Guest guest Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 From what I see in your labs your all ready shut down and I think the testosterone your making is from your adrenals. The Narcotic meds have shut down your pituitary this is the gland that sends the LH and FSH messages to your testis to make more Testosterone you LH is the lowest I have seen. How much longer do you need to take them meds. I feel if you tested your sperm today that it's very low or you will not have any. Most men I tell them before going on TRT to test there sperm and if it's good get some frozen so if you need it it's there. What is the name of the med your taking and can you do a different treatment for pain. & lr= & q=non+Narcotic+treatment+for+pain & aq=f & oq\ = & aqi= If you stop the Androgel and the Narcotic meds you might luck out and get your pituitary working again sending LH to your testis so your Testosterone levels will come up on there own. You can try HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin)this is a shot that acts like LH and makes your testis go back to work. As for your sperm I can't say. Co-Moderator Phil > From: leothelion458 <no_reply > > Subject: Concerned about infertility from Andro Gel !! Please Help!! > > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 4:15 PM > I'm 30 years old and recently started > on Andro gel due to a Low T count because I take Narcotic > Medication for chronic pain issues that I have. > > My total T count prior to starting the Gel was about 238. > My LH and FHS I think were both just under 1 like .7 or > something. > > My conern is that I know when you take Andro Gel eventually > like after a few weeks your body slowly stop producing its > own T, because it realizes that it is getting T from else > where. > > Hence the Testicales stop producing T resulting in a low > sperm count and even possibly shrinkage of the testicales. > The problem is that I;m only 30 years old and would like to > have kids one day. > > And that is where my concern is. Does anybody have > knowledge about what kind og long term affects I can expect > in regards to my fertility from taking androgel. Will I be > able to stop and have my T level return to what it was > before starting the androgel or am I hurting my body's > ability to make it's own T by taking androgel. > > Anyways I really like the androgel but I'm also very > concerned as I would not want to be infertile or have > probelms making babies. > > Maybe I should try Clomid or some other drug, will that > help with Low T caused by taking Narcotic meds for pain. > > Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Very > Much! > > > > ------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 > > > From: leothelion458 <no_reply > > > Subject: Concerned about infertility from Andro Gel !! Please Help!! > > > > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 4:15 PM > > I'm 30 years old and recently started > > on Andro gel due to a Low T count because I take Narcotic > > Medication for chronic pain issues that I have. > > > > My total T count prior to starting the Gel was about 238. > > My LH and FHS I think were both just under 1 like .7 or > > something. > > > > My conern is that I know when you take Andro Gel eventually > > like after a few weeks your body slowly stop producing its > > own T, because it realizes that it is getting T from else > > where. > > > > Hence the Testicales stop producing T resulting in a low > > sperm count and even possibly shrinkage of the testicales. > > The problem is that I;m only 30 years old and would like to > > have kids one day. > > > > And that is where my concern is. Does anybody have > > knowledge about what kind og long term affects I can expect > > in regards to my fertility from taking androgel. Will I be > > able to stop and have my T level return to what it was > > before starting the androgel or am I hurting my body's > > ability to make it's own T by taking androgel. > > > > Anyways I really like the androgel but I'm also very > > concerned as I would not want to be infertile or have > > probelms making babies. > > > > Maybe I should try Clomid or some other drug, will that > > help with Low T caused by taking Narcotic meds for pain. > > > > Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Very > > Much! > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 I would ask Dr for HMG as this is a better solution for conception on TRT, but many guys that thought they were fertile ended up with a little surprise when there girl did not have a period. > > > From: leothelion458 <no_reply > > > Subject: Concerned about infertility from Andro Gel !! Please Help!! > > > > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 4:15 PM > > I'm 30 years old and recently started > > on Andro gel due to a Low T count because I take Narcotic > > Medication for chronic pain issues that I have. > > > > My total T count prior to starting the Gel was about 238. > > My LH and FHS I think were both just under 1 like .7 or > > something. > > > > My conern is that I know when you take Andro Gel eventually > > like after a few weeks your body slowly stop producing its > > own T, because it realizes that it is getting T from else > > where. > > > > Hence the Testicales stop producing T resulting in a low > > sperm count and even possibly shrinkage of the testicales. > > The problem is that I;m only 30 years old and would like to > > have kids one day. > > > > And that is where my concern is. Does anybody have > > knowledge about what kind og long term affects I can expect > > in regards to my fertility from taking androgel. Will I be > > able to stop and have my T level return to what it was > > before starting the androgel or am I hurting my body's > > ability to make it's own T by taking androgel. > > > > Anyways I really like the androgel but I'm also very > > concerned as I would not want to be infertile or have > > probelms making babies. > > > > Maybe I should try Clomid or some other drug, will that > > help with Low T caused by taking Narcotic meds for pain. > > > > Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Very > > Much! > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 Full ViewRe: Concerned about infertility from Andro Gel !! Please Help!! From: Leo Babic <leothelion458@...