tough, a

> > > sonogram of the region proved to be negative. 

> My

> > > urologist put me on Clomid to " jumpstart " my

> testies and has

> > > an alternative means to HRT/Androgel. My T-Level

> went from

> > > 1.8 to 5.5! I was feeling myself again! I am 40

> years old.

> > >

> > > After 1 week I experienced:

> > > 1. Incredible fatigue-Almost like a drowsiness

> you get from

> > > taking a sleeping pill

> > > 2. Total loss of libido. 

> > > 3. No desire to exercise. I was working out like

> a madman

> > > while on Androgel and got great results.  Lost

> weight

> > > and got some good tone.  Since coming off, I had

> no

> > > energy to cycle, run and lift.  This was the

> most

> > > noticeable positive of HRT for me! 

> > > 4. Weight gain, more of a desire to snack.

> > > 5. Lack of motivation, desire.  Plah! Not

> depressed

> > > but just lack of interest.  Couch was calling

> for me.

> > >

> > > Two days ago, I took myself off of Clomid and

> contiunued

> > > with my Androgel treatment.  Later this month I

> will be

> > > seeing a new urologist and endocrinologist to

> explore new

> > > avenune of treatment. Yet, for now I'm happy on

> the

> > > Androgel, and that is most important.

> > >

> > > A recent MRI was taken and the probable cause of

> my

> > > hypogonadism is a cyst on the pituitary gland. 

> Not a

> > > tumor, and my previous endocrinologist says

> nothing urgent

> > > and would revisit in a year.  Anybody have any

> thoughts

> > > on this??

> > >

> > > Regards!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Great the more you know the better off you are.



> From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> Subject: Re: Stopped Androgel Application-Big Time Crash!


> Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 11:11 AM

> Thanks Phil,


> This group is very informative/helpful.  A member has

> referred me to one of his urologists here in NYC.


> I'm getting an education along the way. 




> >

> > > From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> > > Subject: Stopped Androgel

> Application-Big Time Crash!

> > >

> > > Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 6:20 AM

> > > I stopped using Androgel after 3

> > > months due to the fact that I did not want to

> shut down my

> > > testies and risk shrinking my gonads.  Tough, a

> > > sonogram of the region proved to be negative. 

> My

> > > urologist put me on Clomid to " jumpstart " my

> testies and has

> > > an alternative means to HRT/Androgel. My T-Level

> went from

> > > 1.8 to 5.5! I was feeling myself again! I am 40

> years old.

> > >

> > > After 1 week I experienced:

> > > 1. Incredible fatigue-Almost like a drowsiness

> you get from

> > > taking a sleeping pill

> > > 2. Total loss of libido. 

> > > 3. No desire to exercise. I was working out like

> a madman

> > > while on Androgel and got great results.  Lost

> weight

> > > and got some good tone.  Since coming off, I had

> no

> > > energy to cycle, run and lift.  This was the

> most

> > > noticeable positive of HRT for me! 

> > > 4. Weight gain, more of a desire to snack.

> > > 5. Lack of motivation, desire.  Plah! Not

> depressed

> > > but just lack of interest.  Couch was calling

> for me.

> > >

> > > Two days ago, I took myself off of Clomid and

> contiunued

> > > with my Androgel treatment.  Later this month I

> will be

> > > seeing a new urologist and endocrinologist to

> explore new

> > > avenune of treatment. Yet, for now I'm happy on

> the

> > > Androgel, and that is most important.

> > >

> > > A recent MRI was taken and the probable cause of

> my

> > > hypogonadism is a cyst on the pituitary gland. 

> Not a

> > > tumor, and my previous endocrinologist says

> nothing urgent

> > > and would revisit in a year.  Anybody have any

> thoughts

> > > on this??

> > >

> > > Regards!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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