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Re: Very young apperance (pics)

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Your lucky enjoy what you have you will be old and ugly faster then you think.

If people call you kid they are jealous.



> From: tinibou@... <tinibou@...>

> Subject: Very young apperance (pics)


> Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 4:33 PM

> Hi all,


> I already posted few weeks ago about my problem.

> I'm 28 y/o and look very young. (As you can see)

> http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2644/imageshackj.jpg


> I had some testo, TSH, LH and FSH tests and everything is

> OK.

> My T level is about 7ng (range 3-10).


> My father was a very late bloomer, he could grow a beard at

> 40 y/o and went through the same problems as me during

> adolescent and puberty.

> My brother is 31 and look as young as me!


> So I guess it's a familly genetic issue, but what if

> something else was wrong with hormones?

> I mean, what can explain a such delayed puberty? My uncle

> is like us as well! COuld we have an estrogen excess? What

> can I check?

> I know that beard growth may vary from a person to another

> but what is the technical explanation of a 40y/o growth?


> My skin is still as soft as a 15 y/o boy!


> I'd like to grow a facial hair, should I use a DHT therapy

> ?


> Dam***


> Thank you very very much, i feel insecure at work, people

> call me " the kid " and i'll soon turn 30!




> ------------------------------------



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I don't think you look that young.

In fact, you are good looking guy, and there is nothing

wrong with your T numbers, that is a very good thing!

My guess is you don't have any problem attracting and

keeping women? Seems like you don't have any " problems "

of any significance.



> Hi all,


> I already posted few weeks ago about my problem.

> I'm 28 y/o and look very young. (As you can see)

> http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2644/imageshackj.jpg


> I had some testo, TSH, LH and FSH tests and everything is OK.

> My T level is about 7ng (range 3-10).


> My father was a very late bloomer, he could grow a beard at 40 y/o and went

through the same problems as me during adolescent and puberty.

> My brother is 31 and look as young as me!


> So I guess it's a familly genetic issue, but what if something else was wrong

with hormones?

> I mean, what can explain a such delayed puberty? My uncle is like us as well!

COuld we have an estrogen excess? What can I check?

> I know that beard growth may vary from a person to another but what is the

technical explanation of a 40y/o growth?


> My skin is still as soft as a 15 y/o boy!


> I'd like to grow a facial hair, should I use a DHT therapy ?


> Dam***


> Thank you very very much, i feel insecure at work, people call me " the kid "

and i'll soon turn 30!


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You look fine to me mate. I get that it upsets you when people call you " the

kid " but wow - if only I had that problem.

If you are really worried, do go ahead and see your GP and ask for some tests to

be carried out. This is as simple as a blood test and then your hormone levels

can be checked out. My guess is you will be fine - it is just the way you are.

Personally, I would not take anything until you have spoken to your doc, had

some tests and know just where you are at.

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I already posted few weeks ago about my problem.

> > I'm 28 y/o and look very young. (As you can see)

> > http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2644/imageshackj.jpg

> >

> > I had some testo, TSH, LH and FSH tests and everything is OK.

> > My T level is about 7ng (range 3-10).

> >

> > My father was a very late bloomer, he could grow a beard at 40 y/o and went

through the same problems as me during adolescent and puberty.

> > My brother is 31 and look as young as me!

> >

> > So I guess it's a familly genetic issue, but what if something else was

wrong with hormones?

> > I mean, what can explain a such delayed puberty? My uncle is like us as

well! COuld we have an estrogen excess? What can I check?

> > I know that beard growth may vary from a person to another but what is the

technical explanation of a 40y/o growth?

> >

> > My skin is still as soft as a 15 y/o boy!

> >

> > I'd like to grow a facial hair, should I use a DHT therapy ?

> >

> > Dam***

> >

> > Thank you very very much, i feel insecure at work, people call me " the kid "

and i'll soon turn 30!

> >


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You don't look that young ---but your workmates are either jealous or very much

older than you are :: woman's opinion :: Figure out what you personally can do

well and enjoy doing and develop your own personal self worth--the world sure

won't give it to you--and then be proud of those accomplishments--El

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Thanks to all,

It's the first time people tell me I dont look young.

People used to say I look 18 - 20 y/o.

I'd like to know if an estrogen excess can prevent beard growth, body hair and a

soft skin?

Thank you very much, it's comforting.

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Do not complain about looking young because when you are in your 30's still

getting carded you will be wishing that you still had that baby face. You need

to have a proper hormone evaluation of adrenals, thyroid, testosterone to see

where the imbalance lies. One needs to look at nutritoinal imbalance,

lifestyle, sleep patterns, and daily stressors to proper see the whole picture

then work to correct these along with proper hormonal manipulation. Most people

that are ill the body slows down the aging process by slowing the thyroid down

to preserve vital functions so slow aging could be thyroid related most likely

which needs to be properly evaluated.


