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Re: Androgel and lab tests

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hi...My doc has me on testogel/androgel 10g 5 days a week and i get great

results,,,total T 34 and Free T 1000+,,,,I seen a specialist and he said as long

as you feel alright doesnt matter if your freeT is high,,treat the patient and

not some lab results...I have recently started 10g mon,wed,fri and 5g the other

days and it seems my e2 is not as high as arimidex is out of the question in

Australia,,,I apply the bulk of my gel to upper and inner thighs which is better

than arms and shoulders IMO,,,let me know your lab results..goodbye

From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>

Subject: Androgel and lab tests

Received: Tuesday, 2 June, 2009, 7:50 AM

My MD has me on 7.5 g androgel/day. My Pharmacy screwed up and was giving me 5 g

packets for awhile (essentially twice as much as my prescription) . So I had

" extra " androgel and dosed at 10 g/day for a month.

I recently had a series of blood tests including a testosterone panel an E2.

About 4 days before the blood draw I went back to 7.5g/day.

Question-- Will the new results be an accurate picture of my testosterone level

at 7.5g/day? Did I screw it all up by taking 25% more than prescribed for the

previous 30 days?

Janz stated in a pevious post that androgel is cleared from the system in 3-5


So not trying to thread jack I pose this question (in a new thread) to the


Thanks to all in advance.

Btw-- I feel better on 10 g/day and will tell the MD this soon.

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JanZ is not a member here but I know him well yes the gel is in your blood about

2 days 48 hrs. for most men that eat it up faster it's gone in less time. I

don't know about 3 days he might have read this at there site. He is an

Engineer like my self and knows a lot but health.

I did not do good on Gels the best I could get my levels up to for Total T was

about 500 so my Dr. had me come in for a 200 mgs shot of Depo T this was driving

my Estradiol E2 levels nuts. On gels I had bad joint and muscle pain so bad I

was house bound and my Dr. thought it was Arthritis I was in a lot of pain and

could hardly walk.

I posted here about this after 3 yrs of this crap and one of the guys told me he

had the same problems and when he switched to shots he got better. So for some

men gels and creams don't support there joints and muscles.

Most me need there Total and Free T levels up into the upper 1/3 of there labs

range and keep there E2 levels down between 10 to 30 best at 20 pg/ml sum men do

better at higher levels. I gage my E2 levels by night time and morning wood

with labs. I take .25mgs or 1/4 of a 1mg pill of Arimidex every 2 to 3 days to

keep my E2 in the sweet spot.

When I was on gels I more of a problem with higher levels of E2 and DHT then I

do on shots. I found out later that if you have a thyroid problem it makes your

skin thicker and gels and creams can't get though your skin good enough to get

your levels up.

Ask your Dr. to let you do 10g's /day go 8 weeks then test again if your not up

into the upper 1/3 of your labs switch to shots.

Here is what I am having done at Quest Labs.

Estradiol " Sentive " LC/MS Assay " The one with the range of 13 to 54.

Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable & Total LC/MS/MS Code # 14966X.

Homocysteine (Caridioviasular) Code #31789X.

Vit.D, 25-Hydroxy LC/MS/MS Code #17306X.


Free T4

Free T3

Total Iron

Iron Binding Capacity

Iron % Saturation



I had much better levels doing my shots every 3 days and I do HCG the 2 days

each in between my T shots. I am Hypopituitary so adding HCG most of my

testosterone is made from my testis using HCG.



> From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>

> Subject: Androgel and lab tests


> Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 5:50 PM

> My MD has me on 7.5 g androgel/day.

> My Pharmacy screwed up and was giving me 5 g packets for

> awhile (essentially twice as much as my prescription). So I

> had " extra " androgel and dosed at 10 g/day for a month.


> I recently had a series of blood tests including a

> testosterone panel an E2.

> About 4 days before the blood draw I went back to

> 7.5g/day.


> Question-- Will the new results be an accurate picture of

> my testosterone level at 7.5g/day? Did I screw it all up by

> taking 25% more than prescribed for the previous 30 days?


> Janz stated in a pevious post that androgel is cleared from

> the system in 3-5 days.


> So not trying to thread jack I pose this question (in a new

> thread) to the experts!


> Thanks to all in advance.


> Btw-- I feel better on 10 g/day and will tell the MD this

> soon.








> ------------------------------------



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Hey what ever works best for you is what you need to do. The best thing for me

that a lot of Dr.'s will not do and men will not do. Is to do shots 70mgs every

3 days and to add HCG 400IU's the 2 days each in between the T shots. Doing

this keeps me leveled and holds down my E2 Estradiol levels.





> From: Kipp Kruse <kckruse@...>

> Subject: Androgel and lab tests


> Received: Tuesday, 2 June, 2009, 7:50 AM









> My MD has me on 7.5 g androgel/day. My Pharmacy screwed up

> and was giving me 5 g packets for awhile (essentially twice

> as much as my prescription) . So I had " extra " androgel and

> dosed at 10 g/day for a month.


> I recently had a series of blood tests including a

> testosterone panel an E2.

> About 4 days before the blood draw I went back to

> 7.5g/day.


> Question-- Will the new results be an accurate picture of

> my testosterone level at 7.5g/day? Did I screw it all up by

> taking 25% more than prescribed for the previous 30 days?


> Janz stated in a pevious post that androgel is cleared from

> the system in 3-5 days.


> So not trying to thread jack I pose this question (in a new

> thread) to the experts!


> Thanks to all in advance.


> Btw-- I feel better on 10 g/day and will tell the MD this

> soon.


















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