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Re: Need some help, done T shots, now on HCG shots, nothing seems to be working

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Thank you for your response and help. Do you know of any good doctors who

could help me? I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was a struggle to

convince them that I had low testosterone.

Thank you,


In a message dated 6/2/09 8:23:09 AM, pmgamer18@... writes:








> If your Enanthate T was 200mgs/ml. 1cc='s 200mgs this is a dam big shot

> most of it will turn into Estradiol E2 and how you back from feeling better.

> Doing T shots every 10 days or 2 weeks puts one on a roller coaster ride up

> after the shot then down 5 days later until your next one.


> The best way to start on shots is to try 100mgs every week. Test in 8

> weeks if your Total and Free T levels are not up into the upper 1/3 of your

> labs range for both Total and Free T add more go to 125 mgs. As for HCG unless

> your Secondary meaning your brain does not tell your testis to make

> Testosterone. Doing HCG acts like LH and FSH and makes your testis make

> Testosteron but most if not all the men I talk to don't do well just on HCG

and your

> doing 1cc everyday is not a good Idea it's way to much 1cc = 1ml. If your

> using the same HCG I use Novarel a 10ml. vile = 10,000 IU's so doing 1cc

> your doing a 1000 IU's / day if you keep doing this you will desensitize your

> testis and if not all ready Primary you will become Primary meaning your

> testis don't work. Never do more then 500 IU's or .5cc per day. Most do 100

> IU's a day that are Secondary but do much better doing both Testosterone

> shots and adding HCG.


> Then best way to do this is first get leveled off into the upper 1/3 of

> your labs range and know your feeling better. Then if doing gels add 250 IU's

> of HCG every 3 days. If doing shots every week add 250 IU's the 2 days

> each before your next shot. Doing this helps keep your levels up until your

> next shot.


> As to Estradiol E2 levels I am betting your very high and this will take

> away from your feeling better on TRT. It will kill your sex life give you ED

> even taking a pill if your very high will not work. Test this everytime

> you test your T levels.


> I gage my E2 levels by my night time and morning wood If I don't have them

> anymore I know I am taking to much Arimidex and drove it down to low. So I

> stop taking it until my wood comes back then that day I go back on it but

> do less. I do about .25mgs or 1/4 of a 1mg pill every 2 to 3 days. I had

> lost my night time and morning wood for over 35 yrs getting my E2 down it

> come back. So between labs and wood I keep my E2 in the sweet spot. I do

> Cialis 20 mgs every 3 days for my heart but a lot of men that have ED use it

> this way after a week you don't feel the sides anymore and you don't have to

> wait for a pill to work to have sex.


> Here is what I am having done at Quest if Hard or anyone thinks of

> anything more let me know.


> Estradiol " Sentive " LC/MS Assay " the one with the range of 13 to 54 pg/ml

> the best level for most men is 20 some do better higher I go by my wood if

> I am to high I lose it and when I am to low.


> Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable & Total LC/MS/MS Code # 14966X.


> Homocysteine (Caridioviasular) Code #31789X.


> Vit.D, 25-Hydroxy LC/MS/MS Code #17306X.



> Free T4

> Free T3


> Total Iron

> Iron Binding Capacity

> Iron % Saturation

> Ferritin

> B-12


> Even in the AACE Guildlines it states to do shots every 7 days.

> http://www.aace.http://www.ahttp://www.http://www.aahtt

> Go to Dr. 's site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG

> update. Print this and try to give it to your Dr.

> www.allthingsmale. ww

> Co-Moderator

> Phil




> > From: CraigRocksOut@CraigRo <CraigRocksOut@CraigRo>

> > Subject: Need some help, done T shots, now on HCG shots,

> nothing seems to be working

> > @hypogonadismhyp

> > Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 7:41 PM

> > My testosterone level is flagged low

> > at, 180 in the range of 241-827. My

> > doctor has tried Testosterone Enanthate shots, three vials,

> > 1cc every ten

> > days. I have felt no difference. He has switched me to HCG

> > which he says will

> > stimulate my Testosterone. I have done two vials of HCG so

> > far, 1cc injected

> > everyday. Still nothing yet so far. I am very concerned. I

> > am 49 years old, I

> > used to be able to achieve erections on my own up until my

> > mid-30's and

> > then I used Cialis with success but with terrible headache

> > side effects. No

> > Cialis doesn't work at all anymore.