> Thanks to all,


> It's the first time people tell me I dont look young.

> People used to say I look 18 - 20 y/o.


> I'd like to know if an estrogen excess can prevent beard growth, body hair and

a soft skin?


> Thank you very much, it's comforting.


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In men it would not be Estrogen it would be Estradiol and if one has very high

levels they end up with low testosterone a low libido and ED problems. One good

gage for this is the loss of night time and morning wood. Then body can't tell

the diff. between Estradiol and Testosterone because Estaradiol is made from

Testosterone so when levels are very high the brain thinks it's the mans

testosterone that is to high and slows down sending the LH and FSH messages to

the testis to make more testosterone. And they end up with low T fixing this

problem there levels of T will go up some 200 to 300 points in USA units. And

they don't need T meds.



> From: tinibou@... <tinibou@...>

> Subject: Re: Very young apperance (pics)


> Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 5:36 AM

> Thanks to all,


> It's the first time people tell me I dont look young.

> People used to say I look 18 - 20 y/o.


> I'd like to know if an estrogen excess can prevent beard

> growth, body hair and a soft skin?


> Thank you very much, it's comforting.






> ------------------------------------



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> Hi all,


> I already posted few weeks ago about my problem.

> I'm 28 y/o and look very young. (As you can see)

> http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2644/imageshackj.jpg


> I had some testo, TSH, LH and FSH tests and everything is OK.

> My T level is about 7ng (range 3-10).


> My father was a very late bloomer, he could grow a beard at 40 y/o and went

through the same problems as me during adolescent and puberty.

> My brother is 31 and look as young as me!


> So I guess it's a familly genetic issue, but what if something else was wrong

with hormones?

> I mean, what can explain a such delayed puberty?

Do you actually have delayed puberty, though? I've always had problems growing a

beard and, like you, I've always tended to look younger than I really am.

However, the dynamics of delayed puberty are very different. Not to put too fine

a point on things, how are you in the 'downstairs' department? Are your

genitalia fully developed? That would be key to knowing whether or not you're

suffering with delayed puberty. If your reproductive organs are withing the

'normal' range, then you don't have a problem. You may be one of those

individuals whose testosterone-oestrogen ratio is such that things like growing

a beard are more difficult than in others. What works as a T level for one

doesn't work for another. For example, if my T goes higher than the very lowest

level of what is considered normal, I suffer. We're all different after all.

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OK thank you!

I will check estradiol level and maybe estrogen too.

Just for a study purpose:

If you were endo and you meet a young guy who look very young, no facial hair,

obvious delayed puberty and however his T level is normal, no Kliffener and

Kallman. What else would you check ? (hormones..)

Thank you

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On Tue, 20 Oct 2009 00:03:02 -0000, you wrote:


>You look fine to me mate. I get that it upsets you when people call you " the

kid " but wow - if only I had that problem.

It's tough now. Later it's a blessing. These days no one believes I'm

in my 50s.

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Thank you,

I'm not gnitalia fully developed, my father has a small beard but he has one!

The most amazing is that he could grow his first beard at 38 y/o. It sounds like

a delayed puberty. He could grow chest hair at his same age.

I didnt know that estrogen could prevent from growing a beard. I will check it.

What else can I check? Is DHT important?

Thk you

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I am sure the other lads in here know a lot more about this than I do, but are

you really sure about this mate? I am not doubting you at all and I can see

this is an important issue for you. It is just that years back I knew a guy who

had really severely delayed puberty and needed treatment. Now, looking at the

pic you sent, you are a good looking lad - clearly male (OK, so you do not have

a beard or stubble - loads of guys do not). The guy I knew was not masculine to

look at and in fact you would not have thought he was a guy. He looked all

girly (sorry that I am short on the scientific words here) with loads of puppy

fat around his face. His body was all womaney, sort of fat around his ass like

a bumble bee and all around his hips. His voice was really high pitched and

when he was in the showers you could see his genitalia was not developed. By

that I am talking no pubic hair, no balls that you could see and his penis was

probably the size of the tip of my little finger. I honestly do not know what

drugs he had to take, but I remember he did have to take something (and yes,

within a matter of months he looked like a new lad - and he is now a champion


I am as new to this as you are mate, but off the top of my head I would say:




One of my symptoms was loss of body hair and I felt constantly chilly, even

during the summer (which is not like me at all - even in the winter). I was sat

in the house with a coat on for a couple of years without paying attention to

that (my house is what you might call a " work in progress " so feeling cold in it

is par for the course).

