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Re: Re: amazing test results

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I had a bad auto accident 27 yrs ago after this I started to feel dizzy and lose

my balance it was just getting worse as time went on. In the accident I hit my

head in the roof of the car no seat belt law at the time and I was not using

one. I stiff armed the wheel so I would not go through the wind shield and went

into the roof. We never gave it much thought I just had a big bump on my head.

Later that yr. I was told I have Meniere's disease a common inner ear problem.

My ears would ring so bad I could not sleep and laying down the bed would feel

like it was moving.

About a yr. later I got an upper respiratory tract infection that turned into

pneumonia and I got a paralysis on the left side of my body. I was sent to see

a Neurological Dr. he tested me and told my from the head injury I have swelling

of the brain. He told me my body was keeping it down but having this bad

infection my brain started to swell my body could not keep this in check

anymore. He called it inflammation of the brain and if I had not seen him it

would have killed me.

He treated me with a steroid I think it was called Dexamethasone, After this I

was fine not dizzy or falling down and the ringing was gone. But I kept going

down hill suffering from very bad fatigue it got so bad I ended up off work on

sick leave seeing one Dr. after the other. Here is a link to my story from this

point on.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

I was later told I suffer from Major Depression this went on for 5 yrs then they

found out I have low testosterone I was treated for Primary Hypogonadism for 23

yrs never feeling 100%. Then 4 yrs ago I added HCG to my TRT and my levels

doubled this told us I have a Pituitary Problem we did an MRI nothing showed up.

So I am told do to the head injury some 27 yrs ago I am Hypopituitary. Now I

treat my low normal levels of Cortisol, Thyroud, Ferritin and Aldosterone.

I feel good now took many yrs. to figure this all out.

But in your case you are not on TRT now so tell us how do you feel every time I

stopped TRT I crashed big time my levels fell down to near the bottom of the

range. What are you levels now off TRT.



> From: adammerce@... <adammerce@...>

> Subject: Re: amazing test results


> Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 12:52 AM

> Well,  initially after the

> encephalitis my testosterone was quite low.  so i began

> treating it with injections.  The theory now is that

> the infection, and steroids (used to treat excessive brain

> swelling) caused the low test.  Back then, the doctors

> figured it was brain damage and i would never make it again

> on my own. I never tried until now.



> >

> > >It is a given having a bad infection will lower

> Testosterone levels in men.  Are you saying the meds

> they gave you for encephalitis lowered your

> testosterone.  And you were giving your self

> Testosterone shots for 9 yrs now you stopped for 4 months.

> >

> >

> > I could see encephalitis essentially " suffocating " the

> pituitary some

> > with the increased brain pressure.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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I have an appointment with my Doctor tomorrow and I am going to ask her for a

prescription for Arimidex. My estrogen is at 177 and the testosterone has


from 267 to 260 . Free testosterone is up from 18.9 to 23.4.

The swollen prostate has not been relieved with the use of DIM for the last

three days and the

pain is really a pain in the butt. Sitting makes is worse.

I have , of course, stopped my supplementation until I get this swelling down.

I have to assume that

the testosterone is being converted into estrogen and that is causing my

problem. I was very remise

in not checking my estrogen before I started the supplementation so I would

have a baselline.

From what I have read here and online, the Arimidex comes in a 10 mg pill and

must be cut in

half to get a recommended 5 mg dose. Is that a correct ?

I need lots of documentation to take to my doctor so she will agree with me.

Very little formal info

from manufacturerers has any reference to use by men.

Ed Hale Tampa Bay

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First let me tell you 3 days on DIM is not enough time to do anything it's not

as strong as Arimidex and it comes in a 1mg. tablet and we don't test Estrogen

for men we test Estradiol E2 keep the word in your mind is you take to your Dr.

saying Estrogen your not going to get the right labs and the Dr. will not pay

much att. to what your saying. The bad guy is Estradiol E2 in men. Get a Quest

Test #4021 this is a Sensitive test for men range is 13 to 54 pg/ml if your

above 30 but under 50 then you would only need .25mgs of arimidex to get this

down take it every 2 days. I use a pill cutter to cut the pill in half it is

dam small then I stand it on end and use a single edge razor to cut the half

into a 1/4. If your above 50 pg/ml then you need to do a stronger dose .5mgs or

a half a pill every other day.

You will know when your levels are good you will get some strong night time and

morning wood the kind that wake you up. keep taking the dose your on but if

your wood stops your going down to low this is just as bad for your libido and

wood as to high. So stop taking the arimidex until your wood comes back that

day go back on it but take less. Men not on TRT might find Arimidex once your

levels are down is to strong and you keep losing wood and going down to low. So

I then would switch to DIM this is not so strong.

Here are some links about Testosterone and Estradiol levels.








It's hard to get some Dr.'s to test Estradiol and to get Arimidex from them just

tell your Dr. that BCBS pays for the use of it for men and more men use this in

some areas the women.



> From: Ed Hale <litepilot84@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: amazing test results


> Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 11:06 AM

> I have an appointment with my Doctor

> tomorrow and I am going to ask her for a

> prescription for Arimidex.   My estrogen is

> at 177 and the testosterone has dropped

> from 267 to 260 .   Free testosterone is up

> from 18.9 to 23.4. 


> The swollen prostate has not  been relieved with the

> use of DIM for the last three days and the

> pain is really a pain in the butt.  Sitting makes is

> worse. 


> I have , of course, stopped my supplementation until I get

> this swelling down.  I have to assume that

> the testosterone is being converted into estrogen and that

> is causing my problem.  I was very remise

> in not checking my estrogen before  I started the

> supplementation so I would have a baselline.


> From what I have read here and online, the Arimidex 

> comes in a 10 mg pill and must be cut in

> half to get a recommended 5 mg dose.   Is

> that a correct ?


> I need lots of documentation to take to my doctor so she

> will agree with me.  Very little formal info

> from manufacturerers  has any reference to use by

> men.


> Ed Hale   Tampa Bay






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