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Re: Extreme Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of Labido

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I'm reading some old posts but I've a few comments on your labs.

First, lef.org (life extension foundation) did some research and found

optimum to be 20-30 ng/ml for estradiol. Your values are close to

optimum and taking drugs to lower it might swing you too far the other

way but some zinc or DIM might be just enough.

Your Iron is on the very low end and low iron can produce fatigue.

Your vitamin D level is also on the low end. 50-80 ng/ml is more

optimum and the body starts storing some D in fat about 50 ng/ml but

otherwise using all it can get up to that point. Adding 4000 IU/day of

D3 should give you about a 40 ng raise in blood levels (rule of thumb is

1000 iu/day of d3 increase blood levels 10 ng/ml).

While your cortisol is in the normal range, it peaks in the early

morning and then drops for the rest of the day until the next peak.

There is quite a range from high to low. If this blood work was drawn

in the morning, your levels would be too low for the morning but blood

work for cortisol is generally based on an lab samples without time

being considered so they take the mean and add 2 standard deviations for

the " high " limit and subtract 2 standard deviations for the low limit.

This means the lab's highs and lows are shift too low if you get blood

work in the morning and shifted too high if you get blood work in the

late afternoon before the lab closes.


imranhalim100 wrote:

> Hello,


> My blood test indicates my Estradiol 32. Is this too high ?

> I am 37 years old.


> Imran




>>>> From: imranhalim100 <no_reply >

>>>> Subject: Extreme Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of



>>>> Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:53 PM

>>>> Hello All,


>>>> I have been to A LOT of doctors but so far no one has been

>>>> able to help.


>>>> Have the following symptoms and some lab test results

>>>> below,

>>>> please advice what you all think ? I appreciate your time

>>>> and valuable advice in advance.


>>>> The Symptoms below have been persistent with varying

>>>> intensities all throughout my life. In last two years,

>>>> depression ,anxiety and OCD has made it 10 times

>>>> worse.


>>>> Physical Symptoms:


>>>> 1 Lower Back Pain on both

>>>> side of the hip.

>>>> 2 Neck pain on both sides

>>>> 3 Foot & knee pain

>>>> 4 Pain in the shoulder

>>>> blades in the back.

>>>> 2. No Sex drive for last 5-7 years.

>>>> 3. Physical Fatigue.

>>>> 4. No stamina, out-of-breath shortly

>>>> after

>>>> moderate physical activity.

>>>> 5. Tossing and turning in the bed,

>>>> throughout the night.

>>>> 6. Eyes have dark circles, burn and itch

>>>> all the time.

>>>> 7. Heavy Snoring


>>>> Psychological Symptoms:


>>>> 1. Wake up un-refreshed, even

>>>> after 8-10 hours of sleep

>>>> with no

>>>> interruptions.

>>>> 2. Heavy brain fog, mind is numb almost

>>>> all the time.

>>>> 3. Very short attention span.

>>>> 4. Very poor short term memory

>>>> 5. Confused and foggy thinking, all the

>>>> time.

>>>> 6. Poor judgment & decision skills.

>>>> 7. Mild Depression

>>>> 8. High OCD

>>>> 9. High Anxiety

>>>> 10. Stress out upon activity throughout

>>>> the day.

>>>> 11. Nervousness.

>>>> 12. No motivation or desire to

>>>> learn, have goals and meet people.

>>>> 13. Mental Fatigue.

>>>> 14. Inability to pay-attention to

>>>> details.

>>>> 15. Unable to think &

>>>> decide where I go while driving.



>>>> Here are the results from my Blood Work i just had done.