Also - what might be of some help to you. When you go and see your GP and ask

for this blood test, why not also ask for a referral to an endocrine as well? I

appreciate you would not have had the results back, but from all you have

written it seems like some of these concerns would be better addressed by a

specialist anyway. The only reason I write that is because - and I am not sure

about the other lads here - but I found there was quite some, well, prejudice

where this kind of thing was concerned. It is hard to explain properly but my

GP will not even discuss this with me and it is not just him, but others I had

spoken to as well. I did always say " look, I am just a layman here, but do you

think it could be a hormone problem " and all I got told was " no, no and no again

- end of! " When the time came to actually prescribe me testosterone, you should

have seen my doc. Anybody would think that the consultant had asked for me to

go on cocaine or something! Again, please do not take this to heart ot worry

about it. In your country I know things are different, but here in England you

need a referral from a GP and if you so much as say the word " hormone " to one,

they will just answer " I don't know - you would have to see an endo for

that...! "

Take care and good luck




> Thank you,


> I'm not gnitalia fully developed, my father has a small beard but he has one!

The most amazing is that he could grow his first beard at 38 y/o. It sounds like

a delayed puberty. He could grow chest hair at his same age.


> I didnt know that estrogen could prevent from growing a beard. I will check



> What else can I check? Is DHT important?


> Thk you


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Total testosterone is the biggest determinant in facial hair growth (and

therefore DHT as well) - seems strange though as your TT is well within range

yet you say you have baby soft facial skin.

I'm young looking like you and I know my TT is low end of normal and my

testicles are smaller than they ought to be so everything makes sense for me

from that point of view. If my TT was high or mid range I would be a bit

confused. I know what you saying about work - not good looking like a graduate

straight out of Uni if your around 30 mark but don't think you look all that

young anyway. Plus I hate the " boyish good looks " comment from people since I've

not longed turned 30. Not a bad thing looking young though providing your in

good health otherwise. I've had slight ED during 25-30 and Cialis fixes it fine

but know I will need to further investigate cause sooner rather than later.



> Thank you,


> I'm not gnitalia fully developed, my father has a small beard but he has one!

The most amazing is that he could grow his first beard at 38 y/o. It sounds like

a delayed puberty. He could grow chest hair at his same age.


> I didnt know that estrogen could prevent from growing a beard. I will check



> What else can I check? Is DHT important?


> Thk you


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Thank you very much

I guess you're on Testosterone Therapy and I hope it will help you to get rid of

your " boyish " apperance.

As you said, my situation is confused cause I look like a 19 y/o boy and I have

no T problem.

My facial hair is the one of a 16 y/o guy and it's a little bit conforting to

know that you understand what I'm going through.

My personnal situation at work is humiliating but even when I was 16 I knew

something was wrong with me. I had no hairs on my legs, baby skin, no acne... I

was different.

My general appearance is so similar to someone who's going tthrough a delayed

puberty that I dont want to " give up " my investigation.

I'm trying hard to find out what's wrong with me and I want to thank you for

your help.


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No I'm not on TRT at the moment - I will explore what is causing the low T first

by seeing the doc again when I'm ready. By that I mean when I have fully

researched TRT/Hypogonandism because the more you read you discover it is not a

magic bullet and that any drug has risks associated with it. Hence you have to

be well up on the subject - even more so because knowledge of treatment with

male HRT is very poor within the medical community.

For instance most doc's will not monitor estrogen and estradiol in particular

when administering TRT - considering high or too low levels will affect sex

drive in men by altering testosterone/estrogen ratio, high levels cause gyno and

more worringly exacerbate a pre-existing and undetected cancerous tumour (of

course more important depending on age of patient). This is even before we

consider bringing hCG into the fold alongside TRT on the grounds of fertility

and even just for other reasons. So really in my opinion you need to have a

number of good medical references to bring to the doc's office to make sure you

are not being mistreated and that you infact get the correct treatment and

monitoring if on TRT.

I don't think you look 19 in the photo I have to say but maybe this is a photo

that makes you look older I don't know. If it bothers you that much it's worth

investigating. I take it you've had chromosome tests and MRI scans done for the

main causes of both primary and secondary hypo? I don't think it's much to worry

about if you have developed genitals i.e. you are fertile, no ED and penis is

5inches or more then you're OK if even on the low side of normal. If that's the

case I wouldn't worry too much about lack of facial hair. Are your testicles

small? if not unlikely to be primary hypo problem and given your good TT reading

unlikely anyway.


> Thank you very much


> I guess you're on Testosterone Therapy and I hope it will help you to get rid

of your " boyish " apperance.


> As you said, my situation is confused cause I look like a 19 y/o boy and I

have no T problem.


> My facial hair is the one of a 16 y/o guy and it's a little bit conforting to

know that you understand what I'm going through.

> My personnal situation at work is humiliating but even when I was 16 I knew

something was wrong with me. I had no hairs on my legs, baby skin, no acne... I

was different.


> My general appearance is so similar to someone who's going tthrough a delayed

puberty that I dont want to " give up " my investigation.


> I'm trying hard to find out what's wrong with me and I want to thank you for

your help.


> Math


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