> >

> > Can anyone help? I read other postings where men have had

> > success with

> > Testosterone or HCG injections to get their vigor back but

> > it hasn't changed

> > with me.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Craig

> >

> >

> > ************ *

> > We found the real ‘Hotel California’ and the

> > ‘Seinfeld’

> > diner. What will you find? Explore WhereItsAt.com.

> > (




> > d=emlcntnew00000007

> >

> >

> >

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If your Enanthate T was 200mgs/ml. 1cc='s 200mgs this is a dam big shot most of

it will turn into Estradiol E2 and how you back from feeling better. Doing T

shots every 10 days or 2 weeks puts one on a roller coaster ride up after the

shot then down 5 days later until your next one.

The best way to start on shots is to try 100mgs every week. Test in 8 weeks if

your Total and Free T levels are not up into the upper 1/3 of your labs range

for both Total and Free T add more go to 125 mgs. As for HCG unless your

Secondary meaning your brain does not tell your testis to make Testosterone.

Doing HCG acts like LH and FSH and makes your testis make Testosteron but most

if not all the men I talk to don't do well just on HCG and your doing 1cc

everyday is not a good Idea it's way to much 1cc = 1ml. If your using the same

HCG I use Novarel a 10ml. vile = 10,000 IU's so doing 1cc your doing a 1000 IU's

/ day if you keep doing this you will desensitize your testis and if not all

ready Primary you will become Primary meaning your testis don't work. Never do

more then 500 IU's or .5cc per day. Most do 100 IU's a day that are Secondary

but do much better doing both Testosterone shots and adding HCG.

Then best way to do this is first get leveled off into the upper 1/3 of your

labs range and know your feeling better. Then if doing gels add 250 IU's of HCG

every 3 days. If doing shots every week add 250 IU's the 2 days each before

your next shot. Doing this helps keep your levels up until your next shot.

As to Estradiol E2 levels I am betting your very high and this will take away

from your feeling better on TRT. It will kill your sex life give you ED even

taking a pill if your very high will not work. Test this everytime you test

your T levels.

I gage my E2 levels by my night time and morning wood If I don't have them

anymore I know I am taking to much Arimidex and drove it down to low. So I stop

taking it until my wood comes back then that day I go back on it but do less. I

do about .25mgs or 1/4 of a 1mg pill every 2 to 3 days. I had lost my night

time and morning wood for over 35 yrs getting my E2 down it come back. So

between labs and wood I keep my E2 in the sweet spot. I do Cialis 20 mgs every

3 days for my heart but a lot of men that have ED use it this way after a week

you don't feel the sides anymore and you don't have to wait for a pill to work

to have sex.

Here is what I am having done at Quest if Hard or anyone thinks of anything more

let me know.

Estradiol " Sentive " LC/MS Assay " the one with the range of 13 to 54 pg/ml the

best level for most men is 20 some do better higher I go by my wood if I am to

high I lose it and when I am to low.

Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable & Total LC/MS/MS Code # 14966X.

Homocysteine (Caridioviasular) Code #31789X.

Vit.D, 25-Hydroxy LC/MS/MS Code #17306X.


Free T4

Free T3

Total Iron

Iron Binding Capacity

Iron % Saturation



Even in the AACE Guildlines it states to do shots every 7 days.


Go to Dr. 's site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG update.

Print this and try to give it to your Dr.




> From: CraigRocksOut@... <CraigRocksOut@...>

> Subject: Need some help, done T shots, now on HCG shots,

nothing seems to be working


> Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 7:41 PM

> My testosterone level is flagged low

> at, 180 in the range of 241-827. My

> doctor has tried Testosterone Enanthate shots, three vials,

> 1cc every ten

> days. I have felt no difference. He has switched me to HCG

> which he says will

> stimulate my Testosterone. I have done two vials of HCG so

> far, 1cc injected

> everyday. Still nothing yet so far. I am very concerned. I

> am 49 years old, I

> used to be able to achieve erections on my own up until my

> mid-30's and

> then I used Cialis with success but with terrible headache

> side effects. No

> Cialis doesn't work at all anymore.


> Can anyone help? I read other postings where men have had

> success with

> Testosterone or HCG injections to get their vigor back but

> it hasn't changed

> with me.


> Thanks,


> Craig



> **************

> We found the real ‘Hotel California’ and the

> ‘Seinfeld’

> diner. What will you find? Explore WhereItsAt.com.




> d=emlcntnew00000007)




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There is a Dr. in Ca. one of the best I feel here is a link to his site. He

posts a lot to men at MESO Dr. no. He is into Psychiatry but feels must of

peoples problems are do to low hormones.


His Phone and address is in are Database section for Dr.'s.