>>>> Glucose, Serum

>>>> 107

>>>> Uric Acid, Serum 5,8

>>>> BUN/Creatinine Ratio 18


>>>> Sodium, Serum

>>>> 138

>>>> Potassium, Serum 4.2

>>>> Chloride, Serum 101

>>>> 97-108

>>>> Carbon Dioxide, Total 25

>>>> Cafcium, Serum

>>>> 10.0

>>>> Phosphorus, Serum 4.0

>>>> Protein, Total, Serum 7.4

>>>> Albumin, Serum

>>>> 4.7

>>>> Globulin, Total 2.7

>>>> A/G Ratio

>>>> 1.7

>>>> Bilirubin, Total 0.2

>>>> Bilirubin, Direct 0.06

>>>> Alkaline Phosphatase, S73

>>>> LDH

>>>> 117

>>>> AST (SGOT)

>>>> 21

>>>> ALT (SGPT)

>>>> 24

>>>> Iron, Serum

>>>> 42

>>>> Cholesterol, Total 156


>>>> Triglycerides

>>>> 156

>>>> HDL Cholesterol

>>>> 41

>>>> LDL Cholesterol Caic 84

>>>> TSH

>>>> 2.410

>>>> Thyroxine (T4)

>>>> 5.6

>>>> T3 Uptake 37

>>>> T4,Free(Direct)

>>>> 1.37

>>>> WBC

>>>> 5.9

>>>> RBC

>>>> 4.58

>>>> Hemoglobin

>>>> 14,3

>>>> Hematocrit

>>>> 43.1

>>>> MCV

>>>> 94

>>>> MCH

>>>> 31.2

>>>> MCHC

>>>> 33.1

>>>> RDW

>>>> 12.9

>>>> Platelets

>>>> 225

>>>> Neutrophils

>>>> 53

>>>> Lymphs

>>>> 37

>>>> Monocytes 6


>>>> Eos

>>>> 3

>>>> Basos

>>>> 1

>>>> Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.1

>>>> Lymphs (Absolute) 2.2

>>>> Monocytes(Absolute) 0.4

>>>> Eos (Absolute)

>>>> 0,2

>>>> Baso (Absolute)

>>>> 0.1

>>>> Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.5

>>>> Free Testosterone(Direct) 14.6

>>>> Estradiol

>>>> 32

>>>> Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 33.5

>>>> Insulin

>>>> 14.3

>>>> Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab <5

>>>> Antithyroglobulin Ab <20

>>>> Cortisol

>>>> 9,2


>>>> Thanks !


>>>> Imran


Steve - dudescholar4@...

" The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

" Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


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Steve, the cortisol reference ranges are broken down into AM and PM ranges.

The most important point is diagnosis of Adrenal Fatigue is made completely upon

clinical judgement. That means labs can be completely " normal " (whatever that

means). Diagnosis is made by symptoms, as well as " therapeutic testing " : if a

little HC is added in, and symptoms abate, proof is made.

BTW, your signature block rocks.

> >>>

> >>>> From: imranhalim100 <no_reply >

> >>>> Subject: Extreme Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of


> >>>>

> >>>> Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:53 PM

> >>>> Hello All,

> >>>>

> >>>> I have been to A LOT of doctors but so far no one has been

> >>>> able to help.

> >>>>

> >>>> Have the following symptoms and some lab test results

> >>>> below,

> >>>> please advice what you all think ? I appreciate your time

> >>>> and valuable advice in advance.

> >>>>

> >>>> The Symptoms below have been persistent with varying

> >>>> intensities all throughout my life. In last two years,

> >>>> depression ,anxiety and OCD has made it 10 times

> >>>> worse.

> >>>>

> >>>> Physical Symptoms:

> >>>>

> >>>> 1 Lower Back Pain on both

> >>>> side of the hip.

> >>>> 2 Neck pain on both sides

> >>>> 3 Foot & knee pain

> >>>> 4 Pain in the shoulder

> >>>> blades in the back.

> >>>> 2. No Sex drive for last 5-7 years.

> >>>> 3. Physical Fatigue.

> >>>> 4. No stamina, out-of-breath shortly

> >>>> after

> >>>> moderate physical activity.

> >>>> 5. Tossing and turning in the bed,

> >>>> throughout the night.

> >>>> 6. Eyes have dark circles, burn and itch

> >>>> all the time.