>Add to Contacts no_reply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phil, Thank for you reply. Unfortunately I can't do anything about my meds. But as far as with the narcotic meds if I stop taking them within about 3 or 4 months I understand my T level should return to normal. I hate to be graphic but when I do you know what I notice that very litlle semen comes out. maybe 4 decent size drops and thats about it, does that indicate that my Testes are not producing alot of T? Also is my assumption correct that the longer I'm on the androgel the more I hurt my bodies ability to make T on it's own even after I stop the gel? What about the Clomid or some other pill that starts with a " A " can any of those do something for me and help raise the T levels that my testes are producing. I never thought of that but I think your right, I should get a sperm test right away. I'm very new to all this, just discovovered I have Low T a about 1 and half ago. I had recently started working out again and noticed that whil my muscles were growing, that as hard as I was workng out I think they should have been way bigger. Also the amount of energy that I need to do certain exercises just seemed like way too much, I used to think if every man had to put this kind of effort than nobody would go to the gym. And then I had the other classic symptoms on Low Sex Drive (ALmost None), tired, depressed, etc.. I told someone about this and they told me that it sounds like I have low T, and then when I told them what meds I was taking they told me that pain meds (opiates) cause your body to produce less T when being taken long term, but once you stop with the meds your body should return to normal. ANyways I was not stoping and am not stoping with the opiates anytime soon, so i decided to go the Doc get checked and try some HRT treatment of which by the way I had to almost beg for. Doc tried to tell me that 238 is just below normal, lucky for me I studied up and immediatley told the doc yeah normal for a 100 year old man not for someone my age Dr. I straight up told him that i would like him to start me on the gel and that I have all the classic symptoms of Low T and that if he did not start me then I ouwld not understand why he wold not do something for me that can help me feel better. Anyways he was nice and agreed. Gosh I'm writing forever here sorry for the long post. Anyways I thank you again and if you could give me some additional advice from my few questions above or maybe based on anything else I may have said. Regards, Leo > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 A low volume of sperm can be due to dehydration lack of Vit.'s when I was first tested my levels were at 120 very low but my volume was normal. Here are some things you can to to increase it. ================================== Eat Right for Maximum Ejaculate Nutrition plays a great role in determining both the content and volume of your ejaculate. Naturally, a balanced diet is essential for good sexual health, but the vitamins, minerals and supplements listed below can have a dramatic effect on the volume of ejaculate your body produces. The supplement L-Arginine is an amino acid the body uses for a variety of important chemical and cellular processes. . .it is also believed to help you produce more volume of ejaculate. 500mg daily and (this is important...) 1,000mg 30-40 minutes prior to sexual activity. Like all natural supplements, you must be patient and allow your body's " storehouse " to build-up. This period takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending upon the individuals baseline health and metabolic rate. Zinc - One of the nutrients most critical for prostate health. The prostate needs 10 times more zinc than any other organ in the body. It is vital for preventing prostate problems. Unfortunately, 90% of men consume diets deficient in Zinc because most of our food is processed. Irving Bush and Associates at Chicago's Cook County Hospital tested the effectiveness of Zinc supplementation on men with prostate problems. All patients reported symptomatic improvement while almost 80% had palpable shrinkage of the prostate gland. RDA is 15 mg...we recommend 45 mg per day. Lycopene - is a natural anti-oxident that is prevalent in tomatoes. Recent studies show it to have roughly twice the power of Beta-Carotene and 10 times the strength of Vitamin E, when it comes to protecting and healing our bodies from the damage of free radicals which are the cancer precursors. In fact, free radicals are now considered to be one of the main causes of disease and aging. In a process known as oxidation, they accelerate the breakdown of our cell's structure, thereby damaging the DNA and weakening our immune system. A four year study at Harvard University set out to see whether the five major antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables would have any beneficial effect on prostate cancer. Of the five, only Lycopene was found to have a direct link. They found that of the 50,000 healthy males studied, those who ate at least 10 servings of tomatoes or tomato based products per week were 33% less likely to develop prostate complications than those who never ate them. Researchers concluded that the active antioxidant in tomatoes, Lycopene, significantly reduced the risk of prostate difficulties and improved its function. We