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Arimidex side effects?

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I was wondering if anyone who has used Anastrozole(arimidex) has experienced

high blood pressure.

When I examined arimidex side effects on google all side effect stories were

from women. Although they were on arimidex 1mg/day for years they experienced

joint pain, finger joint pain, back pain, knee pain and a few had high blood

pressure where as their BP was normal before arimidex.

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Them women were all very low on estradiol and this is a side effect of going to

low. We men don't let it get to low if your losing your night time and morning

wood in most men your going to low. We use about .25 mgs every 2 or 3 days on

TRT to keep Estradiol in check at about 20 pg/ml.



> From: mqsymth <alphadennis@...>

> Subject: Arimidex side effects?


> Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 12:28 AM

> I was wondering if anyone who has

> used Anastrozole(arimidex) has experienced high blood

> pressure.


> When I examined arimidex side effects on  google all

> side effect stories were from women. Although they were on

> arimidex 1mg/day for years they experienced joint pain,

> finger joint pain, back pain, knee pain and a few had high

> blood pressure where as their BP was normal before

> arimidex.




> ------------------------------------



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" mqsymth " <alphadennis@...> wrote:


> I was wondering if anyone who has used Anastrozole(arimidex) has

experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side effects ...

As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are generally when taken at

the higher dose for the specific purpose for women. For women, the

trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is to fight cancers that

grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone receptor-positive early

breast cancer. "

Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to reduce but not eliminate

Estrogen. The side effects are considered to be less but the drug maker

did not study this use of the medication in men. As a man, you take an

educated risk that the benefit of lowering estrogen will outweigh any

negatives from the drug and you reduce the impact by not taking any

higher dose then needed.

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I've just started on Arimidex but I am on a water pill for high blood pressure.

My blood pressure was perfect until I started the testosterone shots. That

pushed my bp up to 160/110 and they put me on the blood pressure meds.


> > >

> > > I was wondering if anyone who has used Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side effects ...

> >

> > As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are generally when taken at

> > the higher dose for the specific purpose for women. For women, the

> > trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is to fight cancers that

> > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone receptor-positive early

> > breast cancer. "

> >

> > Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to reduce but not eliminate

> > Estrogen. The side effects are considered to be less but the drug maker

> > did not study this use of the medication in men. As a man, you take an

> > educated risk that the benefit of lowering estrogen will outweigh any

> > negatives from the drug and you reduce the impact by not taking any

> > higher dose then needed.

> >

> >

> >


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Well I am on the pills from Caremark been in them for yrs. never did a thing to

my BP. But if your levels are high you can hold water and your BP can go up but

this is not the Arimidex doing this it's the high Estradiol. Make dam sure you

don't go down to low on Arimidex first thing you lose going to low is your night

time and morning wood.



> From: mqsymth <alphadennis@...>

> Subject: Re: Arimidex side effects?


> Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 11:25 PM

> I reason why I'm asking is that I

> started Anastrozole on 8/1 at 0.25mg EOD.  My labs on

> 8/19 showed my E2 at 22pg/ml down from 48pg/ml on

> 5/20.  However when I had a blood pressure test on 9/4

> my BP was 164/87 vs 132/80 on 5/20. While I did add a few

> new herbs between 5/20 and 9/4 which I will eliminate, I

> thought that jump in BP could be from Anastrozole.  I

> take the liquid Anastrozole from ChemOneResearch.  I

> wanted to know if anyone else on this forum encountered the

> same BP increase problem.



> > >

> > > I was wondering if anyone who has used

> Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side

> effects ...

> >

> > As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are

> generally when taken at

> > the higher dose for the specific purpose for

> women.  For women, the

> > trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is to

> fight cancers that

> > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone

> receptor-positive early

> > breast cancer. "

> >

> > Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to reduce

> but not eliminate

> > Estrogen.  The side effects are considered to be

> less but the drug maker

> > did not study this use of the medication in men. 

