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Help for lime disease

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Rosemary, for the lime disease it might be worth your while to try the

intervenous hydrogen peroxide treatments (there are a few places that do

that and if you nead an addess I can give you one in Mexico--the big

cancer treatment center. I did experiments on my pigeons for years and

found that there are certain diseases it will cure when nothing else

will work. It is not a cure for ALL diseases but for some it works

when NOTHING else does. I had pigeons with aspergilosis which at the

time was incurable by any means (now they have anti fungal meds. that

work but 20 years ago they didnt have any thing for aspergilosis). I

had six pigeons that had it and one of them was so bad it had already

started to bleed from the mouth. I gave them one teaspoon per gallon

of water of the peroxide (it was the concentrated food grade) for three

months and cured them forever. Several of them later had babies and

lived a long long life. I still have one bird left and he is now 14

years old which is close to being a record for old birds!! This old

age means that the peroxide did no damage to them. At the same time you

do the peroxide treatment take billberry---it is a strong anti-viral.

Also if anyone ever gets salmonella or any serious intestinal bacteria,

you can take activated charcoal along with olive leaf extract and it

will kill it dead. The activated charcoal absorbs the poisonous toxins

that the bacteria gives off and you wont get so sick and the olive leaf

extract kills it. You cannot take the olive leaf for more than five

days however or it will raise your blood pressure too high--

My pigeons when they get sour crop and almonella eat activated charcoal

like candy because they know it absorbs poison and it helps them feel so

much better. A testimony to the power of olive leaf extract-----my 14

year old pigeon caught incurable e-coli of a serious nature and was

gasping with it for over two years---especially before he had to do a

dropping and at times would have seizures. I gave him the very best

antibiotics on the market and it did nothing for it. I totally cured

him with olive leaf extract, activated charcoal, gut bacteria, and I

would switch off every 6 hours and give him iodine (idodine that you

purchase from the pigeon supply stores), two drops of house hold

bleach in the water, the olive leaf extract, and then rotate these

things every six hours shocking the disease to death. It did not hurt

the pigeon at all and he felt much better even during the treatment--I

also alternated with the hydrogen peroxide giving each of these four

things every six hours. If you are desperate with something you cannot

cure, these are some things well worth trying rather than dying. There

is also a book called " into the light " by Dr. s

and I recommend you read it and do the light treatment along with the

peroxide for the lime disease. I think it might work for you. I

spent thirty years experimenting on pigeons and what works for them,

works for us. MOST Drs. do not know what they are doing at all when it

comes to many things----a lifetime experience with being chronically ill

with allergies and intestinal problems I found that Drs. are wrong 90%

of the time and do NOT know what to do. It is in fact, SCAREY!





Seu Tefila Le-Shlom Yisrael

God Bless America

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Also I forgot to add, with all diseases, more oxygen in the blood aids

in cure so get yourself a Chi machine and get on that a couple of times

a day. They sell them on ebay by the tons from $20. on up to $200. or

more--- I am bidding on one right now. Steph




Seu Tefila Le-Shlom Yisrael

God Bless America

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Dear Steph,

All very interesting. I will check it out when I have time. Thanks,


----- Original Message -----

From: <ectopistes@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 3:36 AM

Subject: Help for lime disease

> Rosemary, for the lime disease it might be worth your while to try the

> intervenous hydrogen peroxide treatments (there are a few places that do

> that and if you nead an addess I can give you one in Mexico--the big

> cancer treatment center. I did experiments on my pigeons for years and

> found that there are certain diseases it will cure when nothing else

> will work. It is not a cure for ALL diseases but for some it works

> when NOTHING else does. I had pigeons with aspergilosis which at the

> time was incurable by any means (now they have anti fungal meds. that

> work but 20 years ago they didnt have any thing for aspergilosis). I

> had six pigeons that had it and one of them was so bad it had already

> started to bleed from the mouth. I gave them one teaspoon per gallon

> of water of the peroxide (it was the concentrated food grade) for three

> months and cured them forever. Several of them later had babies and

> lived a long long life. I still have one bird left and he is now 14

> years old which is close to being a record for old birds!! This old

> age means that the peroxide did no damage to them. At the same time you

> do the peroxide treatment take billberry---it is a strong anti-viral.

> Also if anyone ever gets salmonella or any serious intestinal bacteria,

> you can take activated charcoal along with olive leaf extract and it

> will kill it dead. The activated charcoal absorbs the poisonous toxins

> that the bacteria gives off and you wont get so sick and the olive leaf

> extract kills it. You cannot take the olive leaf for more than five

> days however or it will raise your blood pressure too high--

> My pigeons when they get sour crop and almonella eat activated charcoal

> like candy because they know it absorbs poison and it helps them feel so

> much better. A testimony to the power of olive leaf extract-----my 14

> year old pigeon caught incurable e-coli of a serious nature and was

> gasping with it for over two years---especially before he had to do a

> dropping and at times would have seizures. I gave him the very best

> antibiotics on the market and it did nothing for it. I totally cured

> him with olive leaf extract, activated charcoal, gut bacteria, and I

> would switch off every 6 hours and give him iodine (idodine that you

> purchase from the pigeon supply stores), two drops of house hold

> bleach in the water, the olive leaf extract, and then rotate these

> things every six hours shocking the disease to death. It did not hurt

> the pigeon at all and he felt much better even during the treatment--I

> also alternated with the hydrogen peroxide giving each of these four

> things every six hours. If you are desperate with something you cannot

> cure, these are some things well worth trying rather than dying. There

> is also a book called " into the light " by Dr. s

> and I recommend you read it and do the light treatment along with the

> peroxide for the lime disease. I think it might work for you. I

> spent thirty years experimenting on pigeons and what works for them,

> works for us. MOST Drs. do not know what they are doing at all when it

> comes to many things----a lifetime experience with being chronically ill

> with allergies and intestinal problems I found that Drs. are wrong 90%

> of the time and do NOT know what to do. It is in fact, SCAREY!

> Steph



> http://community.webtv.net/ectopistes/PassengerPigeon


> http://community.webtv.net/ectopistes/ThePassengerPigeon




> http://community.webtv.net/ectopistes/MYPASSENGERPIGEONS


> Seu Tefila Le-Shlom Yisrael

> God Bless America




> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


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> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


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> Have a nice day !



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