> >>>> 7. Heavy Snoring

> >>>>

> >>>> Psychological Symptoms:

> >>>>

> >>>> 1. Wake up un-refreshed, even

> >>>> after 8-10 hours of sleep

> >>>> with no

> >>>> interruptions.

> >>>> 2. Heavy brain fog, mind is numb almost

> >>>> all the time.

> >>>> 3. Very short attention span.

> >>>> 4. Very poor short term memory

> >>>> 5. Confused and foggy thinking, all the

> >>>> time.

> >>>> 6. Poor judgment & decision skills.

> >>>> 7. Mild Depression

> >>>> 8. High OCD

> >>>> 9. High Anxiety

> >>>> 10. Stress out upon activity throughout

> >>>> the day.

> >>>> 11. Nervousness.

> >>>> 12. No motivation or desire to

> >>>> learn, have goals and meet people.

> >>>> 13. Mental Fatigue.

> >>>> 14. Inability to pay-attention to

> >>>> details.

> >>>> 15. Unable to think &

> >>>> decide where I go while driving.

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> Here are the results from my Blood Work i just had done.

> >>>>

> >>>> Glucose, Serum

> >>>> 107

> >>>> Uric Acid, Serum 5,8

> >>>> BUN/Creatinine Ratio 18

> >>>>

> >>>> Sodium, Serum

> >>>> 138

> >>>> Potassium, Serum 4.2

> >>>> Chloride, Serum 101

> >>>> 97-108

> >>>> Carbon Dioxide, Total 25

> >>>> Cafcium, Serum

> >>>> 10.0

> >>>> Phosphorus, Serum 4.0

> >>>> Protein, Total, Serum 7.4

> >>>> Albumin, Serum

> >>>> 4.7

> >>>> Globulin, Total 2.7

> >>>> A/G Ratio

> >>>> 1.7

> >>>> Bilirubin, Total 0.2

> >>>> Bilirubin, Direct 0.06

> >>>> Alkaline Phosphatase, S73

> >>>> LDH

> >>>> 117

> >>>> AST (SGOT)

> >>>> 21

> >>>> ALT (SGPT)

> >>>> 24

> >>>> Iron, Serum

> >>>> 42

> >>>> Cholesterol, Total 156

> >>>>

> >>>> Triglycerides

> >>>> 156

> >>>> HDL Cholesterol

> >>>> 41

> >>>> LDL Cholesterol Caic 84

> >>>> TSH

> >>>> 2.410

> >>>> Thyroxine (T4)

> >>>> 5.6

> >>>> T3 Uptake 37

> >>>> T4,Free(Direct)

> >>>> 1.37

> >>>> WBC

> >>>> 5.9

> >>>> RBC

> >>>> 4.58

> >>>> Hemoglobin

> >>>> 14,3

> >>>> Hematocrit

> >>>> 43.1

> >>>> MCV

> >>>> 94

> >>>> MCH

> >>>> 31.2

> >>>> MCHC

> >>>> 33.1

> >>>> RDW

> >>>> 12.9

> >>>> Platelets

> >>>> 225

> >>>> Neutrophils

> >>>> 53

> >>>> Lymphs

> >>>> 37

> >>>> Monocytes 6

> >>>>

> >>>> Eos

> >>>> 3

> >>>> Basos

> >>>> 1

> >>>> Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.1

> >>>> Lymphs (Absolute) 2.2

> >>>> Monocytes(Absolute) 0.4

> >>>> Eos (Absolute)

> >>>> 0,2

> >>>> Baso (Absolute)

> >>>> 0.1

> >>>> Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.5

> >>>> Free Testosterone(Direct) 14.6

> >>>> Estradiol

> >>>> 32

> >>>> Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 33.5

> >>>> Insulin

> >>>> 14.3

> >>>> Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab <5

> >>>> Antithyroglobulin Ab <20

> >>>> Cortisol

> >>>> 9,2

> >>>>

> >>>> Thanks !

> >>>>

> >>>> Imran


> --


> Steve - dudescholar4@...


> " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

> run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher


> " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "


> Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html


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