> As a man, you take an

> > educated risk that the benefit of lowering estrogen

> will outweigh any

> > negatives from the drug and  you reduce the

> impact by not taking any

> > higher dose then needed.

> >

> >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Joe doing TRT can make some of us hold water I have been on a water pill for

many yrs. If I don't take it my hands and feel swell up. But do to my age and

health I am over weight this has something to do with it. I only take the water

pill every 2 or 3 days. My BP is all over the place when a Dr. takes it I have

what they call White Coat Fever they will get readings of 180/120 no mater how

much BP meds they put me on. They put me on a BP med I come back in 4 weeks

they take my BP and up the dose. I was passing out at work lucky I worked at a

big Co. and they had a Dr. on staff. He told me my BP was so low it was making

me pass out.

Even now after Heart Bypass sugary they are over doing it with BP meds and when

I stand up I feel light headed and almost pass out. I take my own BP and it

keeps a record of them. I show the Dr.'s this and they tell me stay on the meds

you need them for your heart. They also put me on a low sodium diet this was

very bad I have a Pituitary problem and my Aldosterone levels have been low for

yrs. This makes your body dump your sodium.

I had to retest this to prove to the heart Dr.'s I need Sea Salt they were

shocked to see how low my levels of Aldosterone were. Now they let me add a tsp

of Sea Salt to my water but only once a day. Doing this I am feeling better and

my BP is not so low.

I don't feel the way Dr.'s measure BP are accurate there has to be a better way

to do it. I can feel it going up every time they take it even with I take my

own I can feel it going up.



> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Re: Arimidex side effects?


> Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:37 AM

> I've just started on Arimidex but I

> am on a water pill for high blood pressure.  My blood

> pressure was perfect until I started the testosterone

> shots.  That pushed my bp up to 160/110 and they put me

> on the blood pressure meds.


> Joe




> > > >

> > > > I was wondering if anyone who has used

> Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > > experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side

> effects ...

> > >

> > > As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are

> generally when taken at

> > > the higher dose for the specific purpose for

> women.  For women, the

> > > trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is

> to fight cancers that

> > > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone

> receptor-positive early

> > > breast cancer. "

> > >

> > > Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to

> reduce but not eliminate

> > > Estrogen.  The side effects are considered

> to be less but the drug maker

> > > did not study this use of the medication in

> men.  As a man, you take an

> > > educated risk that the benefit of lowering

> estrogen will outweigh any

> > > negatives from the drug and  you reduce the

> impact by not taking any

> > > higher dose then needed.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Here is an interesting site on BP and steroid-induced high blood pressure..



They seem to like Catapres(Clonidine Hydrochloride) to control BP

Any comments?

> > > > >

> > > > > I was wondering if anyone who has used

> > Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > > > experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side

> > effects ...

> > > >

> > > > As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are

> > generally when taken at

> > > > the higher dose for the specific purpose for

> > women.  For women, the

> > > > trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is

> > to fight cancers that

> > > > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone

> > receptor-positive early

> > > > breast cancer. "

> > > >

> > > > Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to

> > reduce but not eliminate

> > > > Estrogen.  The side effects are considered

> > to be less but the drug maker

> > > > did not study this use of the medication in

> > men.  As a man, you take an

> > > > educated risk that the benefit of lowering

> > estrogen will outweigh any

> > > > negatives from the drug and  you reduce the

> > impact by not taking any

> > > > higher dose then needed.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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How long did it take on TRT for your BP to climb to 160/110? What was your BP

before TRT? What side effects have you noticed on the water pills? How often do

you take them and what dose?


> > > >

> > > > I was wondering if anyone who has used Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > > experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side effects ...

> > >

> > > As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are generally when taken at

> > > the higher dose for the specific purpose for women. For women, the

> > > trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is to fight cancers that

> > > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone receptor-positive early

> > > breast cancer. "

> > >

> > > Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to reduce but not eliminate

> > > Estrogen. The side effects are considered to be less but the drug maker

> > > did not study this use of the medication in men. As a man, you take an

> > > educated risk that the benefit of lowering estrogen will outweigh any

> > > negatives from the drug and you reduce the impact by not taking any

> > > higher dose then needed.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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The blood pressure rise occurred within a few weeks of starting the shots. I

did not have a bp history before that; it was always normal. They started me on

lisinopril but I developed a hacking cough from it so they switched me to

hyrdochlorothiazide. I have seen no side effects from it at all.