recommend 10-12 servings of tomatoes or tomato based foods per week. Do not use or ingest if allergic. Beta-Sitosterol - is another nutrient that may benefit men with prostate problems. One double blind study of 100 men showed that Beta-Sitosterol taken over a six month period improved urine flow, reduced the size of the prostate and led to subjective feelings of improvement. Niacin - is important for many cellular processes. Supplementation with extra niacin in your diet will promote increased blood flow to all parts of your body. .. .including the scrotum and testicles. ================================ As for Clomid we have a guy here that uses it for TRT maybe he will post back to you. Most men don't do well on it because of sides one bad one is eye floaters. But you can try it it will make your pituitary send the messages of LH and FSH to your testis to make testosterone. But it's not recommended for long term TRT. Like my friend Hardasnails1973 says there are men on TRT that get there wife pregnet when they think they can't. You need to get with a Dr. that will work with your Dr. to treat you by phone some that come to mind are Hard's Dr. O, Dr. . Overbeck hardasnails1973@... 484-868-0916 contact 1100 fayette st Conshohocken Internal medicine Male and female hormone disorders and metabolic disorders 610-828-2026 ( I think Dr. M but you would have to see him he is in Ca. Then bottom line here is you need to get your Total Testosterone levels up into the upper 1/3 of your labs range and keep your Estradiol down to about 20 pg/ml this tends to go up on TRT. I would also test your Adreanls and Thyroid making sure your not over stressing them with all that is wrong. Do a morning Fasting Cortisol blood test if your below 15 then do a 4x's in a day Saliva test to see what stage your at. Test your Thyroid here are the labs I do every 8 weeks using Quest Labs. Estradiol sentive Code #4021 Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable & Total LC/MS/MS Code # 14966X. Homocysteine (Caridioviasular) Code #31789X. Vit.D, 25-Hydroxy LC/MS/MS Code #17306X. TSH Free T4 Free T3 Total T3 Total T4 RT3 Total Iron Iron Binding Capacity Iron % Saturation Ferritin B-12 If you stay on TRT then stop not using the right Dr. to restart you it might not happen and there is a low chance it will. The pain meds are slowing your pituitary down going on TRT will shut it down. I would try HCG and doing 100 IU's a day to see if your testis will make testosterone and add in HMG not sure about the dose. If they work well and you get good numbers from your labs and feel good keep doing it. As you get your levels back up your body will start to undo any damage down from having low Testosterone and little by little you will feel betted day by day. Co-Moderator Phil > From: leothelion458 <no_reply > > Subject: Re: Concerned about infertility from Andro Gel !! Please Help!! > > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 6:55 PM > Full ViewRe: Concerned > about infertility from Andro Gel !! Please Help!! > From: Leo Babic <leothelion458@...>Add > to Contacts > no_reply > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Phil, > > Thank for you reply. > > Unfortunately I can't do anything about my meds. But as far > as with the narcotic meds if I stop taking them within about > 3 or 4 months I understand my T level should return to > normal. > > I hate to be graphic but when I do you know what I notice > that very litlle semen comes out. maybe 4 decent size drops > and thats about it, does that indicate that my Testes are > not producing alot of T? > > Also is my assumption correct that the longer I'm on the > androgel the more I hurt my bodies ability to make T on it's > own even after I stop the gel? > > What about the Clomid or some other pill that starts with a > " A " can any of those do something for me and help raise the > T levels that my testes are producing. > > I never thought of that but I think your right, I should > get a sperm test right away. > > I'm very new to all this, just discovovered I have Low T a > about 1 and half ago. I had recently started working out > again and noticed that whil my muscles were growing, that as > hard as I was workng out I think they should have been way > bigger. Also the amount of energy that I need to do certain > exercises just seemed like way too much, I used to think if > every man had to put this kind of effort than nobody would > go to the gym. And then I had the other classic symptoms on > Low Sex Drive (ALmost None), tired, depressed, etc.. > > I told someone about this and they told me that it sounds > like I have low T, and then when I told them what meds I was > taking they told me that pain meds (opiates) cause your body > to produce less T when being taken long term, but once you > stop with the meds your body should return to normal. > ANyways I was not stoping and am not stoping with the > opiates anytime soon, so i decided to go the Doc get checked > and try some HRT treatment of which by the way I had to > almost beg for. > > Doc tried to tell me that 238 is just below normal, lucky > for me I studied up and immediatley told the doc yeah normal > for a 100 year old man not for someone my age Dr. I straight > up told him that i would like him to start me on the gel and > that I have all the classic symptoms of Low T and that if he > did not start me then I ouwld not understand why he wold not > do something for me that can help me feel better. Anyways he > was nice and agreed. > > Gosh I'm writing forever here sorry for the long post. > > Anyways I thank you again and if you could give me some > additional advice from my few questions above or maybe based > on anything else I may have said. > > Regards, > Leo > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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