Romeo no, M.D. (831) 375-6655 395 Del Monte Ctr #305 Monterey, CA 93940

262 Eldorado Street #100 physician, psychiatrist,Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

and Immunology (831) 626-9094 fax


Here is a copy of one of his posts his nick is nco you can click on this

nick and then click on read all of his posts you will be there a long time and

not be able to stop.





Originally Posted by hardasnails1973

Dr M,

How specifically does low ferritin affect the thyroid ?

All articles say it effects the active t3 binding, but they do not explain does

this mean t-3 actually doing its job at the receptor or the conversion of t4 to


There is speculation that with low ferritin that thyroid can not be activated at

the tissue level. Is this really true because I thought cortisol was responsible

for this function. Reason being is that I have ferritin of 40 and my hair keeps

falling out. I have had low ceruloplasm and copper serum for 5 years now but no

one can give me an explanation to why this is. I even supplemented thinking I

was low 5 mgs a day reducing zinc down to 30 mgs a day and retested in 2 months.

While taking the supplement up to night before the test it still tested low. How

can this be..With out ceruloplasm iron does not get transported to the tissue as

indicated on alot of my functional test as well as hair analysis copper, iron,

molybednum were all low and have been for years. I;m just confused. I have alot

of signs of wilsons disease but can not get an accurate diagnosis. I do take

iodoral and I have heard this can deplete iron levels but even taking 50 mgs a

day I test

ferritin at 42 even taking iron night before the test. When was my healthiest

ferritin was 166. Could the copper transport defect be causing low ferttin

despite proper supplementation? I do have low thyroid which I am working on to

get numbers in optimal range. My last numbers where good but the lab did not

test the total levels so they basically where useless for me.

I've been busy writing for my book. But I saw this question and I have a few

minutes to answer it.

Thyroid is an intercellular signal. It is a signal produced by the thyroid gland

which travels to other cells in the body, where it triggers changes in cellular

metabolism, which results in an increase in metabolism and energy production and

thermogenesis (heat production). These changes include growth in the size and

number of mitochondria.

Iron works at the cellular metabolic level/nutrient level. Iron is part of the

structure of numerous enzymes involved in energy production. It is part of the

cytochrome enzymes which serve as electron carriers in the synthesis of ATP in

mitochondria. It is part of the structure of enzymes such as NADH dehydrogenase,

Succinate Dehydrogenase, and Aconitase, which are central to the function of the

Citric Acid Cycle in mitochondria. The citric acid cycle is where the body

processes carbohydrates, pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, etc. into ATP.

Without iron, the metabolic actions triggered by thyroid hormone grind to a

halt. No ATP, not cellular metabolism. Thyroid hormone replacement does not work

well without adequate iron levels - best measured by serum Ferritin levels.

Note that excessive iron is highly oxidizing and destructive. Thus I prefer the

midrange when it comes to an " optimal " level.



Any statement I make on this site is for educational purposes only and will

change as medical knowledge progresses. It does not constitute medical advice,

does not substitute for proper medical evaluation from physician, does not

create a doctor/patient relationship or liability. If you would like medical

advice, please ask your doctor. Thank you.



> >

> > > From: CraigRocksOut@CraigRo

> <CraigRocksOut@CraigRo>

> > > Subject: Need some help, done T

> shots, now on HCG shots,

> > nothing seems to be working

> > > @hypogonadismhyp

> > > Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 7:41 PM

> > > My testosterone level is flagged low

> > > at, 180 in the range of 241-827. My

> > > doctor has tried Testosterone Enanthate shots,

> three vials,

> > > 1cc every ten

> > > days. I have felt no difference. He has switched

> me to HCG

> > > which he says will

> > > stimulate my Testosterone. I have done two vials

> of HCG so

> > > far, 1cc injected

> > > everyday. Still nothing yet so far. I am very

> concerned. I

> > > am 49 years old, I

> > > used to be able to achieve erections on my own up

> until my

> > > mid-30's and

> > > then I used Cialis with success but with terrible

> headache

> > > side effects. No

> > > Cialis doesn't work at all anymore.

> > >

> > > Can anyone help? I read other postings where men

> have had

> > > success with

> > > Testosterone or HCG injections to get their vigor

> back but

> > > it hasn't changed

> > > with me.

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > > Craig

> > >

> > >

> > > ************ *

> > > We found the real ‘Hotel California’ and the

> > > ‘Seinfeld’

> > > diner. What will you find? Explore

> WhereItsAt.com.

> > > (

> >



> > > d=emlcntnew00000007

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ -------- -------- -----

> > >

> > >

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