> > > > >

> > > > > I was wondering if anyone who has used Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > > > experienced high blood pressure....arimidex side effects ...

> > > >

> > > > As Phil pointed out, the listed side effects are generally when taken at

> > > > the higher dose for the specific purpose for women. For women, the

> > > > trade off for reducing Estrogen to almost nil is to fight cancers that

> > > > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with hormone receptor-positive early

> > > > breast cancer. "

> > > >

> > > > Off label, at a lower dose, men are seeking to reduce but not eliminate

> > > > Estrogen. The side effects are considered to be less but the drug maker

> > > > did not study this use of the medication in men. As a man, you take an

> > > > educated risk that the benefit of lowering estrogen will outweigh any

> > > > negatives from the drug and you reduce the impact by not taking any

> > > > higher dose then needed.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I was put on lisinopril after my heart bypass sugary 10 mgs my BP is going down

so dam low I am passing out when I stand and walk to soon. Dr.'s lowered the

dose to 5 mgs cutting the pill in half still this morning my BP is 84/45 to dam

low. I have White Coat Fever every time a Dr. takes my BP it comes out very

High 180/120 I can feel it going up when the put the BP gage on me. I am

between a rock and a hard place with Dr.'s I get low readings they get good

ones. I show them my gage and take my BP in there office getting the same thing

they get. But they keep telling me to stay on it a little longer. It's going on

7 months of feeling light headed on them heart meds.

I got the go a head to start working out in the gym a month ago this lasted 2

weeks and I started feeling light headed and fatigued again do to low BP so in

the last week and a half I have not been getting Exercise feel to dam dizzy.

I call them to tell them I passed out the other day and they tell me not to walk

for a few min's when I stand. I tell you I am ready to stop all this crap they

have me on my BP is to low I have my labs back and my CHOL is to low this is not

good from what I have read about this and this batablocker I am on is all to

much I need this like I need a hole in my head I feel worse on them meds then I

did before my sugary. I never had high levels of CHOL in my life so what is

with giving me meds to lower my CHOL below normal levels. I never had a heart

attack and my tests show my heart is fine now better then the Dr.'s heart.

Once you start on them BP meds it's dam hard to get your Dr. to take you off

them. Men starting on TRT have all kinds of changes in there bodys they can

hold water this will up there BP but all this is short lived in time your body

will adjust to the new levels and things go back to normal.



> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Re: Arimidex side effects?


> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 7:07 AM

> The blood pressure rise occurred

> within a few weeks of starting the shots.  I did not

> have a bp history before that; it was always normal. 

> They started me on lisinopril but I developed a hacking

> cough from it so they switched me to

> hyrdochlorothiazide.  I have seen no side effects from

> it at all.


> Joe



> > > > > >

> > > > > > I was wondering if anyone who has

> used Anastrozole(arimidex) has

> > > > > experienced high blood

> pressure....arimidex side effects ...

> > > > >

> > > > > As Phil pointed out, the listed side

> effects are generally when taken at

> > > > > the higher dose for the specific

> purpose for women.  For women, the

> > > > > trade off for reducing Estrogen to

> almost nil is to fight cancers that

> > > > > grow with Estrogen, eg " women with

> hormone receptor-positive early

> > > > > breast cancer. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Off label, at a lower dose, men are

> seeking to reduce but not eliminate

> > > > > Estrogen.  The side effects are

> considered to be less but the drug maker

> > > > > did not study this use of the

> medication in men.  As a man, you take an

> > > > > educated risk that the benefit of

> lowering estrogen will outweigh any

> > > > > negatives from the drug and  you

> reduce the impact by not taking any

> > > > > higher dose then needed.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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